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归海一刀 published in(发表于) 2014/2/3 8:11:43 Edit(编辑)
Four respondents said Chinese new year sent over thousand Yuan, and parents can not afford to

Four respondents said Chinese new year sent over thousand Yuan, and parents can not afford to(四成受访者称春节发出超千元红包,家长叹给不起)

Four respondents said the Spring Festival can't afford to issue ultra-thousand-Yuan bonus sighed to | Chinese new year red envelope | money | red envelopes _ news

 Chinese new year red envelopes from survey 40% spent over thousand Yuan

Beijing times investigation 102 issued bonus public, general bonus 200 Yuan the most common

Red envelopes, is one of China's traditional Spring Festival. Now, however, this has become a major burden for many young people. Recently, the Beijing news reporters examined the 102 members of the public. Results show that over 40% of respondents this year have issued a total of more than $ 1000 worth of red envelope, a single bonus put up more than $ 500 worth of men accounted for one-fourth. Flow of red envelopes are mainly family descendant.

  Red rose annually parents stress

  This year the Festival, Auntie is worried.

Her youngest at home, there used to be two brothers a sister. Two brothers and her family have a son, sister has a daughter, a son.

"Red envelopes can not afford to" aunt reminiscent of last year's own son took the red envelope, felt "pressure on the Grand".

Last year, two of her children from Uncle, took back 1288 and 988 Yuan, respectively, and kid, aunt Kitty to 888 Yuan.

"But I only gave them $ 600. "Aunt says only 500 dollars in previous years, also added 100 Yuan last year, thought she was polite enough and generous enough, resulting in their own kids get red envelopes," I think pride is gone. "

But just 600 Yuan per person, it took her half of a month's wages, "Although the people, but still feel flesh hurts."

"We were young, red envelope, $ 50, it has be astronomical". Aunt, puzzled by the fact, "How about a dozen years, red can't afford to give up on it? ”

This year's Chinese new year, aunt again to give up bonus – 888 Yuan per person. "Can't control how much people give up, this is my limit. "She said.

  Gifts lend leadership on behalf of children

Second day of the new year, 18, Brookings Institution (not his real name) from the visit, "Uncle", and took "the dumbest red"-3,000 yuan. "Uncle" repeatedly emphasized that the Chinese new year, let children buy yourself some goodies.

Li's father served in the Jiangsu Government, during the Spring Festival, greeting sent home, he has also received a lot of red envelopes. However, the huge bonus of 3,000 yuan, he also received the first time.

Heard got $ 3,000 in bonus money, consult Li Cheng's mother and father, "hasten to Pack 3,000 blocks back." That afternoon, Li's father took a red envelope to "Uncle" happy new year, and stuffed the envelopes into the hands of the other children.

Father explained that doing business that uncle, so large, and certainly have something to ask, as a precautionary measure, or in a red envelope or home insurance.

Li said, similar to tug the red envelope in each of the homes are not familiar with several "Uncle" staged several times. Brookings Institution father introduced each year during the Spring Festival, came to their new year's subordinates, will give children a similar bonus, with large amounts of, he's under the name happy new year "requite".

Brookings Institution of the most happy, Cheng Li is parental consent could save 3,000 dollars, although he understands that, after all this money is taken from their parents.

  Join 20 group grabbed more than 200 Yuan

A Netizen named "flower bones" cell phone shots, 20 envelopes group throws up a column. On new year's Eve, she searches for and joined the 20 "Bonus Pack". These groups, plenty of ordinary Internet users to establish share base, others are promotional bonus business group.

"From 1 cents to a few dollars, up once robbed 11 bucks. "She said.

On new year's Eve, "flower bones" to busy watching even the Spring Festival evening, net watch in the Group robbed a red envelope. On new year's Eve night, she grabbed a total of 212 dollars bonus.

In her view, these red envelopes envelopes group are established business promotions group, has attracted many users, like themselves. After the businessman handed out, there will be a lot of friends in the interactive chat red envelopes, and even some male friends under the call of the friends of the opposite sex, bursts of multiple envelopes.

And these groups, many continue to live after the red tide. "Flower bones" claimed he added groups are mostly out, many users chat in there and he met a lot of interesting friends, "this fun than grab the red envelope".

  Boyfriend style BFFs to "grab bag"

This year's Spring Festival, with micro-Rob, and Mr Wu is not only your own get 700 Yuan in several working groups, also used "psychological warfare" let my girlfriend girlfriends one night reach 800 Yuan. He summed up grab a red envelope "Raiders" was to know "'" patience "to catch a big fish." This trick he tried in his girlfriend's girlfriends group.

Mr NG girlfriend girlfriends group of 7 people, almost all have boyfriends. Mr Wu as the first to be pulled into the Group of "family", 2 envelopes have been issued respectively on new year's Eve night. The first 99 Yuan, everyone, group where many girls have amazing second 288 Yuan, zero points at the beginning. On the occasion of a heated discussion in the group, Mr Ng said after some greetings, wheeled out of the group, "the deep".

Good show he returned after the Group began. BFFs, after having tasted the sweetness of the group, lobbying one another, each other and their boyfriends have been pulled into the group to participate in bonus war.

One night Rob red bitter, his girlfriend for a night in this group get about 800 yuan in red envelopes, but some of them were made by the boyfriend of a bonus 888 Yuan.

"Micro-grab a red envelope is more like a game, compare themselves to people's hearts, the obsession with money show to prominence. "Mr Wu said, now that I think about, it's a different experience for the new year.

This version of writing/Beijing News reporter Hu Han Yang Feng Wu Zhenpeng Huang Ying Li Xin Zhu Zijie Li Xueying

(Original title: 40% spent over thousand Yuan surveyed Chinese new year red packets)

(Edit: SN067)
February 03, 2014 The Beijing News
四成受访者称春节发出超千元红包 家长叹给不起|春节红包|压岁钱|发红包_新闻资讯

  春节发红包调查 四成花费超千元



  红包年年涨 家长压力大









  借孩子名义 给领导送礼







  加入20个群 抢到200多元






  男友比阔气 闺蜜抢“大包”






  本版采写/新京报记者 胡涵 杨锋 吴振鹏 黄颖 李馨 朱自洁 李雪莹

(原标题:春节发红包调查 四成花费超千元)


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