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归海一刀 published in(发表于) 2014/2/3 8:07:47 Edit(编辑)
First Spring Festival after Li Huailiang acquitted: I want to find a job

First Spring Festival after Li Huailiang acquitted: I want to find a job(李怀亮无罪释放后首个春节:希望找个工作)

First Spring Festival after Li Huailiang acquitted: hoping to find a job, acquitted | Li Huailiang | | _ Chinese new year news

"Interpretive" 2014 new year year of the horse, which is in Henan "death bonds" first Spring Festival after party Li Huailiang acquitted. August 7, 2001, Li Huailiang detained on suspicion of intentional homicide. Li Huailiang were detained for up to 12 years old. In April 2013, Li Huailiang was acquitted. Now away from the shadow of Alcatraz, Li Huailiang, through nearly 10 months of getting used to, spirit also haunts of the family slowly improved.

"Commentary" on February 1, the second day of the new year, the reporters came to see in yexian County Li Huailiang, because just eating family dinner, drank some wine, Li Huailiang looks radiant, he told reporters, there are family, there's a good place, too much stronger than last a dozen years.

"Over" (Li Huailiang)

Previously, walk left alone, eating and not eating well, now, this is someone, at my sister's House for the new year eating dumplings, delicious. My biggest feeling is the freedom is great.

"Interpretive" acquittal for ten months, Li Huailiang mental condition slowly improved, in this regard, Li Huailiang sister Li Aimei knows best, Li Huailiang, from when it was first released wooden image, until now, have been able to talk to chat with family, free time can also help with housework. In this regard, Li Aimei pleased.

"Over" (sister Li Aimei)

Before that on April 25 that time, that is, you've watched one morning to ignore him, he he didn't say a Word, which now it through these past few months, that State of mind has been so wonderful, this talk of gossip, talk to family, more so than before, State of mind is right.

"The explanation" just one week ago, the Henan province High Court maintaining state compensation decisions for Li Huailiang 980,000 yuan. Talking about how to use this property, Li Huailiang to say first of all want to buy a House. At the same time, Li Huailiang had a desire to find employment, are no longer idle.

"Over" (Li Huailiang)

My new year's wish, to find a job doing, will not idle. New year is coming, I hope family health and good luck.

Reporter Wang shuai in yexian County of pingdingshan, Henan province reports

(Edit: SN098)
February 02, 2014 China News Network






  【同期】(姐姐 李爱梅)





  记者 王帅 河南平顶山叶县报道


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