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归海一刀 published in(发表于) 2014/2/3 8:07:44 Edit(编辑)
Fire emergency in Dali, Yunnan, has sent more than 840 people fighting

Fire emergency in Dali, Yunnan, has sent more than 840 people fighting(云南大理突发山火,已出动840多人扑救)

Fire emergencies in Dali, Yunnan had dispatched more than 840 people in Yunnan hill fire extinguishing Dali | | | _ news

Xinhuanet, Yunnan, Dali February 3 (reporters Ji Zhepeng and Wang Jinyuan)-reporters learned from municipal party Committee propaganda Department of Dali in Yunnan province, as of 2nd, Dali professional fire brigades dispatched fire, troops, more than 840 people hanging grass village of Shimonoseki full fighting town fires. Meanwhile, Chu-da high-speed Kunming to Dali K143-157 roads has imposed a temporary traffic control.

According to preliminary understanding, 2nd left, hanging grass village in xiaguan town fires occurred. After the fire broke out, immediately organize the relevant departments, the staff rushed to the scene to fight the blaze in Dali city fire.

According to reports, in order to ensure that vehicles, rescuers and vehicles passing through security, the traffic Police Department in the 2nd high-speed Kunming to Dali K143-157 on Chu-da road sections the temporary traffic control, passing vehicles from Fung tollgate pulled out of the Chu-da Expressway, bypass 320 National Highway to tollgate drive into Chu-da Expressway in Dali.

At present, the fighting and rescue work is still carried out in, the cause of the fire, the fire area is being investigated.

(Edit: SN098)
February 03, 2014 The website
云南大理突发山火 已出动840多人扑救|大理|山火|云南_新闻资讯

  新华网云南大理2月3日电(记者 吉哲鹏 王晋源) 记者从云南省大理市委宣传部了解到,截至2日22时,大理市已出动消防、森警、专业扑火队等840多人全力扑救下关镇吊草村山火。同时,楚大高速昆明往大理方向K143-157路段已实施临时交通管制。





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