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归海一刀 published in(发表于) 2014/2/3 8:06:28 Edit(编辑)
Cold wave in Shandong, Shanxi, Anhui and other places will have cool weather

Cold wave in Shandong, Shanxi, Anhui and other places will have cool weather(山东陕西安徽等地将遇寒潮降温天气)

Shandong, Shaanxi, Anhui and Shandong _ cold cold air cooling weather in Shaanxi | | | news

Xinhuanet, Jinan, February 3 (reporters Pan Linqing and Chen Chen and Ma Shurui)-affected by strong cold air, Shandong provincial meteorological station released 3rd yellow warning sign warning sign and cold blue sea Gale, Shandong sea is expected to be the highest wind for 10 winds, and temperatures will drop 8 ℃-10 ℃, related units and personnel should pay attention to prevention.

Weather forecast displayed, by strong cold air effects, Bohai, and Bohai Strait, and Yellow Sea North and Central 3rd North 7 level-8 level gust 9 level-10 level gradually weakened to 6 level-7 level gust 8 level, Peninsula area North 5 level-6 level gust 7 level gradually weakened to 4 level-5 level, other inland area North 4 level-5 level gust 6 level gradually weakened to 3 level-4 level.

At the same time, Shandong, temperatures will drop dramatically, minimum temperature appears in the 4th or 5th morning, mountainous and inland areas of the peninsula in the Northwest of Shandong, Shandong lingxia6℃ to lingxia8℃, lingxia4℃ to lingxia6℃ in other regions.

Shaanxi Provincial meteorological station 2nd cold blue alert has been issued is expected between February 3, minimum temperatures will fall more than 8 degrees Celsius in most parts of Shaanxi Province.

Recent dry weather in most parts of Shaanxi, the temperature is high, appeared as much haze weather. Meteorological departments predicted that the blast of cold air, and cooling will occur in most parts of Shaanxi, Shaanxi Province will be less than the minimum temperature lingxia10sheshidu, Guanzhong is less than lingxia4sheshidu and less than zero degrees Celsius in Eastern Shaanxi Province. As cold air transit, air quality will be improved.

Xinhua learned from Anhui provincial meteorological station, under the influence of strong cold air, 3rd from the Anhui Province high winds to cool, overcast rain next week, many highways will be snow or fog "from", the province is going to usher in a rain and snow during the Spring Festival "big test".

Anhui provincial meteorological station the latest weather report during the Spring Festival showed that under the influence of strong cold air, the night of February 2, Anhui province from North to South and northerly winds will gradually increase to level 4-level 5, gusts of wind, level 7, haze tends to dissipate. After the cold air, the province's average temperature will fall by 6 ° c-8 ° c.

Meteorological Department also predicted that February 4, cloudy rain in Anhui Province, Huaibei, Jac and dabie mountains in northern parts of the snow will be very heavy, Jac and in dabie mountains in freezing rain is possible in the North.

Affected by this, Anhui Expressway will also shade the next few days rain. , February 5-6th G36 Ning Luo Expressway in Anhui section of Northern Anhui, G30 of Lian-Huo Expressway in Anhui, S04 SI Expressway, G35, Jiguang Expressway Bo Fu expressway will be a snowfall, more obvious impact on travel. In addition, the Anhui Expressway South may have a fog.

(Edit: SN034)
February 03, 2014 The website

  新华网济南2月3日电(记者潘林青 陈晨 马姝瑞) 受强冷空气影响,山东省气象台3日同时发布海上大风黄色预警信号和寒潮蓝色预警信号,预计山东附近海域将有最高风力为10级的大风,同时气温也将下降8℃-10℃,相关单位和人员应注意防范。










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