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归海一刀 published in(发表于) 2014/1/30 6:31:16 Edit(编辑)
Fujian officials the public money wining and dining gongchesiyong named exposure

Fujian officials the public money wining and dining gongchesiyong named exposure(福建多名官员公款吃喝公车私用被点名曝光)

Fujian officials the public money wining and dining gongchesiyong named exposure | public funds for wining and dining | gongchesiyong | Central eight provisions _ news

  Provincial discipline Inspection Commission informed the Central and eight provided NT $

  Recreational activities using public funds gongchesiyong officials named in the exposure

South-East network, January 29 (Fujian daily the Strait metropolis daily journalist practicing renfert) 27th, around the Central eight regulations and provincial anti-corruption Office "nine prohibitions", found in the provincial discipline Inspection Commission recently informed the public NT $ issues.

Recently, the provincial discipline Inspection Commission, in conjunction with the departments concerned, the section chiefs, 9 districts and cities and 14 counties (cities, districts) to NT $, more intense recreational activities using public funds for masses, gongchesiyong issues carried out random checks. This NT $ inspected dining 74 companies, such as hotels, clubs, KTV, music, entertainment, 12 Park 6; key consumption invoice checks over more than 1100; 77 suspected illegal use of vehicles.

  Inform the people were called upon to name

Expressly prohibited by the Central and provincial party leadership Club, drink, but still found that individual party cadres who knowingly, wind and discipline. Xiamen City economic development, former Deputy Director of the Office Xu Qingsong (retired in May 2013), Administration Bureau and Deputy Secretary of the Xiamen City Tang Wenjian, bailuzhou Park "harmony" Clubhouse to eat and drink, and use the bus shuttle. Xiamen Municipal Commission for discipline inspection decided to discipline investigation Xu Qingsong, Tang Wenjian effectiveness warned.

NT $ found that public funds for entertainment, eating and drinking problems still occur. Qing Liu Peng Xiang Zou Xiong, Director of the Government Office Lai Panhong, environmental protection, Secretary of station Wen Xiongming et al, 2013 on 3 occasions in the KTV with 2,339 dollars in expense of recreational consumption. Qingliu County discipline Inspection Commission decisions Zou Xiong discipline investigation, according to Lai Panhong cadre administrative privileges, Wen Xiongming transfer to Government disciplines Yu Peng Township government investigation.

Unannounced visits found that gongchesiyong the phenomenon more prominent.

Fuzhou Guo Weimin, Deputy Director of marine, new year's day this year during private driving the bus to meet friends in Qishan of Fuzhou hot spring resort. Fujian Maritime Safety Administration Party decides to talk to remind of the ICAC Guo Weimin, roll call criticized the system in the Department, and tasked to bear the full cost of the vehicle.

Pingtan comprehensive experiment zone and water resources Commissioner for economic development, a major water conservancy, electricity, Office Director Chen Shijie, who on new year's day this year to drive the bus to mountaineering trip of Qishan forest park in Fuzhou. Pingtan comprehensive experiment zone Working Committee on discipline to discipline them, and Government disciplines investigated.

Principal Staff Member Miao Yingling jiaocheng district, Ningde City Forestry Bureau, and unauthorized use of police vehicles parked in a foot bath next to the city. Jiaocheng District Commission for discipline inspection decided to discipline investigation Miao Yingling.

 Media questions to timely

Province discipline informed requires, levels discipline monitored organ to put Executive Central eight items provides, and corrected "four wind" as heavy in the of heavy, sustained caught down; or regularly carried out NT $, strictly according to Yuki law, hard brake public funds sent section ceremony, and public funds eating, and public funds tourism and luxury waste, tendencies, on due to supervision weak occurred serious problem of, to held local discipline monitored organ of responsibility; to increased corrections intensity, on has orders no, and prohibitions, especially disregard provides, and wind discipline of acts, regardless of its positions more high Found one, investigate a; to increase the intensity of direct check, media and network to investigate and reflect on major issues in a timely manner, and effectively respond to social concerns, be informed on typical questions for naming and name, role play a shock warning and admonishing education.

 -"The ' Enterprise hosted by one dead drunk" track

Chen Ruixi was removed from Vice Mayor of sanming city post

South-East network, January 29 (Strait metropolis daily) yesterday morning, 12 adopted at the 17th meeting of the Standing Committee of the NPC vote, sanming city, replacing Chen Rui Vice Mayor of sanming city positions. Chen Rui, born in February 1962 in December 2008, shaxian County, on August 30, 2013, Vice Mayor of sanming city, shaxian County in October of the same year waived duties.

The investigation, September 9, 2013, Chen Ruixi after talks with the owners of private enterprises investment projects such as accepting its invitation to the in-house canteen meals. After the fact, took up leading cadres for the dinner of sudden death after drinking, resulting in adverse social impacts.

  Related news

Provincial discipline Inspection Commission informed the Central eight provisions related to NT $

Network on January 29 in Southeast (Fujian daily, Fujian and Ji Xuan Yan Shunlong) 27th, around the Central eight regulations and provincial anti-corruption Office "nine prohibitions", found in the provincial discipline Inspection Commission recently informed the public NT $ issues.

Recently, the provincial discipline Inspection Commission, in conjunction with the departments concerned, the section chiefs, 9 districts and cities and 14 counties (cities, districts) to NT $, more intense recreational activities using public funds for masses, gongchesiyong issues carried out random checks. This NT $ inspected dining 74 companies, such as hotels, clubs, KTV, music, entertainment, 12 Park 6; key consumption invoice checks over more than 1100; 77 suspected illegal use of vehicles.

Expressly prohibited by the Central and provincial party leadership Club, drink, there are still individual party cadres who knowingly, wind and discipline. Xiamen City economic development, former Deputy Director of the Office Xu Qingsong (retired in May 2013), Administration Bureau and Deputy Secretary of the Xiamen City Tang Wenjian, bailuzhou Park "harmony" Clubhouse to eat and drink, and use the bus shuttle. Xiamen Municipal Commission for discipline inspection decided to discipline investigation Xu Qingsong, Tang Wenjian effectiveness warned.

NT $ found that public funds for entertainment, eating and drinking problems still occur. Using public funds to places of entertainment spending, to eat and drink all kinds of public funds, private consumption is invoiced on behalf of the unit. Qing Liu Peng Xiang Zou Xiong, Director of the Government Office Lai Panhong, environmental protection, Secretary of station Wen Xiongming et al, 2013 on 3 occasions in the KTV with 2,339 dollars in expense of recreational consumption. Qingliu County discipline Inspection Commission decisions Zou Xiong discipline investigation, according to Lai Panhong cadre administrative privileges, Wen Xiongming transfer to Government disciplines Yu Peng Township government investigation.

Unannounced visits found that gongchesiyong the phenomenon more prominent. Fuzhou Guo Weimin, Deputy Director of marine, new year's day this year during private driving the bus to meet friends in Qishan of Fuzhou hot spring resort. Fujian Maritime Safety Administration Party decides to talk to remind of the ICAC Guo Weimin, roll call criticized the system in the Department, and tasked to bear the full cost of the vehicle. Pingtan comprehensive experiment zone and water resources Commissioner for economic development, a major water conservancy, electricity, Office Director Chen Shijie, who on new year's day this year to drive the bus to mountaineering trip of Qishan forest park in Fuzhou. Pingtan comprehensive experiment zone Working Committee on discipline to discipline them, and Government disciplines investigated. Principal Staff Member Miao Yingling jiaocheng district, Ningde City Forestry Bureau, and unauthorized use of police vehicles parked in a foot bath next to the city. Jiaocheng District Commission for discipline inspection decided to discipline investigation Miao Yingling.

Province discipline informed requirements, levels discipline inspection monitoring organ to to implementation Central eight items provides, and corrected "four wind" as heavy in the of heavy, to "nail nail" spirit, persistent caught down; or regularly carried out saloon car, strictly according to Yuki in accordance with the, hard brake public funds sent section ceremony, and public funds eating and drinking, and public funds tourism and luxury waste, unhealthy tendency, to due to supervision ineffective occurred serious problem of, to investigated local discipline inspection monitoring organ of responsibility; to increased disciplinary intensity, to has makes no, and prohibitions, especially ignores provides, and Wind disciplinary behavior, no matter how high their positions, discover, investigate, discipline becomes truly live high voltage line; you want to increase the intensity of direct check, media and network to investigate and reflect on major issues in a timely manner, and effectively respond to social concerns, be informed on typical questions for naming and name, role play a shock warning and admonishing education.

January 29, 2014 Southeast network


  公款吃喝公车私用 多名官员被点名曝光

  东南网1月29日讯 (福建日报 海峡都市报记者 练仁福) 27日,针对各地落实中央八项规定和省委反腐办“九个严禁”的情况,省纪委公开通报近期明察暗访中发现的问题。













  东南网1月29日讯(海峡都市报) 昨日上午,三明市十二届人大第十七次常委会表决通过,免去陈瑞喜三明市人民政府副市长职务。陈瑞喜,1962年2月出生,2008年12月任沙县县委书记,2013年8月30日任三明市副市长,同年10月免去沙县县委书记职务。




  东南网1月29日讯(福建日报 闽纪宣 严顺龙) 27日,针对各地落实中央八项规定和省委反腐办“九个严禁”的情况,省纪委公开通报近期明察暗访中发现的问题。







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