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归海一刀 published in(发表于) 2014/1/30 6:31:06 Edit(编辑)
EU announced recently XI Jinping will visit Brussels EU headquarters

EU announced recently XI Jinping will visit Brussels EU headquarters(欧盟宣布习近平近期将访问布鲁塞尔欧盟总部)

The EU announced XI Jinping will visit the EU headquarters in Brussels recently accessed | | | XI Brussels _ news

"Global times, stationed in Belgium, and Germany, and Japan special correspondent Zhang Jie lizhen Aoki ceramic short Ding Liangheng" "President XI Jinping will visit Brussels in the near future, this will be the history of Sino-EU relations Chinese President on first visit to EU headquarters". Announcement of EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and security policy Catherine · Ashton, 27th, she met with visiting Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi. As can be seen from the media analysis, China's leaders "charm diplomacy" offensive, very much looking forward to EU headquarters, XI Jinping and visiting. XI Jinping during his visit to Europe, leaders are likely to hold talks, "new relations" may once again become the focus of discussions between China and America.

"Brussels welcomes Chinese President! "Germany financial network reported on the 28th, and XI Jinping, China's President, are expected to visit EU headquarters in Brussels in the next few months, but the specific trip haven't decided. Learning access to the EU, signalling between Central Europe a "mature partnership". The EU and China are important partners not only in the economic sphere, in the international political arena, such as addressing Iran nuclear program, Syria had important cooperation on such issues as conflict.

"Russia" voice of the evening of 27th reported that the EU "the most significant and historic" to describe Mr XI's visit. Ashton said that she was sincerely happy by XI Jinping visits, both sides may discuss ways to further strengthen bilateral relations. Deutsche Presse commented that because of recent trading and Syria continued differences on issues of conflict, EU-China relations "not too harmonious", which Chiang Kai-shek in Europe negotiate investment agreements, European politicians and businessmen hoping to take this into the "Asian giant" economic territory.

Yang Jiechi, visiting Brussels, was central fourth round of high-level strategic dialogue. United Kingdom broadcasters said on 28th, Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi said in a conversation with Ashton, 18 Party Congress decided to deepen reform of the third plenary session, began to emerge from the debt crisis in Europe over the next 10 years will be a period of strategic opportunities for the development of China-EU relations. Moreover, Yang Jiechi also stressed that Sino-European relations for the peaceful and stable development of the world is playing an increasingly important role. Ashton said that the EU-China relations in recent years, development of the strategic cooperation between the two sides, and expressed his willingness to cooperate with China in the implementation of the European 2020 strategy. In addition, Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi also met with European Council President Herman van rompuy.

United Kingdom, Reuters said that prospects for cooperation in Europe worth looking forward to, because since 2003, daily trade volume of more than 1 billion euros in Europe, EU investment in China accounted for only 2% of the EU's external investment. European free trade area once an agreement would create a market of nearly 2 billion people.

XI's visit Europe media analysis and speculation. France the Figaro newspaper said XI will visit Europe in late March. European diplomats, who spoke on condition of anonymity revealed that XI Jinping, will be held on March 24-25th at the Netherlands third session of the nuclear security summit to be held in the Hague, before and after his visit to EU headquarters. France Euro News television stations reported that Yang Jiechi's visit to Europe, is doing matting for XI's visit. Netherlands said one diplomat told the global Times newspaper reporter, President XI Jinping to attend nuclear Summit in the Hague, it will be the Netherlands first visit to meet China's top leaders. Netherlands great importance to this, China is the Netherlands in one of the most important trade partner in Asia, while the Netherlands is China's second largest trading partner in the European Union.

Germany Berlin China expert fuluoliyang 28th, told the global Times newspaper said, China is to expand in Europe a "charm offensive". XI's European tour, you can eliminate misunderstanding between Europe and China is expected to set off a new hot. In his view, there is no fundamental contradiction between Europe, is a good partner should be closer. XI's visit could give Europe a "assurance". Europe and China will create a "win-win" result. Still in the European debt crisis Europe is in trouble, hoping to attract more Chinese investment, as well as penetrating the Chinese market. China, under the new economic model, companies more to Europe, opening up new markets. In international politics, as an important member of the permanent members of the Council, requires close co-operation with the EU.

As United States President Barack Obama to attend a nuclear security summit in the Hague, the Figaro newspaper speculation that XI will meet with Obama at that time. Japan Economic News 28th with XI Jinping, and Barack Obama in March on the "new relations" title has written, in addition to discussing the new relations between China and America, a President is expected to call on China's continuing nuclear development by North Korea, easing tensions in East Asia cooperation. United States also require restraint from China in the East China Sea and South China Sea issues.

Sino-American Summit's presence in the Hague, like "fun," Abe, of course, will not give up the chance. According to Japan's Kyodo News Agency the evening of 27th reported that Japan Government-related sources, Abe is considering attending the third session of the nuclear security summit. Abe is expected during their stay can achieve will be the focus of the Japan-US summit talks. XI Jinping, China's President, also planned to attend, exposure is a concern for the Japan-China Summit. Analysts said that if Japan-US summit talks could be held, Abe will consider in December last year the shrine described the intention of seeking Obama's understanding.

(Original title: eagerly looked forward to XI Jinping visits Central America leadership of the European Union or in the European talks)

(Edit: SN064)
January 29, 2014 Global times

  【环球时报驻比利时、德国、日本特派特约记者 张杰 青木 李珍 陶短房 丁良恒】“习近平主席近期将访问布鲁塞尔,这将是中欧关系史上中国国家主席首次访问欧盟总部”。宣布上述消息的是欧盟外交和安全政策高级代表凯瑟琳·阿什顿,27日她与来访的中国国务委员杨洁篪进行了会晤。从媒体分析中可以看出,在中国领导人的“魅力外交”攻势下,欧盟总部对习近平的来访非常期待。习近平访欧期间,中美两国领导人很可能举行会谈,“新型大国关系”或许再度成为中美讨论的热点。









(原标题:欧盟热切期待习近平访问 中美领导或于欧洲会谈)


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