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归海一刀 published in(发表于) 2014/1/30 6:30:57 Edit(编辑)
County of Anhui Province hospital carrying out the yearly salary system

County of Anhui Province hospital carrying out the yearly salary system(安徽县级医院院长将实行年薪制)

County Hospital carrying out the yearly salary system in Anhui Anhui | | | hospital annual salary _ news

Xinhuanet, Hefei, January 29 (reporter Bao Xiaojing)-reporters learned from the Anhui provincial development and Reform Commission, the Office of the Anhui provincial people's Government on the consolidation and improvement of comprehensive reform of public hospitals at county level, has issued. The reform of government responsibility in the reform of public hospitals at county level, three levels of hospital management, medical new request made. Among them, the county-level financial departments at the county level hospitals appointed Chief Accountant, Dean became hot spots, such as annual salary system.

Anhui provincial development and Reform Commission, according to healthcare-related charge, the views put forward to implement Government-run medical liability, protection of public hospitals at county level running smoothly, sound runs the compensation mechanisms, improve government policies at the same time, to straighten out the prices of medical services, standardize drug supplies equipment purchases. Comment, April 1, 2014, the County Hospital procurement of pharmaceuticals, supplies, medical devices into the scope of public sector procurement across the province, and implementation of the province's public medical institution Central bidding and procurement of pharmaceuticals, supplies, medical devices province results. Basic drugs in hospitals at the county level the implementation of the catalogue of basic drugs in public medical institutions across the province, uniformly as 1118, essential drug procurement amount shall not be less than 80% per cent of total purchase amount per month and basic medication list medication from county hospitals and pharmaceutical suppliers complying with the provisions in the provincial drug centralized purchasing platform for online purchase. For longstanding indebtedness of public hospitals, provides financial departments at the county level in Anhui Province in conjunction with the relevant business unit's audit finds that include government debt consolidation management.

The views on the internal management of the hospital also offers concrete reform measures. For example: full implementation of the system of post administration, within the authorized strength, new staff health, human and social sector audit record implementation terms, full implementation of county-level hospitals employing autonomy. On the income distribution system reform of Anhui Province will be fully implemented in hospitals at county level system of post performance salary will also be implementing the annual salary system, President, according to County/HA each year to hospitals at the county level examination results determine, Dean, in principle, not exceed the annual salary to the hospital 4 times times the average annual income of workers. To build a modern hospital management system, will also explore the establishment of General accountant system in hospitals at county level in Anhui Province, appointed Chief Accountant in financial departments at the county level hospitals at the county level, under the leadership of Superintendent, organizes and leads the budgeting, finance, accounting, cost management, supervision, and other aspects of the work.

(Edit: SN095)
January 29, 2014 The website

  新华网合肥1月29日电 (记者 鲍晓菁)记者从安徽省发改委获悉,《安徽省人民政府办公厅关于巩固完善县级公立医院综合改革的意见》日前发布。此次改革意见对县级公立医院改革中的政府责任、医院管理、医疗水平这三方面提出全新要求。其中,县级财政部门负责向县级医院委派总会计师、院长年薪制等意见成为关注热点。




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