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归海一刀 published in(发表于) 2014/1/30 6:30:53 Edit(编辑)
Chinese researchers have photographed for the first time the mysterious ball lightning

Chinese researchers have photographed for the first time the mysterious ball lightning(我国研究人员首次拍摄到神秘球状闪电)

Chinese researchers have photographed for the first time the mysterious ball lightning (photo) | | shooting ball lightning | researchers for the first time _ news


It used to be mistaken for UFOs, for centuries without reasonable explanation. But now, Chinese scientists have photographed for the first time in ball lightning in a thunderstorm weather videos.

Researchers at the Lanzhou Northwest Normal University in Qinghai province, in a thunderstorm when you draw a map of radiation accident record of the elusive glow ball. A ball of light rising from the ground, lightning, through 15 meters in the ground, and then disappears. Researchers say it has a diameter of about 5 meters, only appeared in less than 2 seconds. And it happened at the 2012 storm video spectra, is considered by far the nature of ball lightning scientific record for the first time.

This study details published in a recent issue of the physics review letters on, confirm the real existence of ball lightning, and provided important clues for ball lightning.

Ball lightning is cloud to ground lightning, steady glow during horizontal movement. Very early on he was seen ball lightning, but because of its rarity, nobody shooting record to this phenomenon.

The Lanzhou Northwest Normal University researchers using spectral devices record ball lightning, which can identify form a major element of ball lightning. They found that ball lightning consists of: iron, Silicon, calcium, and soil composition are the same.

In 2000, James-Denise and others have published research report pointed out that ball lightning may be ordinary lightning struck the ground, it has an intense heat, full of silica in soil evaporation.

  Background knowledge

  Ball lightning

Rolling ball lightning, commonly known as mines, lightning, thunderstorms usually occur under, just a round ball-shaped lightning ball. For many years, scientific community believe that the phenomenon of ball lightning is false, only decades ago acknowledged its truth.

Rumors of hundreds of people have seen ball lightning, but for hundreds of years it was always a difficult mystery. Previous theory believed that microwave radiation, aerosols, oxide of nuclear energy, dark matter, antimatter and black holes may cause ball lightning.

Ball lightning through the cracks of doors, Windows, Chuck, going into them, sometimes it explodes, destroying buildings, causing human or animal casualties. Passing through it along the way, encounter any obstacles, invincible, but could not burn combustible things around. Typically, a ball lightning explosion releases energy, equivalent to about 10 kilograms of TNT as the explosive release of energy, usually charring, ozone or sulfur odor.

In the 40 's, in France in the small town, 3 soldiers sheltering from the rain under a bodhi tree was killed by lightning, but they still stood, as if nothing happened. After a thunderstorm, pedestrians and talk to them, there was no response, when pedestrians to get in touch with them, it suddenly hit the 3 bodies, and turned it into a pile of ashes.

In the United States, a small town had a strange thing happened: a woman returned home from the market, opening the refrigerator, she put the duck, all become raw meat and cooked food. After the scientists to understand, is ball lightning turned the refrigerator into a furnace, strangely enough fridge not damaged!

(Edit: SN064)
January 29, 2014 Beijing daily
















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