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归海一刀 published in(发表于) 2014/1/30 6:30:47 Edit(编辑)
China from Libya evacuating overseas Chinese, by singing the national anthem to distinguish people with the Filipino people

China from Libya evacuating overseas Chinese, by singing the national anthem to distinguish people with the Filipino people(中国从利比亚撤离华侨,靠唱国歌辨别国人与越菲人)

Libya evacuation by singing the national anthem to distinguish people with the Filipino people | Libya | out | _ Chinese news

"Global times, Liu Chang" "collar", is the Governments for their citizens abroad, short for enterprise to provide consular protection and services. The development trend of China's total population and going, decided the Chinese brought some particularity. Ministry of Foreign Affairs publish data on 28th, 2013 mainland residents to exit 98.187 million all year round visitors, this digital continuous averaging more than 10 million increments over the past 4 years; more than 20,000 other Chinese enterprises are located in more than 200 countries and territories worldwide. At the same time, a searchable public figures show that Chinese embassies and consulates in about 600 people specialized in consular affairs. Ministry statistics, on average 1 consular officers provide protection for 200,000 people.

"This work what to do? "By 2013, for instance, Director of the Consular Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of yellow summary is," overall control, play different. " 2013 annual disposal of 42,000 cases of lead, such as bombings in the Boston Marathon, Asiana Airlines crash, gold mining in Ghana, in Chinese officials arrested, Egypt a hot air balloon over more than 120 major crash, Sudanese hostage cases. The global Times reporter access to publicly available information found, leading cases in recent years, China has about 40,000 cases a year, namely total exit did not lead to the increase in the number of cases rises.

China, Central Government, local governments, enterprises, individuals, overseas, Chinese diplomatic and consular missions, the host country's power sector, have been included in "big" repository. Chinese-style collar to mobilize all possible forces, yellow said: "critical times both at home and abroad, in the related departments have people, talk talk, was a success. "A Chinese citizens in South Africa crime prison, Chinese consular officials to the prison administrations do pass from Chinatown package take-out, served a week one or two nice Chinese food.

In major cases, Chinese-style collar often rely on nationwide mobilization. The classic case is in 2011, in less than two weeks, China from Libya safe evacuation of 35,800. "At that time from Tunisia-Libya border evacuated Chinese citizens there are 12,000, many of whom lost passport, how to distinguish between a Chinese, Viet Nam also is a Filipina? "Chinese consular officer and the translation on the border evacuated people to sing the national anthem," we're talking about is Chinese, Tunisia border guards will let them go with established trust between Nations ".

Apart from during and after treatment, yellow, told the global times, reporters repeatedly stressed that "preventive" the value of the work. "For example, local governments and enterprises to strengthen evaluation, training of personnel abroad, risk control, such as citizen prior to taking the initiative to ' Chinese consular services ' net input of personal information, consular authorities to send security risks of an exit tips, you can also add micro-' consular through train ' for the latest show information. "It is understood that a provides 24-hour service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs led global insurance services emergency line will be opened during the year.

Chinese-style collar, self-evaluation by Consular Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of "the best". Yellow says, with limited human and financial resources outside of "urban management, community, police stations and other people type" unlimited services, now China's network information so developed, led staff fear has not done enough. Yellow also emphasized that efforts to raise Chinese passports "gold" is an important work in 2014 of the Consular Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. It is learnt that as at January 1 this year, 45 countries have for ordinary passport holders of Chinese citizens to implement visa, visas for private policies. ▲

(Original title: Libya out how to tell the Chinese people or the Filipino people: singing the national anthem)

(Edit: SN077)
January 29, 2014 Global times

  【环球时报记者 刘 畅】“领保”,是政府为境外本国公民、企业提供领事保护和服务的简称。中国人口总量和走出去的发展趋势,决定了中国领保会有些特殊性。外交部28日发布数据,2013年内地居民全年出境9818.7万人次,这一数字在过去4年连续保持年均1000多万的增量;另有2万余家中资企业分布在全球200个国家和地区。同时,有可供查询的公开数字表明,中国驻外使领馆专门负责领事侨务工作的约有600人。外交部数据称,平均1名领事官为20万人提供保护。








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