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WebService在.NET中的实战应用教学视频 → 第3集
归海一刀 published in(发表于) 2014/1/30 0:58:13 Edit(编辑)



using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Security;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;
using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;
using System.Drawing;
using MSXML2;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
namespace wenweifeng

/// CaiJi 的摘要说明

public class CaiJi
public CaiJi()
// TOD 在此处添加构造函数逻辑
public void Dispose()

日期随机函数#region 日期随机函数
* 函数名称:DateRndName
* 功能说明:日期随机函数
* 参 数:ra:随机数
* 调用示例:
* GetRemoteObj o = new GetRemoteObj();
* Random ra = new Random();
* string s = o.DateRndName(ra);
* Response.Write(s);
* o.Dispose();
* ********************************/
/// 日期随机函数

/// 随机数
public string DateRndName(Random ra)
DateTime d = DateTime.Now;
string s = null, y, m, dd, h, mm, ss;
y = d.Year.ToString();
m = d.Month.ToString();
if (m.Length < 2) m = "0" + m;
dd = d.Day.ToString();
if (dd.Length < 2) dd = "0" + dd;
h = d.Hour.ToString();
if (h.Length < 2) h = "0" + h;
mm = d.Minute.ToString();
if (mm.Length < 2) mm = "0" + mm;
ss = d.Second.ToString();
if (ss.Length < 2) ss = "0" + ss;
s += y + ',' + m + ',' + dd + ',' + h + "-" + mm + "-" + ss;
s += ra.Next(1000000, 9999999).ToString();
return s;

取得文件后缀#region 取得文件后缀
* 函数名称:GetFileExtends
* 功能说明:取得文件后缀
* 参 数:filename:文件名称
* 调用示例:
* GetRemoteObj o = new GetRemoteObj();
* string url = @"";
* string s = o.GetFileExtends(url);
* Response.Write(s);
* o.Dispose();
* ********************************/

/// 取得文件后缀

/// 文件名称
public string GetFileExtends(string filename)
string ext = null;
if (filename.IndexOf('.') > 0)
string[] fs = filename.Split('.');
ext = fs[fs.Length - 1];
return ext;

获取远程文件源代码#region 获取远程文件源代码
* 函数名称:GetRemoteHtmlCode
* 功能说明:获取远程文件源代码
* 参 数:Url:远程url
* 调用示例:
* GetRemoteObj o = new GetRemoteObj();
* string url = @"";
* string s = o.GetRemoteHtmlCode(url);
* Response.Write(s);
* o.Dispose();
* ********************************/

/// 获取远程文件源代码

/// 远程url
public string GetRemoteHtmlCode(string Url)
string s = "";
MSXML2.XMLHTTP _xmlhttp = new MSXML2.XMLHTTPClass();"GET", Url, false, null, null);
if (_xmlhttp.readyState == 4)
s = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString((byte[])_xmlhttp.responseBody);
return s;


保存远程文件#region 保存远程文件
* 函数名称:RemoteSave
* 功能说明:保存远程文件
* 参 数:Url:远程url;Path:保存到的路径
* 调用示例:
* GetRemoteObj o = new GetRemoteObj();
* string s = "";
* string url = @"";
* string path =Server.MapPath("Html/");
* s = o.RemoteSave(url,path);
* Response.Write(s);
* o.Dispose();
* ******************************/

/// 保存远程文件

/// 远程url
/// 保存到的路径
public string RemoteSave(string Url, string Path)

Random ra = new Random();
string newfilename = string.Empty;
string StringFileName = DateRndName(ra) + "." + GetFileExtends(Url);
if (GetFileExtends(Url).Trim().ToLower() != "jpg")
newfilename = StringFileName;
newfilename = DateRndName(ra) + "Addpic." + GetFileExtends(Url);
string StringFilePath = Path + StringFileName;
string newfilepath = Path + newfilename;
string retname = string.Empty;
MSXML2.XMLHTTP _xmlhttp = new MSXML2.XMLHTTPClass();"GET", Url, false, null, null);
if (_xmlhttp.readyState == 4)
if (System.IO.File.Exists(StringFilePath))
System.IO.FileStream fs = new System.IO.FileStream(StringFilePath, System.IO.FileMode.CreateNew);
System.IO.BinaryWriter w = new System.IO.BinaryWriter(fs);
if (GetFileExtends(Url).Trim().ToLower() == "jpg")
function myfunction = new function();
//myfunction.AddShuiYinWord(StringFilePath, newfilepath);
service myserver=new service();
myfunction.AddShuiYinPic(StringFilePath, newfilepath, HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(myserver.myweblogo));

throw new Exception(_xmlhttp.statusText);
catch (Exception ex)

return newfilename;

替换网页中的换行和引号#region 替换网页中的换行和引号
* 函数名称:ReplaceEnter
* 功能说明:替换网页中的换行和引号
* 参 数:HtmlCode:html源代码
* 调用示例:
* GetRemoteObj o = new GetRemoteObj();
* string Url = @"";
* string HtmlCode = o.GetRemoteHtmlCode(Url);
* string s = o.ReplaceEnter(HtmlCode);
* Response.Write(s);
* o.Dispose();
* ********************************/

/// 替换网页中的换行和引号

/// HTML源代码
public string ReplaceEnter(string HtmlCode)
string s = "";
if (HtmlCode == null || HtmlCode == "")
s = "";
s = HtmlCode.Replace("\"", "");
s = s.Replace("\r", "");
s = s.Replace("\n", "");
return s;


执行正则提取出值#region 执行正则提取出值
* 函数名称:GetRegValue
* 功能说明:执行正则提取出值
* 参 数:HtmlCode:html源代码
* 调用示例:
* GetRemoteObj o = new GetRemoteObj();
* string Url = @"";
* string HtmlCode = o.GetRemoteHtmlCode(Url);
* string s = o.ReplaceEnter(HtmlCode);
* string Reg=".+?";
* string GetValue=o.GetRegValue(Reg,HtmlCode)
* Response.Write(GetValue);
* o.Dispose();
* ********************************/

/// 执行正则提取出值

/// 正则表达式
/// HtmlCode源代码
public string GetRegValue(string RegexString, string RemoteStr)
string MatchVale = "";
Regex r = new Regex(RegexString);
Match m = r.Match(RemoteStr);
if (m.Success)
MatchVale = m.Value;
return MatchVale;

替换HTML源代码#region 替换HTML源代码
* 函数名称:RemoveHTML
* 功能说明:替换HTML源代码
* 参 数:HtmlCode:html源代码
* 调用示例:
* GetRemoteObj o = new GetRemoteObj();
* string Url = @"";
* string HtmlCode = o.GetRemoteHtmlCode(Url);
* string s = o.ReplaceEnter(HtmlCode);
* string Reg=".+?";
* string GetValue=o.GetRegValue(Reg,HtmlCode)
* Response.Write(GetValue);
* o.Dispose();
* ********************************/

/// 替换HTML源代码

/// html源代码
public string RemoveHTML(string HtmlCode)
string MatchVale = HtmlCode;
foreach (Match s in Regex.Matches(HtmlCode, "<.+?>"))
MatchVale = MatchVale.Replace(s.Value, "");
return MatchVale;


匹配页面的链接#region 匹配页面的链接
* 函数名称:GetHref
* 功能说明:匹配页面的链接
* 参 数:HtmlCode:html源代码
* 调用示例:
* GetRemoteObj o = new GetRemoteObj();
* string Url = @"";
* string HtmlCode = o.GetRemoteHtmlCode(Url);
* string s = o.GetHref(HtmlCode);
* Response.Write(s);
* o.Dispose();
* ********************************/

/// 获取页面的链接正则

public string GetHref(string HtmlCode)
string MatchVale = "";
string Reg = @"(h|H)(r|R)(e|E)(f|F) *= *('|"")?((\w|\\|\/|\.|:|-|_)+)[\S]*";
foreach(Match m in Regex.Matches(HtmlCode,Reg))
MatchVale += (m.Value).ToLower().Replace("href=", "").Trim() + "|";
return MatchVale;

匹配页面的图片地址#region 匹配页面的图片地址
* 函数名称:GetImgSrc
* 功能说明:匹配页面的图片地址
* 参 数:HtmlCode:html源代码;imgHttp:要补充的http.当比如:则要补充,当包含http信息时,则可以为空
* 调用示例:
* GetRemoteObj o = new GetRemoteObj();
* string Url = @"";
* string HtmlCode = o.GetRemoteHtmlCode(Url);
* string s = o.GetImgSrc(HtmlCode,"");
* Response.Write(s);
* o.Dispose();
* ********************************/

/// 匹配页面的图片地址

/// 要补充的http://路径信息
public string GetImgSrc(string HtmlCode, string imgHttp)
string MatchVale = "";
string Reg = @"";
foreach (Match m in Regex.Matches(HtmlCode.ToLower(), Reg))
MatchVale += GetImg((m.Value).ToLower().Trim(), imgHttp) + "|";

return MatchVale;
/// 匹配中的图片路径实际链接

/// 字符串
public string GetImg(string ImgString, string imgHttp)
string MatchVale = "";
string Reg = @"src=.+\.(bmp|jpg|gif|png|)";
foreach (Match m in Regex.Matches(ImgString.ToLower(), Reg))
MatchVale += (m.Value).ToLower().Trim().Replace("src=","");
if (MatchVale.IndexOf(".net") != -1 || MatchVale.IndexOf(".com") != -1 || MatchVale.IndexOf(".org") != -1 || MatchVale.IndexOf(".cn") != -1 || MatchVale.IndexOf(".cc") != -1 || MatchVale.IndexOf(".info") != -1 || MatchVale.IndexOf(".biz") != -1 || MatchVale.IndexOf(".tv") != -1)
return (MatchVale);
return (imgHttp+MatchVale);


替换通过正则获取字符串所带的正则首尾匹配字符串#region 替换通过正则获取字符串所带的正则首尾匹配字符串
* 函数名称:GetHref
* 功能说明:匹配页面的链接
* 参 数:HtmlCode:html源代码
* 调用示例:
* GetRemoteObj o = new GetRemoteObj();
* string Url = @"";
* string HtmlCode = o.GetRemoteHtmlCode(Url);
* string s = o.RegReplace(HtmlCode,"","");
* Response.Write(s);
* o.Dispose();
* ********************************/

/// 替换通过正则获取字符串所带的正则首尾匹配字符串

/// 要替换的值
/// 正则匹配的首字符串
/// 正则匹配的尾字符串
public string RegReplace(string RegValue, string regStart,string regEnd)
string s = RegValue;
if (RegValue != "" && RegValue != null)
if (regStart != "" && regStart != null)
s = s.Replace(regStart, "");
if (regEnd != "" && regEnd != null)
s = s.Replace(regEnd, "");
return s;



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