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delv published in(发表于) 2014/1/27 9:10:08 Edit(编辑)
Zhejiang wenling kill medical case defendants sentenced to death, the families will appeal

Zhejiang wenling kill medical case defendants sentenced to death, the families will appeal(浙江温岭杀医案被告一审获死刑,家属称必将上诉)

Wenling city, Zhejiang, killing doctors and families of defendants sentenced to death in the first instance that will kill medical appeal | wenling | | the death penalty _ which news

CNS,, January 27 (reporter Zhao Xiaoyan)-27th, the sensation of Zhejiang "wenling kill medical trial of" sentence the assailant Lian Enqing was sentenced to death for manslaughter, deprivation of political rights for life. It is understood that Lian Enqing before the incident was due to "persistent delusional disorder" hospitalization, but issued by the public prosecution service in the trial was even reported there was criminal responsibility psychiatric evaluation in assault. The trial, even the defense lawyers had applied for recertification for Lian Enqing mental diseases. However, the Court did not adopt. Lian Enqing family says it will appeal.

  Crime: even stabbed several people used to write death list

The Taizhou intermediate people's Court identified by the trial, March 18, 2012 to 26th, first people's Hospital of wenling Lian Enqing received an ear, nose and throat doctor Cai Chaoyang to nasal surgery. Because of their poor postoperative outcome, Lian Enqing complaints to the hospital several times, and in many cases to other hospitals, but there is no progress, Lian Enqing Cai Chaoyang doctor, and the effect of postoperative CT examination of Lin Hai-yin Yong doctors accepted its complaints against the treatment of ear, nose and throat doctor Wang Yunjie heart problem.

On July 30, 2013, Lian Enqing in his room under the writing on the wall "7.31 Wang Yunjie, Lin Haiyong death" text.

That same year, October 25, Lian Enqing carrying hammers and knives came to the hospital to achieve ready ENT Clinic, outpatient building, floor, room, confirmed Wang Yunjie and Cai Chaoyang in separate adjacent treatment after diagnosis into Wang Yunjie clinic.

Standing about 2 minutes behind Wang Yunjie, even from top coats took the hammers hit Wang Yunjie, Wang Yunjie turned block hammer by hand after he was hit and fled the room, Lian Enqing hammer wooden handle was to fend off disconnect, hammer to fall to the ground, then removed his dagger stabbed Wang Yunjie back cutter. When Wang Yunjie fled to dental Hall, caught up with by Lian Enqing, Wang Yunjie Lian Enqing continues with a knife stab stab chest abdomen, legs, arms and other parts, which fell.

Ear, nose and throat doctor psy approached drag-drop, were also stabbed in the right arm. Free psy after drag-drop, Wang Yunjie heart of Lian Enqing and then fell to the ground and stabbed the knife in.

Thereafter, Lian Enqing ENT Clinic looking for knife returned Cai Chaoyang, Tsai locked office door, Lian Enqing then break the dagger hilt, behind the Office door to leave.

Subsequently, Lian Enqing knife comes to radiology, CT and looking for CT operations is mixed woodlands, mistook the doctor Jiang Xiaoyong as Lin Hai-Yong, then stab stab Jiang Xiaoyong chest and abdomen 3 knives, knowing that hurt after an error, no stab stab. Lian Enqing was caught.

Wang Yunjie victims was stabbed to the heart, pulmonary hypertension and lung rupture, patients whom died on the same day; Jiang Xiaoyong injuries constitute injuries of victims; victims psy's injuries have not been sustained minor injuries.

  A Tribunal sentenced to death: have full criminal responsibility

On the 22nd of this month's trial, Lian Enqing defence counsel made Zhu Shengyong, Lian Enqing 2 months before the incident at Shanghai mental health center was diagnosed as "persistent paranoia disorders", and was hospitalized. Even defense attorneys believe that Lian Enqing not criminal responsibility when the crime was committed.

However, the public prosecution service issued by Zhejiang Provincial tongde hospital in court by forensic appraisal, Lian Enqing crime awareness when clear of the defendant, motive reality, identify and control, full criminal responsibility.

Hearing the same day, Lian Enqing himself repeatedly denied that they have a mental illness, emotional extremely excited, and that hospital in CT in surgical treatment of fraud and so on. Judge on several occasions to stop reminding them to pay attention to controlling emotions.

Lian Enqing lawyers suggested that the recertification Lian Enqing mental diseases. He also believed that Lian Enqing motive for the crime and hospital medical care there is a causal relationship, "Lian Enqing medical procedure over and over, that he felt there is a variety of complications after surgery. Hospital after receiving his complaint, failed to pay enough attention to the perfunctory is suspect. Lian Enqing lack of accumulated resentment of the hospital, added he was willing to take another person's life to get him tortured ways to achieve their goal. ”

But the Court found that the hospital surgical medical malpractice do not exist in the therapeutic process, active coordination and deal with complaints after Lian Enqing, Lian Enqing reactors by the illness of diagnosis and treatment, there are no Lian Enqing fault on disease treatment, cannot be established in the present case is raised at fault.

The Court found that the hospital treats Lian Enqing complaints and follow-up treatment of defective, Hunt Lian Enqing truthful confession of crime after the fact, in flagrante delicto procedure found stab stab object error in consequences and adverse social impact, are not sufficient to Lian Enqing mitigating punishment of the accused, counsel requested the defendant mitigating reason for insufficient, inadmissible.

Court think, accused Lian Enqing due to on surgery treatment effect not satisfaction, in multi-party seeking treatment still is not settlement its disease pain of situation Xia, will disappointed mood vent to for its diagnosis and treatment construction of doctor body, achieved premeditated and holding hammer and knife deliberately killed others, to a people death a people injured, a people injured of serious consequences, its acts has constitute deliberately killing sin, crime plot special serious, law should to punished. Public prosecution service accused of setting up.

Eventually, Lian Enqing was sentenced to death for manslaughter trial, deprivation of political rights for life.

Sisters of the Lian Enqing said lawyers will meet tomorrow Lian Enqing, they would surely appeal. (End text)

(Original title: "wenling kill medical case" suspects sentenced to death in the first instance the families will appeal)

(Edit: SN077)
January 27, 2014 China News Network
浙江温岭杀医案被告一审获死刑 家属称必将上诉|杀医案|温岭|死刑_新闻资讯

  中新网台州1月27日电 (记者 赵小燕)27日,轰动一时的浙江“温岭杀医案”一审宣判,行凶者连恩青因故意杀人罪被判死刑,剥夺政治权利终身。据了解,连恩青在案发前曾因“持久的妄想症障碍”住院治疗,但庭审中公诉机关出具了连在行凶时有刑事责任能力的精神鉴定报告。庭审中,连的辩护律师曾申请对连恩青精神疾病做重新鉴定。不过,法院并未采纳。连恩青家属方面表示,必然会上诉。




















(原标题:“温岭杀医案”嫌犯一审获死刑 家属称必将上诉)


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