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delv published in(发表于) 2014/1/27 9:09:49 Edit(编辑)
XI Jinping, hollande exchanged congratulatory message celebrating the Sino-French relations with 50

XI Jinping, hollande exchanged congratulatory message celebrating the Sino-French relations with 50(习近平同奥朗德互致贺电庆祝中法建交50周年)

Hollande XI Jinping exchanged congratulatory message celebrating the Sino-French diplomatic ties more than 50 years of XI Jinping, | | hollande | exchanging telegrams _ news

Xinhuanet, Beijing, January 27-President, XI Jinping, 27th and France exchanged congratulatory message, President Fran?ois hollande, celebration of 50 anniversary of diplomatic relations between China and France.

XI Jinping pointed out in his message that on January 27, 1964, Chairman Mao Zedong and Sino-French General de Gaulle made the historic decision to establish diplomatic relations, opening up a new era of Sino-European relations, write out inclusion, mutual respect and trust, equality and mutual benefit and win-win new chapter in international relations. France is a permanent member of the UN Security Council and independent spirit of the great powers, is to promote world multipolarization, economic globalization, important strength to the democratization of international relations. Long-term healthy and stable development of Sino-French relations not only conforms to the fundamental interests of the two peoples, but also conducive to world peace and development. I attach great importance to Sino-French relations, and is willing to work hand in hand with you, as 50 anniversary of diplomatic ties as an opportunity to promote the bilateral relationship is at a new historical starting point continues to reach a new level.

Hollande said France was the first to establish diplomatic relations at ambassadorial level with China's Western powers. General de Gaulle made a great decision, because both of us have a strong independent spirit. Decades of unparalleled achievements in China confirms it is a far-sighted decision. Spirit of independence together with mutual respect and cherish the sovereignty and multilateralism, form the cornerstones of Franco-Chinese relations be untouchable. China will play an increasingly important role in International Affairs, French hopes with China to enhance coordination in international and global issues to jointly safeguard world peace and work together to cope with crisis and global challenges, promote new glory of Franco-Chinese relations.

(Edit: SN064)
January 27, 2014 The website

  新华网北京1月27日电 国家主席习近平27日同法国总统奥朗德互致贺电,庆祝中法两国建交50周年。




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