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delv published in(发表于) 2014/1/27 8:55:03 Edit(编辑)
China 3 Coast Guard ships into the Diaoyu Islands 12 nautical miles cruise law enforcement

China 3 Coast Guard ships into the Diaoyu Islands 12 nautical miles cruise law enforcement(中国3艘海警船进入钓鱼岛12海里巡航执法)

China 3 Coast Guard ships into the Diaoyu Islands 12 nautical miles cruise law enforcement | Diaoyu Islands cruise | | the coast guard _ news

"Globe reporter Judy Wang," according to Japan the Yomiuri reported on January 27, Japan Naha 11th District Security Department said 27th, Beijing time on around 7:53 A.M. to 8:5, affiliated with the China Maritime Police Bureau 3 Coast Guard ships into the Diaoyu Islands waters 12 nautical miles cruise law enforcement.

The Yomiuri said the Chinese corporate ships since January 12, entered the 12 nautical miles since entering the territory again this cruise. Japan's coast guard patrols on Chinese continuous was given a "warning".

Japan NHK television reported, China 3 maritime police boat the morning of 27th after entering the Diaoyu Islands 12 nautical miles, Japan Government immediately set in Japan of the Prime Minister's official residence and crisis management center "intelligence liaison office" into a "residence of countermeasures", strengthen intelligence-gathering and "warning and surveillance" gesture.

China's State Oceanic Administration Web site on January 27 news release, January 27, 2014, China's maritime police, 2,337, 2,151 official ship formations to continue fishing in the territorial waters of the island cruise.

(Original title: China 3 maritime police boats 27th into the Diaoyu Islands 12 nautical miles cruise law enforcement)

(Edit: SN063)
January 27, 2014 Global times

  【环球网报道 记者 王欢】据日本《读卖新闻》1月27日报道,日本第11管区那霸保安本部27日称,北京时间当天上午7点53分左右至8点5分左右,隶属于中国海警局的3艘海警船进入钓鱼岛12海里海域巡航执法。






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