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delv published in(发表于) 2014/1/27 8:21:35 Edit(编辑)
The rhythm of this is Google to return to mainland China? ,

The rhythm of this is Google to return to mainland China? ,(这是谷歌重返中国大陆的节奏?,)

The rhythm of this is Google to return to mainland China?
-Google, China, Google, information The rhythm of this is Google to return to mainland China?

Netizens found out last night to early this morning within a certain period of time, Google China (Google.CN) has smooth landing, but we care about Youtube still cannot be used. Some analysts believe that Google would return to the rhythm of the Chinese mainland.

In 2010, the Google review reasons to quit China and move servers to Hong Kong, to switch to Hong Kong domain names and servers to provide mainland Chinese Simplified services.

After Google's exit from China, many people are guessing when Google will return. It is learnt that at the recent World Economic Forum in Davos, Google Chairman and CEO Eric Schmidt (Eric Schmidt), Google will, within the next 10 years, the use of "encryption (encryption)" technology into audit regime more restrictive countries, including China and North Korea.

In addition, Schmidt also said Google servers transferred to Hong Kong, does not mean that Google completely given up the mainland market.

Schmidt said the brief opening statement and, Google these signs seem to be indicating distances back to the mainland China market is not far away.


这是谷歌重返中国大陆的节奏? - 谷歌中国,谷歌, - IT资讯



谷歌退出中国大陆后,许多人都在猜测谷歌何时将卷土重来。据悉,在近日举行的达沃斯世界经济论坛上,谷歌董事长兼CEO Eric Schmidt(埃里克·施密特)表示,谷歌将在未来10年内,用“encryption(加密)”技术进入审核制度较为严格的国家,其中包括中国和朝鲜。




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