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delv published in(发表于) 2014/1/27 8:21:33 Edit(编辑)
The daliangshan repatriated child labour: bad luck, worked better than poor good

The daliangshan repatriated child labour: bad luck, worked better than poor good(大凉山童工被遣返:真倒霉,打工总比受穷好,)

The daliangshan repatriated child labour: bad luck, worked better than poor-greater Liangshan child labor, child labor, sweatshops and-IT information The daliangshan repatriated child labour: bad luck, worked better than poor all

In Shenzhen, a group of young working children were sent back to Liangshan, shortly after the afternoon of January 11, butuo County of Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture police deployed large numbers of police, intercepted 35 are on the way to work outside the juvenile. Blocked teenagers very frustrated, ready to take kids home parents face also reveals the discontent and disdain: "out of work can at least have enough to eat, why don't you let go? ”

Reason sounds simple and crude. But the next few days, reporters Daliang, what it's hard not to hurt. There is no doubt that child labour should never do, but have a think about it: If there is no child labour, if they were to stay, they will have to face will be tired by poverty, isolation, drug life ... ...

16 "older workers"

A creation seems to be nature's tangled: Daliang, often associated with poverty and backwardness, a name linked to pain words, as well as a connected world is proud of the Xichang satellite launch center name. Recently, the children come here a large number of migrant workers sent back to the message, and make it once again become the focus of public attention. Tracing the footsteps of repatriated children, this reporter went to Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan province (hereinafter in Liangshan autonomous prefecture).

At noon on January 8, on a bus goes from Liangshan Prefecture in Xichang in zhaojue County, the reporter met just by Guangdong provincial Labor Department sent back one of the worst, Kat song Yi girls don't. It was clear that she did not want to go back to Daliang.

"I'm 16 years old, why are sending me home? "JI songs don't seem to grievances real. "I'm so bad, just got caught. There are also many people of all ages younger than I, hidden, why didn't you tell us? ”

Kat song ox and her group of friends were on December 8 last year working in Dongguan in Guangdong Province. Kat song don't be zhaojue County Chengbei Township, and prior to that, she has had 3 years of working experience in Shenzhen, working out small partners, should belong to the "older workers". Children don't know a little age to migrate an offence, only 11 years old the youngest of them, the biggest was 16 years old.

Children were described by an intermediary and go out to work, they engaged in cell phone cameras in an electronics factory in Dongguan's assembling welding, weld 1000 per person per day. An electric conveyor belt into everyone on both sides, as long as conveyor belts moving around, and they can't stop, almost worked an average of 12 hours a day, not including rest for half an hour over lunch, not allowed to talk, looking at my phone send a text message in the Middle, even go to the bathroom or drink water for too long will be punished, fined 60 dollars at a time. Pay just 12 dollars per hour, part-time job and introduced them to the intermediaries ' ground 3.

"We do not have any overtime, holiday, and take as much as intermediaries. "JI song don't say.

Although migrant workers day is tough, very demanding, but Kat song don't say "back home in a few days and then find a place to work" because the day working hard out there, much better than at home suffer poor, "be satisfied with places to eat, not to mention also brings home revenue."

Large kid kid on the ground is a traditional

▲ Liangshan children starting at age three or four dry firewood and other household work

Sister to feed brothers, this is the traditional

County of Liangshan State isolated, it is not difficult to find once-migrant juveniles, someone told reporters a very easily identifiable way: wearing clothes, flaxen head styling hyperbole, is what they have. Out at the local "College student" returned, will let other smaller partners in the hills cast envious eyes.

Only the adults or older children will know how sacrifices behind them.

17 year old grandson Rana chaochiaoensis high school sophomore day also understand.

Grandson's sister worked out since I was 12 years old, monthly remittance back home on time, was able to get him up into the high school.

"Sister's monthly salary is 2,300 yuan, to mail 1000 Yuan every month, which is the source of livelihood for the whole family, including my tuition fee,. "Grandson, wore a thin red, warm hands on your lips for a long time. He told reporters, and this red dress is my sister bought it for the money. He was grateful my sister as well. "Contribute to the sacrifices her family can't do. "Grandchildren ashamed to say.

The daliangshan deep in the villages, more than 10 teenage girls go out to earn money to feed the family, not the minority. Darrell village, zhaojue Los Township as well. 51 year old Carpenter Wen Gujiu an early age in the village do a good hand job, contribute later, due to physical injury can no longer work, the lives of the family burden, all the pressure of 15-year old daughter Wen Gu fruit body.

"Ancient fruit in working at a toy factory in Weihai, Shandong province, this is her second year working in Shandong province. "MOM pointing plastered on the walls of the ancient fruit 2009 elementary school received" Miyoshi students "certificate, proud and you're helpless to say:" Guo Guo did well in school, and he is very obedient, let her work outside is no way way, his family was so poor. She mailed home each month for $ 1000 was the only source, brother sister is your school money earned.

In this remote mountainous areas, locals say that girls are not married will be sent out by family before. Early out, will be able to earn money for a few years this is many people's "traditional".

Drugs flood the parents

Yi people in Liangshan is one of the largest branches, population of about more than 2 million, distributed in the Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture and the surrounding area. The daliangshan region drug abuse and drug trafficking and the spread of AIDS, which led to a large number of deaths, injuries, sent to prison and families falling apart, also worsen the living situation of children here. That's what they went out one of the main reasons.

In the ancient village of zhaojue County village, reporters would have met a lot of parents who lose their children rely on the drug. 67 years old the day the old man's grandson is the case.

At noon, when reporters walked into the old, dark room in the middle of hot hot water over a pile of burning fire, red fire, 8 little my finger out of the fire. This is day 8 of young grandchildren. Their maximum, minimum 9 years old was 4 years old. Soon, brought up the lunch, each of those wearing ragged children catch a cold potato, adeptly peel off potato skins, dip a fried chili oil in a small bowl to eat. Their lunch almost every day.

Mid-day sunlight through the gaps in the roof does not always, exposure to a photo hanging on the wall near the door frame. On the picture frame has a young man smoking a cigarette in his mouth, looking down is there to make a young child. "This is my son, because the drug is already dead, kid is one of 8 children in the House. "Old man eyes full of melancholy and frustration," I captured a dozen people, a labour does not work. ”

There were 5 children, including two sons and 1 daughter has problems such as drug abuse and HIV/AIDS, the husband and wife are both dead, 9 grandchildren were left by him. "1 of them a bigger mountain of firewood is not, and the remaining 8 children to stay at home, caring for a cow, two pigs, and chickens. "The day low of 600 Yuan a year, surviving two children left the village in the town's life, very few came back. Watching grandchildren, granddaughter, grew, appetite is growing, it couldn't have been that consumption at home. "I'm going to let older children go out to work, myself, and secondly, could supplement the household. Young orphans class hoping to read from all the fees, after all, children need to learn some knowledge, not as their father did. "Huh told reporters.

-From female sheep, the Shepherd's woman

Girls sing the whole song than stars, 14 years old, Jinyang County in Liangshan State, and father's premature death, his mother remarried, sing on my own stick of caring people to finance a step forward.

Qu Bi a XING when he was 8, his father worked to make money out of, died in an accident, car accident, life infinitely more difficult, for a girls of the Yi people in Liangshan, and was even more choice. In the usual way of life, sing would become a shepherd girl, and then became a shepherd girl. Sure enough, a year later, XING's relatives took possession of this part of the XING support payments, she dropped out a year of the sheep. XING said she didn't even like other girls marry early and end this nonsense and dangerous life.

That year, she was 9 years old.

After another year, Qu Bi a XING was a kind Uncle sneaking to Xichang, sent to school now. At this point, a door slowly opened her eyes, she saw the coveted city, knowing that there are lots and lots of other people besides the Yi learned living there could be a lot of fun. That winter vacation finished on a seven-year term, sing's mother remarried. In accordance with the tradition of Yi, remarries after mother is unable to control a child. Relatives, because XING was a girl looks for her very "concerned" because the wedding difficult Daliang, married women can produce a very high dowry money. Sing almost indifferent told reporters, and relatives at a very high price, she was betrothed to a man older than her teenage, wasn't going to marry later, but also that people lump so exorbitant the dowry money, only to pay a down payment, to pay instalments each year ... ...

That year, Qu Bi a XING 13 years of age.

"Either you should have let me know the world outside, or don't let me go, I can't just get married......" friends and relatives home sing get married this year, she secretly returned to school. Principals decide after that happened to sing, just sing would read, fully financed by the schools. Later, XING knows, her relatives have called the headmaster, loss compensation in tow. Winter and summer vacations, and XING have nowhere to go, have to stay in school, the teacher on duty offered to take her to dinner. Principals to keep her looking after, recognized a sister to her, giving her as much as possible to provide some help. Sometimes, sing will miss home, but she was afraid to go back, but the lack of opportunity to continue to attend school.

In another year, sing from the shelter of her 3 years of graduate school, she did not know where their future. She wants to continue in high school and even College, but that seems a long way off.

Poverty and brings her life time and time again confused the crossroads. This is a common situation of Liangshan children.

News tracking:

The repatriation is not final, Black medium is still child labour ... ...

Reporters in zhaojue quarantine addiction treatment interview outside the door, less than half an hour, he noticed, there have been three chirps the siren of a police car, and there are many looking eagerly at the gate of their loved ones were taken in the children. "In Liangshan mountain areas in many parts of the State, children know how drugs at home are exposed. "The taxi driver Lahu said to reporters as an interpreter.

It is understood that as of early 2009, Liangshan Prefecture found that people living with HIV/AIDS now has tens of thousands of people. Now, in the statistics of people living with HIV, injecting drug users account for more than half, a great deal more than 30 women were drug husband infection. Zhaojue County was hit hard by drugs and AIDS. As of October 2007, zhaojue 2038 people people living with AIDS, orphans a total of 1181, and becomes a great deal of risk.

These astonishing figures tells us a very awkward facts: poverty is not just because of the Liangshan mountains far, inconvenient transportation. When the national road and expressway has reached Liangshan Prefecture when growing numbers of people living with HIV and orphans who are still shocking. If you do not take action to resolve the problem as soon as possible, to help villagers get rid of poverty, where children are still willing to child labour, shipments sent to factories in eastern coastal ... ...

It turns out, the story may indeed. In the village of zhaojue County Chengbei Township capital, journalist with toy factory job-hungry business owners who, through the black car driver got in touch with a local middleman junction fire company profile of child labour can be Magariyama.

Open fire Magariyama assured the reporters that, as long as it takes, he will quickly help to find a sufficient number of child labour more than 10 years old.

It appears that repatriation of Liangshan children not a big relief in the end.


大凉山童工被遣返:真倒霉,打工总比受穷好 - 大凉山童工,童工,血汗工厂 - IT资讯














































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