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delv published in(发表于) 2014/1/27 8:20:47 Edit(编辑)
Columbia: 70% business comes from software in a cab every day earn 135,

Columbia: 70% business comes from software in a cab every day earn 135,(的哥:七成生意来自打车软件,每天多赚135,)

Columbia: 70% business from software in a cab every day earn 135 cabs-software, PC software APP in a cab, di di, fast, micro, PayPal-IT information Columbia: 70% business comes from software in a cab every day earn 135

Taxi market an unprecedented war has begun: this car, joined hands with beeps fighting vehicles pushed micro-micro-payment, 10 passengers and drivers every single prize; hand, PayPal wallet announced on January 22, PayPal wallet joint taxi to append to invest 500 million, national people's "free" in a cab. PayPal to disclose data show that online only 3 days until January 25 activities, this combination of deals number of orders exceeded 100,000. "Taxi" and "beep in a cab" taxi is convenient? Affordable too? Reporters were made by experience.

"Fast taxi" experience

Booking taxi on time on time

Press Conference the following afternoon to go to the Emerald City, at 7 o'clock in the evening to open "get with taxi drivers" software, the transfer of information, when the car is started. Probably waited 30 seconds, one Romanian master and master calls, taxis, as well as an SMS text message sent to reporters.

At 1 o'clock in the afternoon the next day, 20 minutes to reporters called the agreed time, telephone ringing, a group calling itself the Romanian master chef colleagues in Europe, said Luo teacher because I was, no way to get to the rendezvous, and talk to him, "I'll be here. ”

Thus, journalists in 1:40, European master on a taxi on time. European master gear is complete, 2 phone holders are placed on the car, " a fast, a ticking, 2 phone without switching . "He said with a smile. Under his guidance, press cancel its "reservations", start on where to go now, re-enter your address, "wrote a random, so I can understand it, don't fill in the Wulin square, to easily by other masters to give away. "He said.

Thus, journalists feel free to fill out an address, and confirm the call a cab, 15 seconds later his cell phone out of a journalist called out information from one pond road to the Emerald City. His fingers quickly and successfully get a single. "Drop", and the first reporter on the phone display, license plate and other related information of the European masters.

Truck and, along the way, PC software on his phone, while PC information from time to time. "It was good, a lot of people. ”

European master counting showed a small account, gains a taxi every day give him 5 account bonus, each 15, 5 there is an additional 10 bonus, it breaks down 85 dollars could make in vain; beeps also gave him 50 dollars. "A total of 135 Yuan a month to something like, could be more than 4,000 yuan. "He said, passengers are also cost-effective, there are 10 relief," now my 70% is a PC software to do business. ”

He joked about this, of course, primarily their own lazy not to make sweeping the road, using the PC software business more focused.

"Says Burns about 500 million, burn done, don't know if I will continue to vote for, but I will keep on using it. "European Master says slowly after people are accustomed to using the PC software will certainly be popular.

Instant car pay flow

At 1 o'clock in the afternoon, reporters with son lane make Yanan Road experience. Journalists visiting the West West Wener road, enter a destination on the PC software, select "start a taxi", the software suggests: the information has been sent to hundreds of taxi drivers in a cab. Just over 1 minute software prompts the reporter, Zhao master orders, also shows the other side of the license number, praise is 98.

Probably waiting 5 minutes, went to the place where the journalist, Zhao master phone voice broadcast almost every few seconds where someone in a cab, "the software is much more younger people, commonly used software person taxi are 40 years of age . ”

He also began using software, as heard about subsidy. "I have experimented with different mobile phones. "He talks about it, instantly excited, non-smart phone both before he was in order to install the software in a cab, he went to buy the iPhone5 and test at home so many times, how on earth can reach. "Have to fast Internet connections, I plan to change the 4G over time. ”

Billing problem? When a reporter arrived at their destination, click on the upper right corner of the software of the "PayPal" button on the meter shows the 28, reporters have entered 28, clicked on the confirmation link, jump to PayPal wallet page, and automatic relief to 10 Yuan, the reporter finally paid to drivers is 18 Yuan.

Took only a few seconds, the whole process was smooth, Zhao master looked at the cell phone, the "fare, OK. "He said that pay was okay as I am now, don't need to change.

"Di di taxi" experience

Off-peak, not necessarily enough

It was daybreak, reporters went with the founding of Kiyoyasu Street, close to the railway station. Open micro-"drop cab" function, interface display near 55 taxi.

Automatic positioning on the bus location, enter the Hangzhou Xiaoshan International Airport of destination, you are prompted to "start a taxi." To get to the airport, taxi drivers like to pick up the list after 9 seconds, a driver Master Li orders successfully. And the system displays, where the chef set about 1.3 km to pick-up with a journalist, as well as the driver's phone.

System does not seem to be very accurate, to the road conditions, distance of 1.3 km, reporters waited in the street for about 5 minutes, grab the car yet to come. Every now and then drove on, the headlights of taxis on the road, there have been two drivers stopped to ask reporters if you want to take a taxi.

Grab a bicycle slow, contact drivers are not billed with taxi drivers who, journalists had to cancel the order.

Subsequently, again in the same place, the same taxi information. This time is very smooth, about 3 minutes, smooth car.

"Now is not the peak, use a taxi software is very easy to get a taxi, generally not within 1 km of the list, I don't get so delayed family time. "The driver name, about 40 years old, drive a taxi for nearly 12 years.

"I don't have to take a taxi before software, is a partner of the day before I installed after business easier said than done, and then (taxi software) company and a lot of subsidies, with no loss, anyway. With more than half a year, revenue has actually increased, each month in the seven hundred or eight hundred of the business is there, but not as much as people earning million . ”

How do seven hundred or eight hundred is "polite" argument, if you count the beeps, get a taxi APP companies such as open to drivers of subsidies, each got a taxi taxi driver software monthly income increased two thousand or three thousand there is no problem.

Chatting, Master Li's phone call came, description is not specific to the reason for this is "never found". At this point, the reporter's car has been on the airport expressway from billing for the first time in the past more than 20 minutes.

"I have pretty good luck, so before you send a single failed? "Money masters opened the chatterbox," now a cab driver software, Rob just isn't what it used to be easy, especially such as running the airport list, must have got it first, only to find the distance to your city or pick-up location is hard is inevitable, you (people) with a feeling that they might as well have beckoning taxi at all. ”

This reminds journalists friends Dave experience with taxi drivers in Beijing. At 9 o'clock last night, David wensan road, Fengqi road jiaogong road intersection and take a taxi to, beeps and turns to go, plus from the fare increase of 5 Yuan to 20 Yuan, waited 30 minutes, lengshi do not have a driver who just cut a single, ride on a bus in the end. Dawei said Beijing now too, harder than a crowded bus in a cab.

Money maker admitted that part because of subsidies, monthly income has increased, sports cars are not as good as before. "Before the night shift at 6 o'clock in the morning to 6 at night without a break, sweeping the streets, now do two or three in the morning looking for a place to stop and sleep for an hour or two and then out of the car. Daytime business done, heard that a driver is not doing peak business. ”

After almost half an hour to reach Hangzhou Xiaoshan International Airport, the meter shows 93 Yuan, using micro-payments can reduce 10 Yuan, 83 dollars actually paid.

"Micro-believed to be a payment of benefits, going home without an account, I can have much more money, lol. "The money master smiled.


的哥:七成生意来自打车软件,每天多赚135 - 打车软件,叫车软件,打车APP,嘀嘀,快的,微信,支付宝 - IT资讯



































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