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delv published in(发表于) 2014/1/23 8:09:54 Edit(编辑)
Sell WiFi on the train? China railway company: the penalty,

Sell WiFi on the train? China railway company: the penalty,(火车上卖wifi?中国铁路总公司:该罚,)

Sell WiFi on the train?
China railway company: the penalty-selling WiFi on the train, get rich selling WiFi on the train, the train WiFi, the TRA-IT information Sell WiFi on the train? Total iron: the punishment

Recently, a 19 year old boy on his way home on the train to sell WIFI, half an hour to earn 500 topics jump red tweets, attracted media attention. Meanwhile, with bus and Metro public WIFI coverage, long and boring train journeys, tie laoda Wi-Fi on demand all the more urgent.

Boy as the train network management

Recently, a 19-year old boy, using free WIFI software to train into a "content" itself as a "network management". Boys take advantage of this feature, set 20K/s, 50k/s, and 100k/s speeds, and the price is 10 yuan per hour respectively, 15 yuan per hour, 20 yuan/hour. This practice of limiting speed, control, time also was kind of Internet Cafe Internet access means.

In response, many netizens expressed, although highly priced, but on the train, you need to buy, sell WIFI on the train is new way of rich local tyrant. But also has part users guesses, tie laoda not allows private in train Shang business, must will hand management this thing, even also suggested, since experience has-Enterprise separation, tie laoda can in each column train Shang set a network, let each section car of train service personnel built a WIFI hot share station, is can protection network stable, and can to each Taiwan equipment for limit speed management, also can kicked off non-paid user.

Railways respond to ban peddling or trafficking are punished

For selling WIFI on the train of events, reporters interviewed railway departments, staff said such cases in violation of regulations, train staff will be based on relevant provisions of the railway to dissuade, deter vendors boarded hawking, didn't listen by Railway Police Department for processing .

Tie laoda short and no WIFI project

Since 2008, the country's first Android phone was born that year, growing demand for WIFI mobile phone users begin until 2012, with WIFI function Smartphone popularity, WIFI demand growth. As the progressive popularization of Wi-Fi on bus, subway, trains can achieve coverage once again attracted wide user discussion.

In this regard, the reporter called the railway Research Institute, the staff does not sell WIFI event to express their views on the train, told reporters that the WIFI on a train within a short time cannot be built. In addition journalists to China Railway Corp to understand WIFI project, provided that the staff member does not give a positive response.


火车上卖wifi?中国铁路总公司:该罚 - 火车上卖wifi,火车上卖wifi致富,火车wifi,铁路局 - IT资讯











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