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delv published in(发表于) 2014/1/20 9:15:11 Edit(编辑)
Huangling in Shaanxi province found that Leopard has been hunting

Huangling in Shaanxi province found that Leopard has been hunting(陕西黄陵发现金钱豹,已遭猎杀)

Shanxi huangling found Leopard was hunted | Leopard wildlife | |-level protected animal _ news

Yanan, this is located in ziwuling mountains branch of huangling County, has been rumored by national-level protected animal Leopard, but in recent decades, almost no one has found traces of the rare animal, and no entity to support the rumors. January 17, in huangling County forest Police intercepted an illegal poaching gangs, found a female Leopard, but unfortunately is, it has been hunters hunt. At present, the forest police in Yan ' an investigation of the case.

, January 17, in huangling County shangzhenzi forest managed by the police station in the forest at night on patrol, have parked a white van, suspiciously, then go and inventories. Police questioned do not back up, one person in the car, got into the forest quickly fled, another person was brought back to the police station after the police control the interrogation, in the car, the police also found a dead female Leopard and instrumentalities such as wire.

After an initial investigation, police learned, fleeing suspects Lee is the main implementer of the poaching cases, captured a suspect road tie in with the implementation of acts of theft, mainly responsible for driving a vehicle. Death Leopard within a forest area of Kangaroo wire capture. "This is a tragedy of great discoveries, it proves that is located in ziwuling mountains branch of huangling County have Leopard population exists, but unfortunately is, the Wild Hunt of the rare animals have been poached, almost a lot harder to find. "In Yanan city forest Public Security Bureau official said.

At present, Yan ' an municipal forestry Public Security Bureau was arrested for theft suspect Lee to be apprehended.

  Yanan have found eight levels of wild animals

Yesterday, the wildlife protection station in Yanan city high head said that in the past, is located in the Yanan fragile eco-environment in the loess plateau, the forest is rare and is not suitable for large wildlife, but in recent years a wide range of converting cropland to forest and closed forest, hunting, grazing, and other measures, in Yanan ecological environment have been greatly improved, more and more wildlife began to emerge.

It is understood that the Leopard has a wide distribution in our country, but due to ecological change, human hunting grounds lead to their degradation, number only hundreds of their natural existence, quantity has been lower than the Tigers.

"The late 70, Leopard is listed as a national animal protection in 1981, for the two countries to protect the animal, 1983 as a national-level protected animal, whose population has been on the endangered animals list. Convention on international trade in Leopard and all its range of products included in the ban on trade, these measures have significantly strengthened the protection strength of the Leopard. "High master said," so far, Yan ' an 8 species of wild animal protection at the national level, there are leopards, musk deer, Red-crowned crane, Brown eared pheasant, Golden carving, Bustard, black stork and white stork. ”

It is reported that in 2006, the State Council approved the establishment of ziwuling natural reserve, it is the first national nature reserve on the loess plateau in northern Shaanxi. "Nature reserve, a total of 188 species of animals, 27 59, national key protected animals of which 19, provincial-level protected animal, 73. Yanan was established there in huanglong mountains, four major forest protected areas, laoshan, bridge Hill, the bridge North, provides good natural conditions for wildlife protection. "High head said.

 Long-distance bus seized

A large number of rare wild animals

Newspaper in shangluo (by staff reporter Zhang Hongzhong) January 17, a group of outlaws hunting of rare wild animals, forestry police seized in transit in shangluo city.

The evening of January 17, forests in shangluo City Public Security Bureau police after receiving the public alarm, on a long-distance bus from Hanzhong to Shenzhen found two sacks and 10 cases of suspicious consignments after an investigation found the contents to be rare wild animals. "The total collection of more than 120 birds poultry carcasses, these birds are provincial key protection. "A case police said. According to reports, also collected 4 live red duck and a Heron. The most precious wildlife is seized a suitcase full of giant salamander (commonly known as the baby fish), is a State protected second class animal. "The upside is, 10 boxes of baby fish alive, vital signs are good. "Police. Handling police told reporters that the suspects thought the new year return traffic, long-distance bus cover up from the public shipping rare animals, will sell their illegal profits.

According to the forests in shangluo City Public Security Bureau criminal investigation Brigade Captain Tang Hongwei introduced, deaths of poultry seized wildlife were criminals with poison, into the catering market, the consequences would be unthinkable. It is understood that this group of wily poachers use fake names and fake shipping documents registration. At present, forests in shangluo and Hanzhong police of Public Security Department to contact in the case is still under investigation.

(Original title: huangling Leopard but were found to have been killed)

January 20, 2014 Xian Xian news network evening news
陕西黄陵发现金钱豹 已遭猎杀|金钱豹|野生动物|一级保护动物_新闻资讯

  本报延安讯 位于子午岭山系支脉的黄陵县境内,曾传言有国家一级保护动物金钱豹,但近几十年来,几乎无人发现这一稀有动物的踪迹,更无实体佐证这一传言。1月17日晚10时,黄陵县森林公安截获一个非法盗猎团伙,发现一只雌性金钱豹,但可惜的是,它已被盗猎者猎杀。目前,延安森林公安已对该案立案侦查。





  昨日,延安市野生动物保护站高站长说, 过去,地处黄土高原的延安生态环境脆弱,林木稀少,并不适合大型野生动物生存,但随着近年来大范围的退耕还林和封山育林、禁猎、禁牧等措施,延安的生态环境得到很大改善,越来越多的野生动物开始出现。






  本报商洛讯 (记者 张红中) 1月17日,一伙不法分子盗猎珍稀野生动物,转运途中被商洛市林业公安民警查获。





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