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delv published in(发表于) 2014/1/20 9:15:02 Edit(编辑)
Henan high people’s court investigating Yancheng Court policemen arrested for beating incident

Henan high people’s court investigating Yancheng Court policemen arrested for beating incident(河南高院介入调查郾城法院干警涉嫌打人事件)

High Court investigating Yancheng, Henan Henan High Court policemen arrested for beating incident | | Court policemen | hit _ news

CNS, Zhengzhou, January 19 (reporter Li Guigang)-Henan luohe city Yancheng district Marshal arrested for one of the parties in carrying out case, higher people's Court and the luohe city intermediate people's Court of Henan province 19th formed a joint investigation team to begin the work of investigation and verification.

Luohe to Xinhua reporters reflected a man Cheng Moucheng January 15 said, "its way in Yancheng district court officers had words with enforcement officers and practitioners ' many fans slapping '." On January 17, Beijing, published reports in luohe in Henan province judge on assault police said the parties had no right to intervene, thrown out of netizens concerned at reports. On this matter, Henan province high people's Court attached great importance to and the morning of 19th and luohe formed a joint investigation team in an investigation of the matter.

Following a preliminary investigation, Ji Mouling Cheng Moucheng business contract dispute case against the accused, after one or two trial accused Cheng Moucheng cement of debt owed to the plaintiff Ji Mouling 31,700 dollars and paying late fees, since 2004, Cheng Moucheng's refusal to fulfil their obligations, causing Ji Mouling repeatedly petitioning the applicant.

Henan High Court reply said to reporters, "due to Cheng Moucheng refuse to perform the duties determined by final judgement, in accordance with the People's Republic of China-related provisions of the code of civil procedure, luohe city, Yancheng District Court decision for the person subjected to execution served a detention measures taken. In sending the person subjected to execution container on his way to the detention facility, Cheng Mouyan and her brother Cheng Mouhua forcibly stopped a police car along the track and, for the implementation of police abuse and trying to open the car his father Cheng Moucheng away, to rip the Court policemen caught at the same time, attracting a crowd of onlookers and called the police. ”

At present, reflecting the implementation of police beatings and reported by the parties, the group said it would conduct a proper investigation into, immediately after the survey results to the public. Research Group says, if it is found that implementation of police investigation violations in the enforcement process, will be seriously dealt with, no means condoning Koo, welcome this user monitored. (End text)

(Original title: the High Court involved in the investigation Court of Yancheng, Henan police officers allegedly beat a thing)

(Edit: SN091)
January 19, 2014 China News Network

  中新网郑州1月19日电 (记者 李贵刚) 针对河南漯河市郾城区法警在执行一起案件时涉嫌打当事人一事,河南省高级人民法院与漯河市中级法院19日组成联合调查组,开始进行调查核实。







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