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delv published in(发表于) 2014/1/20 9:14:53 Edit(编辑)
Hainan Lingshui village build a village temple 6.8 million Yuan, said County leaders acquiesced

Hainan Lingshui village build a village temple 6.8 million Yuan, said County leaders acquiesced(海南陵水村庄680万元建村庙,称经县领导默许)

Hainan Lingshui village build a village temple said 6.8 million Yuan by County leaders acquiesced in Hainan Lingshui | | | village temple of luxury _ news

People NET Hainan window Lingshui, January 19 (Xinhua today) Zheng Jijiang Lingshui youth find a people's daily reporter a few days ago, hope paid for his construction team through the media more than 80,000 yuan. After reporters learn to know, little Cheng and his coworkers in the construction is a cost as much as $ 6.8 million worth of "luxury" village temple.

It is understood that the owners of the temple is Lingshuix County town, Lai village, village of dadun. Xiao cheng's boss, the head of the luxury village temple builders he describes, the village temple was completed as early as a year ago. At first, the two sides signed the contract, contract village temple cost of 3.1 million dollars. Later, in the case of both the default, expanding the village temple, shicun Temple covers an area of completion has reached more than 500 square meters, the construction cost rose to 6.8 million Yuan.

Pier village Party Secretary of the village, the village Committee Director Mr Lee Kwok-kids people network reporter in an interview, he said, the construction of the Temple have Lingshui County leaders consent and acquiescence. But Mr Lee Kwok-child objects to the village temple cost of 6.8 million Yuan: "we have agreed a contract costing between 2.8 million and 3.3 million Yuan. Construction now elevate the cost so much, as the Secretary of the village Committee, I am unable to tell other members of the village and the villagers. ”

Construction company Mr Yang said, according to the project area, such as material costs, labour costs be accounted for, "we do cost more than 6.8 million dollars. If Pier village little 1.0002 billion US are negotiable, but owed much to our loss. ”

It is understood that the current construction of Pier village has village temples to pay 3.1 million Yuan, 3.8 million dollars owed the unwillingness to pay, for which construction company had hired lawyers, ready to deal with the matter through the judicial process.

Who work in the field of dadun villagers complained to reporters: "the village of dadun because land is very rich over the years. But money can not squander it. Spend 6.8 million Yuan to build a temple, it's not a big waste? Today Central in advocating a conservation-minded society, spending so much money to build a village temple, don't know how Village Council leader is considered. ”

(Edit: SN091)
January 19, 2014 People's daily online
海南陵水村庄680万元建村庙 称经县领导默许|海南陵水|奢华|村庙_新闻资讯

  人民网海南视窗陵水1月19日电(记者 李伟民)陵水青年郑纪江日前找到人民网记者,希望通过媒体为他的施工队讨回工钱80000余元。经过记者进一步了解才知道,小郑和他的工友参与施工的竟是一座造价高达680万元的“奢华”村庙。







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