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delv published in(发表于) 2014/1/16 12:21:10 Edit(编辑)
China’s credit system construction, and a timetable, and credit society

China’s credit system construction, and a timetable, and credit society(我国信用体系建设有时间表,诚信社会更可期)

Schedule credit society credit system construction in China credit system construction | | integrity | social credit system construction plan of society _ news

Wu Dingping

Premier Li presided over a State Council Executive meeting January 15, deployment of speeding up the construction of social credit system, constructing economic and social environment of honesty and trustworthiness, and approved in principle the construction of social credit system plan (2014-2020). This means that construction of China's credit system "timetable" and "road map", honest society becomes clearer.

China's current social credit situation in General is good, promise exemplary ethical, honest and trustworthy man of good, honest and upright party member cadre, fueled the entire credit system. But have to admit, lack of credit is still prominent in China's development, "Achilles heel", manufacture and sale, commercial fraud, skip piandai, phenomena such as academic misconduct is not uncommon, especially the unscrupulous profiteers in poisonous food, poisonous plants, callous indifference, the hand that feeds "saving being the supporter of" frequency of extreme events, such as the impact of social morals and withering of the social trust and person to person. How to effectively improve the situation of the social credit, has become a universal appeal.

Construction of social credit system, which is a systematic project, requiring both from the institutional dimension of building mechanisms for information sharing, advance the credit system construction of Heli, and improve relevant laws and regulations and standards and needs at the operational level and promote including the administrative integrity, business integrity and social integrity, including the construction of social credit system. That the Government had "set an example and lead in promoting open Government, open credit information held in administration according to law, and greater transparency in decision-making" is undoubtedly the most important.

Government integrity is the Foundation of social credit, or even a "weather vane". If the Government takes the lead in not in good faith, hard to imagine some honest business, only to cause panic and dread cum mess. Conversely, if the Government leading by example, set an example, lead in good faith, the assumed commitments and give full play to their exemplary role in the construction of social honesty and credit system, will take the Chief demonstration lead the whole society good faith construction.

In fact, the Government strengthened government good faith construction is the important way to gain public trust. In 2013, a new Central Government populist and pragmatic style, won the wide acclaim of the community. The next plenary meeting of the first session of the State Council, Premier of the State Council, Li made it clear that "the Government says to do not ' talk big. '" A year to promote the decentralization of the State Council and the transformation of government functions, delegation of more than 200 has a number of items requiring administrative approval, fulfilling the Government's commitment to the people. Such credit for all levels of Government with a good head, but also for the construction of social credit system has played a leading role.

China has entered the comprehensive reform of the new period, accelerate the construction of social credit system has important practical significance. Market is not only beneficial to play a decisive role in the allocation of resources and standardize the market order, reduce transaction costs, enhance the predictability and efficiency of the economic and social activities and promote the transformation of government functions, decentralization, better do it "" "tube" combination necessary for economic and social development "lubricant" and "boosters".

A man without trust is, believe it or not, the Chang-free. As China's reform moves forward, more market-oriented and higher areas of participating in international competition and cooperation has become an increasingly widespread, strengthening the construction of good faith has been more than a matter of will we eat to "oil", "thin meat essence", it's about a country's overall image and reputation. From this point of view, the countries to speed up the construction of social credit system, with more lasting significance. Governments at all levels when you read this verse, leading by example with good head, leading the construction of social credit.

(The website review: build a credit society, the Government should "take a good head")

(Edit: SN028)
January 16, 2014 The website
我国信用体系建设有时间表 诚信社会更可期|信用体系建设|诚信社会|社会信用体系建设规划纲要_新闻资讯


  国务院总理李克强1月15日主持召开国务院常务会议,部署加快建设社会信用体系、构筑诚实守信的经济社会环境,并原则通过《社会信用体系建设规划纲要(2014—2020年)》。这意味着我国信用体系建设有了 “时间表”“路线图”,诚信社会变得更加清晰可期。









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