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delv published in(发表于) 2014/1/16 12:21:06 Edit(编辑)
Chen an audience was removal of Deputy Director of the Jiangxi provincial people’s Congress Office

Chen an audience was removal of Deputy Director of the Jiangxi provincial people’s Congress Office(陈安众被撤销江西省人大副主任职务)

Deputy Director of the Jiangxi provincial people's Congress, Chen an audience be revoked | Vice Director of Jiangxi provincial people's Congress, Chen an | | Jiangxi Federation _ news


Chen an allegedly serious violation of law survey

CNS, Nanchang, January 16 (reporter Wang Jian)-January 16, Jiangxi province, the 12th session of the Standing Committee of the eighth plenary meeting of the second vote, decided to depose Chen an 12th position of deputies to revoke Chen an the 12th session of the Standing Committee of the national people's Congress Deputy Director of Jiangxi province.

According to the Central Commission for discipline inspection Inspection Department website on December 6, 2013, Deputy Director of the Jiangxi provincial people's Congress, the provincial Federation of trade unions Chairman Chen an allegedly serious violation of law, currently under investigation. On December 8 of that year, official confirmed that Chen an audience for suspected serious disciplinary offences, the Central decisions removed from his leadership post.

Prior to this, between January 10 and 14 in Jiujiang city, Jiangxi province held the 15th meeting of the NPC Standing Committee, the meeting reviewed and adopted the motion on the appointment and removal of personnel, regarding the dismissal of Chen an audience without a vote decisions of the 12th people's Congress of Jiangxi province.

According to the Jiangxi provincial people's Congress news open sources, Chen an, male, born in January 1954 in December 1976, joined the Communist Party of China, went to work in March 1972, graduate, master's degree in law, ningyuan, Hunan people.

Chen an all served as Hunan province Changsha suburb discipline Secretary, and District Deputy Secretary, and district, Hunan University Management cadres College party Deputy Secretary, Hengyang municipal Deputy Secretary, and Mayor, Jiangxi province Jingdezhen municipal Deputy Secretary, and Mayor, Pingxiang municipal Secretary, and city Standing Committee Director, Jiujiang municipal Secretary, Jiangxi CPPCC Deputy President, and provincial politics and Law Committee of Deputy Secretary, January 2010 any Jiangxi province Standing Committee Deputy Director, and provincial politics and Law Committee of Deputy Secretary, March 2010 any Jiangxi province Standing Committee Deputy Director, and party members, and Provincial party Committee Deputy Secretary of the politics and Law Committee.

In April 2012, the Deputy Director of the Jiangxi provincial people's Congress and party Committee, Deputy Secretary of the politics and Law Committee, provincial Federation President, Party Secretary. (End text)

(Original title: Chen an audience was removal of Deputy Director of the Jiangxi provincial people's Congress)

(Edit: SN028)

January 16, 2014 China News Network





  中新网南昌1月16日电 (记者 王剑) 1月16日上午,江西省第十二届人大常委会第八次会议第二次全体会议表决通过,决定罢免陈安众第十二届全国人民代表大会代表职务,撤销陈安众江西省第十二届人民代表大会常务委员会副主任职务。











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