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delv published in(发表于) 2014/1/10 8:22:11 Edit(编辑)
Former Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Song Tao served as Deputy Director of the Central Foreign Affairs Office

Former Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Song Tao served as Deputy Director of the Central Foreign Affairs Office(原外交部副部长宋涛出任中央外办副主任)

Former Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Song Tao served as Deputy Director of the Central Foreign Affairs Office | Foreign Affairs Office Center Song Tao | | _ foreign news

Chinese Communist Party News January 10 (Cui Xiaosu), according to the Gansu Provincial Government Foreign Affairs website of Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office, January 8, Deputy Director of the Central Foreign Affairs Office Song Tao Wang Daixi, Gansu Provincial Government Foreign Affairs Office, met with party Secretary and Director, this is the first song Tao capacity as Deputy Director of the Central Foreign Affairs Office in the media debut. Prior to that, he served as Deputy Foreign Minister.

  Song Tao biographical sketch

Song Tao, male, born in April 1955, Jiangsu Province, doctor of economics.

1978-1986, People's Republic of China forestry faculty, Deputy Director of Fujian forestry College;

Fujian forestry College, 1986-1988, Deputy Director of the Office;

1988-1991 Australia Federal Mo West University;

1991-1992 Director, Office of Fujian forestry College;

Fujian light industry Research Institute, 1992-1995, Director;

1995-1997 in luoyuan County Vice Secretary of Fujian province;

Fujian province textile industry Corporation General Manager Assistant, 1997-2000;

Fujian international trust and Investment Corporation, Vice President;

2000-2002 Mission in India Counsellor, Embassy of the Republic;

2002-2004 China in the Cooperative Republic of Guyana, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary;

2004-2007, Secretary for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to work abroad;

2007-2008 Mission in Republic of the Philippines, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary;

2008-2011 members of the Ministry;

2011-2013, Vice-Foreign Minister.

Married, with a daughter.

(Edit: SN095)
January 10, 2014 The Communist Party of China News

  中国共产党新闻网北京1月10日电 (崔小粟)据甘肃省人民政府外事侨务港澳事务办公室网站消息,1月8日,中央外办副主任宋涛会见甘肃省政府外事办党组书记、主任王代喜一行,这是宋涛首次以中央外办副主任身份在媒体上亮相。此前,他担任外交部副部长。



  1978年-1986年 中华人民共和国福建林学院森工系教师、副主任;

  1986年-1988年 福建林学院办公室副主任;

  1988年-1991年 澳大利亚联邦莫纳西大学学习;

  1991年-1992年 福建林学院办公室主任;

  1992年-1995年 福建轻工业研究所所长;

  1995年-1997年 福建省罗源县县委副书记;

  1997年-2000年 福建省轻纺工业总公司总经理助理;


  2000年-2002年 驻印度共和国大使馆参赞;

  2002年-2004年 驻圭亚那合作共和国特命全权大使;

  2004年-2007年 外交部国外工作局局长;

  2007年-2008年 驻菲律宾共和国特命全权大使;

  2008年-2011年 外交部领导成员;

  2011年-2013年 外交部副部长。



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