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delv published in(发表于) 2014/1/10 8:22:08 Edit(编辑)
Focus on environmental protection in 2014 task deployment, pollution control action speed

Focus on environmental protection in 2014 task deployment, pollution control action speed(2014年环保工作重点任务部署,污染治理行动提速)

2014 environmentally focused tasks to deploy pollution control pollution control of speed-up | | | tasks _ news

2014 national environmental protection meeting, air, water and soil pollution released a new coordination mechanisms and plans of action.

Governing national action on air, water and soil are accelerating. On January 9, the Environmental Protection Department convened a national environmental protection Conference, deployed the 2014 national environmental priorities.

21st century business Herald reporter was informed that the Department of environmental protection has led the formation of the national coordination group for the Department of air pollution control. At the same time, haze problem of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei province and the surrounding area, the Yangtze River Delta area, recently set up air pollution prevention coordination group, the former head of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee Secretary Guo Jinlong, and held by Shanghai party Secretary Han Zheng, Director of the latter.

"The atmosphere, water and soil pollution, is determined by the State Council, the current Government's three key areas of work of environmental protection. , "Said Zhou shengxian, Minister of environmental protection, which is 2014 full of deepening the reform of eco-environmental protection at the same time, the Ministry of environmental protection need to push on the three key areas of work. "The clean water action plan and the environmental protection and pollution of the soil action plan had been discussed at the meeting of the leading party group of the Ministry of environmental protection, discuss arguments once, will be submitted to the State Council. ”

Zhou shengxian has also deployed 2013 annual total emissions of four major pollutants of specific tasks. "National chemical oxygen demand and sulfur dioxide emission reduction progress exceeded expectations, progress with time basic synchronization progress to reduce emissions of ammonia nitrogen and nitric oxide after about two years with an average annual reduction of 4.8% to complete ' Twelve-Five ' emission reduction targets for emissions reduction challenge the next two years. ”

  Startup detailed soil pollution investigation

Among the three environmental action plan, the implementation of the action plan for air pollution prevention and control remains a daunting task.

On the regional collaboration mechanisms, Ministry of environmental protection has led the formation of the national coordination group for the Department of air pollution control. "In 2013, new Central Finance established a special fund for air pollution prevention and control, first arranged a 5 billion yuan to support the Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, five provinces (regions and municipalities) of air pollution control. "Zhou shengxian, introduction, first half of the year, to come up with 10 billion in support of air pollution control.

Mr Zhou believes that governance hinges on how to deepen the implementation of the atmosphere. Lanzhou governance haze experience was awarded the State Council for approval. Lanzhou two mountains clip one condition of the geographical spread of the River were not good and the economy is relatively backward, and under such conditions, Lanzhou had serious haze, were able to fix haze in these few years. "Why not? ”

"Lanzhou's experience in treatment of haze, while elsewhere have to learn many other aspects. But it must be noted that fact has its particularity, because the local paid a high social and economic costs, possibility of large area, there is a certain degree of uncertainty. "Science and technology policy and management, CAs analysis of Wang Yi, Deputy Director of science for the 21st century business Herald said.

In addition to the atmosphere, the Environmental Protection Department will expedite the preparation of the action plan on clean water. Focus on protecting drinking water sources, good ecology lakes high functions such as water bodies, elimination of bad polluted bodies of water such as v.

Zhou shengxian, introduced last year Executive meeting of the State Council to consider the adoption of the master plan of ecological environment water lake with good. Central Government invested 1.6 billion yuan, the new pilot 27 Lakes. Central fiscal consolidation in special ecological environment in rivers and lakes, in 2014, will focus on support of 15 Lakes, Lake annual investments amounting to 2.3 billion yuan.

At the same time, environmental protection Department is also preparing the soil and organize the implementation of the plan of action for environmental protection and pollution control, three key tasks for implementing heavily polluting farmland planting structure adjustment, remediation of contaminated plots of soil management and pilot, 6 soil-building demonstration area of environmental protection and pollution control, and start the detailed investigation of soil contamination and soil environmental engineering the first batch of key projects.

"Preliminary consideration 6 a soils demonstration area of environmental protection and pollution control, you may select the mining area located in certain urban plots. , "An official at the Ministry of environmental protection on 21st century business Herald explains, is about to start a thorough investigation of soil pollution is, people often say that encryption survey on the scope of the investigation will be considered the beginning of major grain producing areas, on the basis of further expansion.

Zhou shengxian, the clean water action plan and the plan of action for environmental protection and pollution control in soil is being revised and improved, will form the draft submitted to the State Council as soon as possible.

  2014 nitrogen oxides emission 5%

In addition to the three major environmental action plan in 2014, another major task is to total emissions of four major pollutants.

Zhou shengxian, introduction, in 2013, is expected to complete annual emission-reduction mandates, in particular nitrogen oxides are expected to decline by more than 3.5%, emissions below base 2010 emission reduction per cent for the first time. "Nitrogen oxides fell by 3.5% above, is compared with last year. "Total control of the Department of environmental protection Secretary Liu Bingjiang to 21st century business Herald reporter explained that their emissions for the first time turning a corner.

Total nitrogen oxides control is difficult. In 2011, nitrogen oxide emissions by 2010 compared with rose 5.73%, emissions are not eased, failed to complete scheduled to decline in early 1.5% goals. In 2012, the nitrogen oxide emissions dropped by 2011, achieve the annual target of zero growth.

"Previously, nitrogen oxides are not eased, is mainly governed by was the lack of electric power industry NOx electricity price subsidy incentives. "Liu Bingjiang analysis, the State's 2011 14 pilot provinces per kilowatt-hour increase 8 per annum after denitrification electricity price subsidies, this policy at the beginning of 2013 to spread across America, and in August this year will increase subsidies to 1 cent, greatly stimulate denitrification facilities on the power industry's enthusiasm.

"In 2013, new thermal power in the country and denitrification capacity is Twelve-Five in total two years ago times. Cement scale denitrification achieved responsibility requires 1.6 times. "Liu Bingjiang analysis, nitrogen oxides as secondary pollutants is one of the important precursors of PM2.5, which accelerated to reduce emissions very important positive impact on governance PM2.5.

Zhou shengxian, introduction, set in 2014 annual emission reduction mandate: from 2013, sulfur dioxide and chemical oxygen demand and ammonia nitrogen emission decreases in the amount of 2%, 5% reduction in nitrogen oxide emissions.

For this reason, decomposition implementation in 2014-Department of environmental protection and emission reduction tasks and "six factory (farm)" focused on engineering measures to comprehensively advance 1379 target responsibility project successfully completed and strive for new municipal wastewater daily processing capacity of 10 million tons, sintering machine flue gas desulfurization of 15,000 square meters, 130 million kilowatt coal-fired units and denitration, eliminate trade-in cars more than 3 million cars. Accelerate the introduction of the green electricity prices and environmental protection facilities for coal-fired power unit runs on supervision (hereinafter referred to as the rules), the discharge permit regulations and other documents.

"Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of environmental protection has been introduced in 2007 the desulfurization of coal-fired power generation units and desulfurization facility operation and management procedures (trial implementation) (hereinafter referred to as the pilot), this approach need to be revised. At the same time, now generators not only the desulfurization, denitrification and dedusting, so you want to modify the pilot on the basis of increased NOx and dust content, form an integrated approach to environmental management. "Liu Bingjiang introduction, the methods in the first quarter of this year is expected to be introduced, and the first draft discharge permit regulations are expected to be formed this year.

In addition, the Department of environmental protection will improve the pollution reduction work mechanisms, the improvement of verification method, using local verification, the State combines random manner, good progress in the work of the provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities), commissioned a provincial (district, municipal) organizations to verify their own, Organization for emission reduction projects in spot checks to prevent fraud. Focus is to redesign the verification, focused around the verification of implementation of policy measures to reduce emissions, focusing on project completion and monitoring of the construction and operation of the monitoring system. Third, improved emission reductions approved, on-site verifications were true measures to reduce emissions or emissions reduction to be accepted.

(Original title: pollution control national speed of action)

January 10, 2014 21st century business Herald
2014年环保工作重点任务部署 污染治理行动提速|污染治理|行动|任务_新闻资讯




  “大气、水体、土壤污染治理,是国务院确定的本届政府环境保护的三项重点工作。”环保部部长周生贤表示, 这也是2014年在全面深化生态环境保护领域改革的同时,环保部需要全力推进的三项重点工作。“《清洁水行动计划》和《土壤环境保护和污染治理行动计划》已经在环保部党组会议上讨论过一次了,再讨论论证一次后,将上报国务院。”


















  周生贤介绍, 2014年确定的年度减排任务是:与2013年相比,二氧化硫、化学需氧量和氨氮排放量分别减少2%,氮氧化物排放量减少5%。






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