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delv published in(发表于) 2014/1/10 8:21:57 Edit(编辑)
Environmental Protection Bureau of Guangdong Qingyuan fresh and original long criminal detention, had been recording report

Environmental Protection Bureau of Guangdong Qingyuan fresh and original long criminal detention, had been recording report(广东清远清新区原环保局长被刑拘,曾被录音举报)

Environmental Protection Bureau of Guangdong Qingyuan fresh and original long criminal detention has been recording report | | report | real name _ in Qingyuan, the Secretary of environmental protection news

Public phone recording real-report: the environmental protection Bureau, said "the minute of bringing down a factory"

Newspaper in Qingyuan (reporter Cao Jing) yesterday, Qingcheng District, Qingyuan city people's Procuratorate confirmed that the original environmental protection Bureau Director Chen Bai and Qing city on suspicion of abuse of Office crime, bribery, have been detained.

9th, Qingyuan public cell phone recording real-name reporting Chen Bai and ready to use their official extortion of businesses. After receiving the report, the local discipline Inspection Commission set out to investigate, and on the 31st of the month the case was informed. Earlier, the Qing City Commission for discipline inspection said Qingcheng District, Qingyuan city environmental protection Bureau Director Chen Baihe reported on mass real phone machine and related issues, by the Guangdong provincial public security centre of forensic experts and Qing City Commission for discipline inspection departments, such as the investigation, recording the truth, Chen Bai and there is talk about an identity does not match the rhetoric. At the same time, found Chen Bai and other disciplinary problems. After Qingcheng District Committee decided, replacing Chen Baihe town Qing District Committee member, Party Secretary and Director General, District Environmental Protection Bureau, according to procedures and investigation.

On January 6, Chen Bai and Qing city of the Procuratorate alleged abuse crimes, bribery investigation. On January 7, the criminal suspect Chen Bai and under criminal detention. Then micro-Qingyuan, a number of government departments to be informed. Qingcheng Office staff said that at present, the case is under further investigation, not disclose more details of the case.

Recently disclosed by the Qingyuan discipline cases, Qingyuan branch officers last year 8 level cadres, including bending committed a crime, bribery of yingde city, former Deputy Mayor, Public Security Bureau Zheng Beiquan.

(Original title: fresh original Qingyuan environmental protection agency long criminal detention)

(Edit: SN035)
January 10, 2014 Ocean excursions, Guangzhou daily
广东清远清新区原环保局长被刑拘 曾被录音举报|环保局长|实名举报|清远_新闻资讯


  本报清远讯 (记者曹菁)昨天,清远市清城区人民检察院证实,清城区原环保局局长陈柏和因涉嫌滥用职权罪、受贿罪,已被刑事拘留。






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