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delv published in(发表于) 2014/1/10 8:21:52 Edit(编辑)
Downtown Kunming police uniform with a blast bomb hostage-men

Downtown Kunming police uniform with a blast bomb hostage-men(昆明警方闹市用爆震弹制服劫持人质男子)

Downtown Kunming police uniform with a blast bomb hostage man (picture) standoff | | | hostage blast bombs _ news

At about 11 o'clock yesterday, near downtown Kunming 121 Street, a man armed with a knife hijacked a decoration worker entered a nearby electric vehicle maintenance shops, and pull down door and confronted police. Almost 4 hours later, after persuasion failed, police used the knock playing knife-wielding men uniforms, rescued hostage was rushed to the hospital upon inspection they do little harm.

  At about 11 o'clock

  Knife robbed people pull down shutter refused dialogue

Shop owner near the incident, Mr Chen said that before the incident, he saw a man carrying a bicycle patrol officer, the man dropped his bike to escape, fleeing hotel near hijacked during a decoration worker, "he was squatting in the corner cutting", says Mr Chen, the man grabbed the decorators, a knife against his throat.

Knife-wielding men hostage to road-building and 121 main street intersection, a large number of police rushed to the scene.

Mr Chan said, men did not heed Police persuasion, continued hostage-taking on overpasses, came in at 121 main street on the other side, during which police had been following, but has taken no action. After a flyover, about 11:30, knife-wielding men hostage in roadside electric vehicle maintenance shop and shop out.

Witness, Mr Ma said the knife-wielding men quickly pull on the shop door and refuses dialogue with the police.

  11:30-13 confrontation

  Claws trying to break into the police but gave up

Mr Ma said that a large number of different duties of police support, there's ambulances on standby at the scene. Several cops formation claws to electric vehicle maintenance shops.

Meanwhile, the police have been rolling across the room as propaganda to persuade. "There is no effect, there is no any response", Mr Ma said.

Deadlock after an hour, the police took action for the first time. Mr MA told the Beijing News reporter, before 13 o'clock, police tried to pry the door but quickly gave up, "estimate is to ensure the hostage safety, could also store environment is not understood. ”

  13 o'clock-14:47 free

  Man detonation bomb failed to police hostages

Police standoff and knife-wielding men for more than an hour. In the meantime, police in nearby shops saved the walkthrough tips.

Mr Ma said the knife-wielding men asked police to arrange a taxi to let it out. About 14:30, shutter doors opened at about one-fourth, knife-wielding men can be seen wearing a black jacket, left hand, grabbed the hostages shoulders, neck in her right hand a knife to hostages.

Knife-wielding man outside is not out of the shop, "after police handed a piece of paper, shut the door again. "A few minutes later, the police opened the door to persuade. Knife-wielding men hostage to move back a few paces, "police said a taxi arranged, allowing him to leave. "Mr Ma said, but the door was pulled down by knife-wielding men.

14:42, pull back the door and placed on the rear window of the shop opened two packs of cigarettes, Ma said, the police have been trying to disarm the window.

14:47, a police officer right hand a detonation bomb sneak up on rear Windows, pull to the store stocked, "then a loud noise". Mr Ma said that almost at the same time, a large number of police rushed into the shop, knife-wielding men threw the uniform. Hostages were subsequently brought before the ambulance to the hospital.


  Failed car theft, the taking of hostages

16:37, Kunming police said the knife-wielding men, Cheng (male, zhaotong, Yunnan province). Yesterday at around 11 o'clock, and at 121 stores stealing a mountain bike patrol police found, in the process of catching them in men escaped, fled to Wenchang Xiang hotel, in front of the hotel with a portable tool for construction of a man held hostage.

Yesterday, at 14:47 P.M., following persuaded work carried out by the public security organ to the suspects, police to take decisive measures, all duties with the suspects caught Cheng, hostage rescue, no casualties occurred during the entire disposal. At present, the case is under further investigation.

This version of writing/Beijing News reporter a sufficient justification

(Original title: downtown Kunming police uniforms abducted the hostages men)

(Edit: SN091)
January 10, 2014 The Beijing News


  11时许 事发






  11时30分—13时 对峙





  13时—14时47分 解救







  ■ 通报




  本版采写/新京报记者 林野



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