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delv published in(发表于) 2014/1/10 8:21:44 Edit(编辑)
CPPCC members suggested opening a sexual assault prevention education in primary schools

CPPCC members suggested opening a sexual assault prevention education in primary schools(政协委员建议小学开设防性侵害教育课)

CPPCC suggested sexual assault prevention education elementary school lesson is | | | CPPCC sex education sexual assault _ news

Newspaper in Changsha in recent years, the primary victims of sexual assault to occur. In Changsha, people's political consultative conference, plenary session of the second meeting, CPPCC Member Liu Yue suggested: "to prevent more children from sexual harm of invading to strengthen pupils ' time for the sexual assault prevention education. ”

According to his survey, most primary school students in Changsha before 2013, of primary school students and specialized sexual assault prevention programs have not established. The beginning of 2013, only in third grade students in the life and health of an established one hour of lesson content, tell the students what can't let others touch a private part. But when he visits found that the course set up there are still many problems, for example, courses and not enough for many schools, courses could not be content to implement; classroom teachers teach the right way; course failed to spread to the rural areas and so on.

Yue Liu suggested, from first grade on, introducing sexual assault prevention education in the curriculum content related, on the content of the course per academic year no less than five hours, can also be introduced into the curriculum through a variety of means, as in physical health education curriculum and instruction, extracurricular activities in drama mode introduced, in practice the group lesson with models or multimedia presentation.

He suggested that the reasonable setting of sexual assault prevention education lesson. Specific including three part: a is pupils on itself privacy parts of protection, clear body of which part for privacy parts, should note not let others touch touch; II is how face others of sexual harassment and sexual against, in face against Shi not fear, looking for opportunities out against people, in was of place loud SOS,; three is in was sexual against zhihou should timely told parents, and teacher or other elders.

Yue Liu believes that we should focus on strengthening of sexual assault prevention education for children left behind and, in particular, make up for deficiencies in care, students in rural primary school set up a special channel reported, sexual assault prevention curriculum classroom teachers on duty, providing protection for children in a timely manner, and create a good environment for relief.

Intern Wei Hao reporter Li Kefu

(Original title: proposals to strengthen pupils ' sexual assault prevention education)

January 10, 2014 The xiaoxiang morning news

  本报长沙讯 近年来,各地小学生遭受性侵害案件屡有发生。在政协长沙市十一届二次会议上,市政协委员刘岳建议:“为防止更多的孩子遭受性侵的危害,加强小学生防性侵害教育已刻不容缓。”





  实习生李伟豪 记者李柯夫



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