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delv published in(发表于) 2014/1/10 8:21:32 Edit(编辑)
Chinese and Japanese Ambassador in London BBC Diaoyu subject face to face

Chinese and Japanese Ambassador in London BBC Diaoyu subject face to face(中日驻英大使BBC正面交锋谈钓鱼岛等问题)

Japanese Ambassador to Britain BBC face to face on the Diaoyu Island issue (PIC) | Ambassador in London | date | BBC_ news

Beijing authorities wide nets, January 10 (Xinhua Zhu) aspect ratio, according to voice of the news reports, "Voldemort" is sweeping the world one of the fantasy novel Harry Potter villain. Although the Harry Potter series of books and movies have already concluded "Voldemort" the name suddenly blew up recently.

This stems from Chinese United Kingdom Ambassador Liu Xiaoming in an article published on January 2, in this article, Liu Xiaoming, Japan likened to the ghost of militarism, likened to the devil incarnate to Yasukuni Shrine. He writes: "If Japan militarists compared to Voldemort, Yasukuni Shrine is without doubt one of the Horcrux, on behalf of the darkest side of the soul of this country. "Then, Japan stationed in United Kingdom Ambassador Lin Jingyi also published an article saying that China could become Asia's Voldemort.

Controversy also stretches from newspapers to television, United Kingdom local time on January 8, United Kingdom broadcasting company's news night program broadcast an interview with the show, a guest participant of China in United Kingdom Ambassador Liu Xiaoming and Japan stationed in United Kingdom Ambassador Lin Jingyi.

The press night will be broadcast live between the two people in the same room, period, Ambassador Liu Xiaoming and Lin Jingyi definitions of Abe's visits to the Yasukuni Shrine and tit-for-tat response to the Diaoyu Islands issue. Lin Jing one vague, contradictory, contrasts with Ambassador Liu Xiaoming, an eloquent, based on facts, and always firmly expressed China's position.

The same day, BBC News night of Chinese Ambassador Liu Xiaoming, and Japan's Ambassador to Britain Lin Jing, along with Live Studio, the two sat a few meters apart, the Director first visited Lin Jingyi, interviewed after Liu Xiaoming, Liu Lin the duo had no direct dialogue while, Ambassador Liu Xiaoming, Lin Jingyi was one by one to refute as Japan Constitution, theft of defend the Diaoyu Islands.

Liu: Abe since he took office, intensified its constitutional, buildup, the attempt to build a defence force, a series of visits to the Yasukuni Shrine of right-wing behavior challenged the postwar international order.

When the host explicitly asked, Japan to re-establish military standards, Lin Jing note cards.

Lin Jing: No.

Moderator: you like constitutional facts.

Lin Jing: Japan maintains the will for peace is strong in the world, Prime Minister Abe himself is very clear that he has no intention of changing the aim of peace, a breach of the Constitution.

Host: but why did you have to repeal provisions of the control of the armed forces?

Lin Jing: we do not want to use force.

Moderator: so what changed the Constitution?

Lin Jing: no, Japan country may have on the constitutional dispute, but Prime Minister Abe himself has made it clear he has no intention of changing the pacifist constitution core content, including not to go to war.

Lin Jingyi defended Abe's blatant attempt to, but hearing his remark is not a tenable evidence. Late last month, Abe visited the Yasukuni shrine's move and claimed that "maintaining world peace," opposite.

(Original title: Japanese Ambassador in London BBC face to face: who are the "Voldemort")

(Edit: SN095)
January 10, 2014 China broadcast network

  央广网北京1月10日消息 (记者朱敏)据中国之声《新闻纵横》报道,“伏地魔”是风靡世界的魔幻小说《哈利·波特》当中的一个大反派。虽然《哈利·波特》系列丛书和电影早已经完结,但“伏地魔”这个名字最近突然又火了起来。

  这源于中国驻英国大使刘晓明在1月2日发表的一篇文章,在这篇文章中,刘晓明把日本军国主义比作幽灵,把靖国神社比作恶魔的化身。他写道:“如果把日本军国主义比作伏地魔,靖国神社无疑就是其魂器之一,代表这个国家灵魂最黑暗一面。” 随后,日本驻英国大使林景一也发表文章称,中国有可能成为亚洲的伏地魔。
















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