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delv published in(发表于) 2014/1/10 8:21:29 Edit(编辑)
Chinese Academy of Sciences expert: H7N9 virus has limited interpersonal communication skills

Chinese Academy of Sciences expert: H7N9 virus has limited interpersonal communication skills(中科院专家:H7N9病毒已具备有限人际传播能力)

Chinese Academy of Sciences expert: H7N9 virus spreads already have limited capacity | H7N9| virus | H5N1_ news

 H7N9: mutations, there are risks

Institute of Microbiology, has cracked the most alarming both avian influenza virus H5N1 and H7N9 cross-species communication mechanisms and H7N9 virus has suddenly discovered, starting with limited interpersonal communication abilities.

Reporter _ Beijing Shi Yue Xu Xiaoxi intern _ Du Xue

Both government officials, scientists and the general public, can't wait to figure out two issues, bird flu will person-to-person? When person-to-person transmission of avian influenza?

H5N1 and H7N9 are two avian influenza virus to humans most at risk in recent years, after the H5N1 virus in infected humans for the first time since 1997, and in more than 60 countries worldwide, the mortality rate as high as 60%. H7N9 in late February 2013 first appeared in China's Yangtze River Delta region, and was menacing, in 10 months, China's 12 provinces found 148 people, including 46 deaths.

In such a rush, Vice President of the Institute for biological science, Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing, Institute of Microbiology researcher, Deputy Director of the Chinese Center for disease control and prevention, George f. Gao, led his team, from the molecular level, broke the current two most worrisome mechanism of avian influenza virus H5N1 and H7N9 cross-species transmission.

Looking for key mutations

Associate research fellow, Institute of Microbiology, Liu Zhai had, for example, a flu virus's eight genes form a team in which coded HA (hemagglutinin) was captain to help viruses enter cells; codes NA (neuraminidase enzyme) was vice captain, responsible for the release of virus from cell; the other six internal gene segments responsible for virus replication.

George f. GAO study team primarily concerned with HA protein, that is, viruses from infecting cells in the keys, it can with cell surface receptors to help viruses opened cell doors, this correspondence as a lock and key.

Influenza virus is not a panacea, it cannot enter the cells of all species, which have their own preferences with cell receptors, some flu virus only in conjunction with the chicken cells, some influenza virus can invade human cells.

Exists in the human upper respiratory tract of sialic acid receptor α -2,6 glycosidic linkage connection, traditional seasonal human influenza viruses are very good at identifying and combining this receptor, which invade human cells. Also exists in the lower respiratory tract and respiratory tract of poultry is similar to α- -2,3 receptors, this is avian influenza viruses like the combination of receptors.

Typically, lower respiratory tract of avian influenza virus is not easy to reach out to people, and only when the virus reaches a certain number, will it be possible to reach the lower respiratory tract, causing severe pulmonary infection, which is also low incidence of avian influenza virus, and the only reason death rates are so high.

Although H7N9 and has not yet received widespread person-to-person transmission of H5N1 virus, and once the disease through genetic mutation or distribution, ability to obtain preference combined with human upper respiratory tract cells, spreads are likely to have evolved from avian influenza viruses.

Governments, scientists and the public has been worrying, such a situation ever arise? After all, historically, due to gene mutation and won the transmissibility of reassortant influenza H1, H2 and H3, has been extensively popular in the crowd, there was "great influenza".

The case of H5N1, George f. Gao and his research team in May 2013, a paper published in the journal Science found that the highly lethal strain in the event of Q226L amino acid mutations, you would be binding and human respiratory cells. Q226L amino acid mutations has long been widely followed, it is H2, H3 subtype influenza history, cause of avian influenza into a human influenza pandemic.

H5N1 is also dire in, it happened once the mutation will not only won the ability to combine with human upper respiratory tract, and also changed its preference, it becomes easy to infect human cells, which means that the it person to person.

"The current monitoring of natural mutations of the H5N1 virus this terrible, but there is research evidence that H5N1 virus mutates and becomes more easily infect humans. "The paper's lead author, Deputy researcher of the Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of biological sciences, Beijing, Shi Yi said.

It is regrettable that, in current scientific level, humans can't predict what time will mutate, led to this very high mortality rate of the virus can be transmitted from person.

Soon, George f. Gao team also has a new research findings H7N9: on September 5, 2013 papers published in the journal Science said H7N9 circulating virus strains is already in four key mutation of amino acids, ability to obtain binding and human respiratory cells.

However, H7N9 is essentially an avian influenza virus, because it prefers to poultry and have the same binding receptors in lower respiratory tract cells. This means that H7N9 can invade on human respiratory cells, but only have limited transmission capacity, namely "limited person-to-person transmission."

"Invasion of lower respiratory tract virus likes to stay in the lungs, the virus in the lungs to be exhaled, it is more difficult, there are many mucus trap, making it unable to effectively spread," said Shi Yi. "The viruses that are widely circulated in the crowd, it must be the preferred binding of α- -2,6 receptor, which is more easily combined with upper respiratory tract cells, breathed easier and easier to spread. "

Currently, George f. Gao of the research teams are looking for variations that might lead to preference and H7N9 viruses combined, "now there are a number of directions, whether H7N9 or H5N1, once preference and combined virus, very likely to blame for the next pandemic," Shi warned.

 "Magic box"

Meanwhile, Liu Zhai, who is also using bioinformatics methods in an attempt to find out how avian influenza and wild birds-gene reassortant, and spread by poultry transport. According to their study, H7 entered Chinese poultry from wild birds already has a history, H7N3 in some provinces early distributions. N9 seldom found in China before and presumed incoming from migratory birds, most likely through wild geese and ducks and waterfowl into poultry. Due to the lack of sampling, a belief that there is currently a lack of conclusive evidence.

From April 2013, H7N9 in Shanghai as the Center, to spread around a circle, each to a new area, H7N9 with local chicken H9N2 virus reassortant in replacement of internal genes, known as "recruit players from the local". H9N2 because of its widely distributed in China and variety of numerous and H7N9 in quickly to produce new and different genotypes. By genotype data, one is able to infer the avian flu spread through poultry transport path, combined with the realities, you can cross-regional monitoring to provide early warning for the transport of live poultry.

"We are through cross-species communication mechanism and study on propagation path, and provide some recommendations to decision makers, for example, we developed this amino acid mutations is important, can result in person-to-person, then you're monitoring if such a mutation occurs in the natural world, as soon as this mutation, to improve prevention and control. "George f. GAO said.

Starting from 2005 in Qinghai Lake, George f. GAO study on bird flu has entered for ten years, he himself has recently elected academician. Recently, he also hosted on CCTV's 2013 celebration of science and technology was awarded the annual sci-tech innovation on people, selected on the grounds that "H7N9 virus and new flu outbreak prevention and control strategy provides an important theoretical foundation. "

George f. Gao, closing live bird markets, intensive culture, centralized slaughter and culled diseased birds is the best way. But under complicated conditions in China, the best policy would not necessarily be used. H7N9 after the outbreak, Shanghai was closed for a short time the live bird markets, and subsequently reopened, "Chinese people are used to eating live poultry, that cultural practices could not be changed overnight, can all take, take time. "

Currently for H5N1 virus, China of control measures is on poultry injection vaccine, also is has controversy of a items control measures, "in vaccine of pressure Xia, virus also may occurred mutations, most ideal of State also is culled, but consider to culled of economic cost, vaccine is complex situation Xia of a helpless select," George f. GAO said, "we not knows," Pandora "magic box what when will was open, inside will fly out what, we can do of, is in it open zhihou, as soon as possible cover Shang it. " Source: to be sexy

(Edit: SN054)
January 10, 2014 Shenyang network


  中科院微生物所已破译了目前最让人担忧的两种禽流感病毒H5N1和H7N9 跨种传播机制,并发现H7N9病毒已经出现突变,开始具备有限的人际传播的能力。

  记者_石悦 徐小西 北京报道 实习记者_杜雪


  H5N1和H7N9是近年来对人类威胁最大的两种禽流感病毒,H5N1病毒自1997年在首次感染人类后,在全球60多个国家肆虐,死亡率高达60%。H7N9在2013年2月底在中国长三角地区首次出现后,也是来势汹汹,在10个月内,中国12个省市发现了148人感染 ,其中46人死亡。

  在这样的尖峰时刻,中国科学院北京生命科学研究院副院长、微生物研究所研究员、中国疾病预防控制中心副主任高福,带领他的研究团队,从分子水平上,破译了目前最让人担忧的两种禽流感病毒H5N1和H7N9 跨种传播机制。











  "好在目前监测的天然H5N1病毒还没有发生这种可怕的突变,但也有研究表明H5N1病毒正在发生变异,变得更容易感染人类。" 论文的第一作者,中科院北京生命科学研究院副研究员施一说。














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