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delv published in(发表于) 2014/1/8 8:56:58 Edit(编辑)
Wenzhou police seized a jeep accident on the Amur tiger

Wenzhou police seized a jeep accident on the Amur tiger(温州警方在一辆越野车上意外查获东北虎)

Wenzhou police in an SUV on the seized Tiger (photo) | | color woven bag | Amur Tigers in the back _ news

  "Suspect one person is control of escaped" Wenzhou network update (a journalist Dai Wei): when agents trained in the morning, after a riverside road, found two men carry a snake leather packing things, suspects is a body, so he asked. Open the snake leather is a tiger bodies were found. Tiger man, one control and one escaped.

  "Police seized an Amur tiger in downtown" Wenzhou NET, January 8 (Xinhua gentle) according to the netizens revealed, Wenzhou police detachment in the downtown area, in the trunk of a white Toyota SUV, found a Siberian Tiger.

Blast friends "blame the ear" description, "January 8, jiangbin road, Wenzhou City Public Security Bureau SWAT team police in downtown train en route, discovered the roadside in the trunk of a white Toyota SUV that he had a real Tigers! Experts tentatively identified as Tiger! ”

See from the picture, in the trunk of a white sport utility vehicle, there is a colorful woven bags, a tiger crouched inside. Deer City Public Security Bureau political Department personnel, will hold a press conference this afternoon, introduced the relevant circumstances. This reporter rushed to cover.

(Edit: SN094)
January 08, 2014 Wenzhou NET

  【嫌犯一人被控制 一人逃跑】温州网最新报道(记者戴玮):早上特警在训练的时候,经过江滨东路,发现有两人抬着一个蛇皮袋包装的东西,怀疑可能是尸体,于是就上前询问。结果打开蛇皮袋发现竟是一只老虎尸体。当时抬老虎的人,一人被控制,一人逃跑。

  【特警闹市区查获一只东北虎】温州网1月8日讯(记者 温婉)据网友爆料,温州特警支队在闹市区,一辆白色丰田越野车后备箱中,发现一只东北虎。




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