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delv published in(发表于) 2014/1/8 8:56:56 Edit(编辑)
Wenzhou a sidewalk manhole burst explosion, manhole covers were blown up to 1 people

Wenzhou a sidewalk manhole burst explosion, manhole covers were blown up to 1 people(温州一人行道窨井突发爆炸,井盖被炸碎致1人伤)

Wenzhou covers a sidewalk manhole burst explosion was blasted to 1 cuts | | sidewalk manhole | explosion _ news

  Wenzhou a sidewalk manhole cover blown off all of a sudden heat rushed pedestrians injured

Wenzhou NET, January 8 (reporter Wang Jianping Pan Yong燚), January 8, Wenzhou City Qingyuan road before the 95th a sidewalk manhole explosion all of a sudden, a huge blast iron manhole cover blown to pieces. Accidents caused by on-street party were injured, have been sent to nearby hospitals for medical treatment.

Wenzhou lucheng District Committee propaganda Department official tweets @ Wenzhou lucheng releases: January 8, Wenzhou City Qingyuan road before the 95th a sidewalk manhole cover blown off all of a sudden, manhole heat rushed in along the pedestrian injured, have been sent to nearby hospitals for medical treatment. Local administration and law enforcement, safety supervision, environmental protection, territorial units such as streets and troubleshoot gas and water company has been in the scene for more reasons.

Rag Lady Liu said near the site of the incident, when she heard a loud noise, and then I saw flying manhole cover 13, four meters high, well out of the thick white smoke. It is understood that the injured pedestrian was steamed fresh bag in store owner's younger sister. The victims ' families describes, at casualty stations near the manhole. After the explosion, punctured his face burned, his face covered with mud. Is currently near the hospital for medical treatment.

On January 8, gas company workers have arrived at the scene for testing, according to them has been identified 6 inspection points will be detected.

(Edit: SN094)
January 08, 2014 Wenzhou NET
温州一人行道窨井突发爆炸 井盖被炸碎致1人伤|窨井|爆炸|人行道_新闻资讯

  温州一人行道窨井盖突然被掀翻 行人受热气冲伤

  温州网1月8日讯(记者 王建平 潘涌燚) 1月8日10时18分,温州市区清源路95号前一人行道上窨井突然发生爆炸,巨大的冲击波将铁制的窨井盖炸成了碎片。事故造成路边一行人受伤,现已被送至附近医院就医。

  据温州鹿城区委宣传部官方微博@温州鹿城发布 消息:1月8日10时18分,温州市区清源路95号前一人行道上窨井盖突然被掀翻,路边一行人受窨井内热气冲伤,已被送至附近医院就医。当地行政执法、安监、环保、属地街道等单位及燃气、排水公司已在现场排查了解详细原因。




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