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delv published in(发表于) 2014/1/8 8:56:54 Edit(编辑)
Wait-and-see Sino-Korean trade zone: part of North Korean trading companies in China return

Wait-and-see Sino-Korean trade zone: part of North Korean trading companies in China return(观望中朝经贸区:部分朝鲜驻中国商社人员返回)

Watch for Sino-Korean economic and trade zone: part of the Korean company returns to China | | | foreign businessmen Sino-Korean economic and trade zone of Korea _ news

Return of Dandong businessman found in some of the North Korean company to China

Businessmen from the Chinese side or the incorporation of investment in Yanbian's optimistic message

On December 17, 2013, many North Koreans in China people in Dandong yalujiang broken bridge area. Here are the Korean Consulate General in Shenyang permanent Office is located in Dandong, before they came to mark the second anniversary of the death of North Korean leader Kim Jong Il.

The North Korean Government executions known as "second person" said after Jang, which is North Korea's first anniversary of national importance. Towards the investment of Chinese businessmen attended the commemoration, they try to by clues to judge the future of Chinese attitudes.

Fear well justified, towards the joint development and management in the rason economic and trade zone and Huang Jinping, wafer economic zone on the island, he was the main promoter towards the side.

Dandong businessman noted that North Korea led to some trading companies in China have returned to the country; Yanbian's businesses may have been Chinese or forming a company to invest in an optimistic message.

  Low-key Gold zone

North Korean leader Kim Jong Il before the second anniversary of the death, North Korea held a grand ceremony. The event attracted the eyes of the world, December 12, 2013, has been considered as North Korea "second person" he was executed, observers counting North Korea to attend the commemoration of the absence of political figures, analysis of the Korean Council of direction.

Memorial ceremony in Dandong, China, and attended by Chinese businessmen are trying to use the same way to make their early to avoid risk. A donggang businessmen found, some staff members to China does not appear in the ceremonies, he was told, these people have been returned to North Korea. Another Dandong businessman told the same story, too. They did not tell reporters the names of these people in the South, but in the same day a year ago, a similar situation did not happen.

Merchants fear North Korean people after returning to China, North Korea will be more massive political purge, in turn, will affect their investments. Former donggang businessman has iron ore, hotels and other businesses in North Korea, their liaison officers, that these investments were not affected for the time being, you can still continue to operate. Has a close relationship with North Korean officials, who still did not put down the worries, "what will happen in the future, don't know", what they are doing, only maintaining the operation of the project, wait-and-see caution.

Smaller border trade companies are lucky, the political changes in North Korea took place at the time of the year is drawing to a close. A border trade company managers say pan, North Korea implemented a planned economy, indicators have almost reached the end of political changes have little effect, but to leave them enough time to wait-and-see. Head of another border trading company surnamed Sun is relatively optimistic, he finds that border trade of small goods closer to everyday life, suffer less likely.

After Jang was executed, for normal opening of the port in Dandong district, laden vehicles still lined up for customs clearance procedures. By contrast, Huang Jinping, wafer economic zone is for someone to the island.

Since the beginning of 2010, North Korea's former leader Kim Jong Il visited China three times in a row, with China on the establishment of economic and trade area and Huang Jinping, Wei Luo at of the consensus of the economic zone on the island, he highly involved. In 2011, he attended the gold economic zone development launch. After the death of Kim Jong-Il, he is considered to be advancing towards the side key figures developed two economic zones. In August 2012, Mr Chang's visit to China, Huang Jinping, wafer was signed on behalf of the DPRK and China joint development deal the island, economic zone management Committee was formed during this period.

As the first developer of the two islands, ping rapid development of the economic zone of gold into the honeymoon. On September 15 of that year, gold Office Building Foundation of the CMC, CMC officially recruiting staff, investment in the economic zone will be held immediately. Dandong starting official publicity surrounding new Yalu River Bridge, the Golden island and Granville Island "bridge Islands" of urban development strategies.

According to media reports in mid-December 2012 side is expected to see the gold economic zone in Dandong, workers busily advancing the project.

But now, gold development in the economic zone becomes low. Gold, new property developments at a temporary Office of the CMC in the economic zone, one staff member said the Foundation office a year ago "not covered". CMC and construction of the economic zone's external principle is "don't advertise". 2013, the CMC held entrepreneur meeting, describes the construction of economic zone of gold, but the meeting content is not publicly available. On December 18, 2013, in the economic zone on the gold floor, described in the media in the once-booming construction scene you do not see, only a few diggers parked on entrances in the economic zone, planning in the district, there are no construction signs.

  Rason economic and trade zones hot and cold

Economic zone rason economic and trade area and Huang Jinping, Waffle island start simultaneously, but North Korea actually developed earlier to rason. -Yanbian State hunchun border economic and trade areas, as is mentioned in the judgement of Jang, prompting more speculation.

In 1994, North Korea set up Luo Tianjin-Vanguard municipality, became the free economic and trade zone early. In 2010, Kim Jong Il's visit to China, rason was upgraded to a special municipality and amend the rason economic and trade zones Act. Since then, developed and joint management of the Romanian economic and trade agreements, the rason economic and trade zones act again amended, and in 2012 has been implemented. This law determines, there are plans to set up in the economic and trade area, international logistics, equipment manufacturing to high-tech industry, processing industry, light industry, service industry, modern agriculture, mainly industrial area.

Rason to China, its ice-free ports have great development value, from the port of the Japan Sea and maritime logistics, development of the Northeast region is significant.

Hunchun, East Economic and trade Corporation in 2005 that is trying to develop Rajin port. In August of that year, East company zone bonded Ltd and hunchun border economic cooperation as China's investment, with North Korea's rason economic cooperation Bureau of the municipal people's Committee established the international logistics joint venture clubs of North Korea's rason, plans to create "road, port".

"Road port" project plan construction of Ting to Rajin, Won Chinese standards of secondary roads, rebuilding rason port Pier 3rd, construction of industrial parks and bonded zones.

Donglin Fan Yingsheng, company Chairman, said this project had been North Korea's domestic political constraints. Complex situation on the Korean peninsula, the Korean Central Government with political, coupled with North Korea not members of the ADB, the World Bank, and subject to international sanctions due to nuclear testing, project financing difficult. Eventually, the "road port" project failed to achieve, which is the most common dilemma for Chinese enterprises to invest in North Korea.

In 2012, after the rason economic and trade zone was officially launched, the first project, Yuan Ting-Luo Xian road-building, construction and rental of rason port, see "road port" shadow.

Passage of time, not East forest companies to implement these projects, Fan Yingsheng, however still more large-scale enterprises, to invest in the rason economic and trade zone. But he was once again under the impact of North Korea's domestic politics, Jang led him to postpone the event.

And for ordinary farmers residing in estuarine shore, Jang incident on their direct impact is that Luo at the casino closed, reduced Chinese visiting the North Korean Casino, restaurants and shops deserted.

But Fan Yingsheng to rason economic and trade prospects remain optimistic, he found that the rason economic and trade zone construction is Kim Jong Il's decision, rather than his brother-in-law. One business information sources was equally optimistic, rason economic and trade zone development validation is an act of State, or will in the near future on the Chinese side to form a mixed ownership enterprises to invest.

  "Good for Sino-Korean economic cooperation"

December 2013, the Yanbian University of North Korea Studies Center Director Jin Qiang has been traveling four times, taking part in the seminar on North Korea.

In recent years, the Korea media year will analyze of the DPRK's foreign trade total weighting, judge North Korea's economic dependence on China. One theory is that in 2007, this proportion is 67%, and have been rising, to per cent by 2011. One of North China's import volume is greater than its exports to China.

2013 1 trade with the North of Liaoning province, exported 10. $ 6.8 billion, an increase of 6.18% and imports us $ 819 million, down 1.41%. Also take into account since April, China's strict implementation of United Nations sanctions resolution against North Korea.

High degree of economic dependence on China, is one of the reasons for North Korea not to rush into change. For China, the Jin Qiang believes that stability on the Korean peninsula to facilitate China's development, opened the rason economic and trade area, can significantly reduce the logistics cost of the economic development in Northeast China for China's layout is also very beneficial in Northeast Asia, "the economic cooperation will be better for North Korea."

From the perspective of international politics, Jin Qiang analysis, stability on the Korean peninsula is conducive to China's development. He enumerated since late Qing, and adverse effects of the change in the situation on the Korean peninsula to China.

Lv Chao served as the Liaoning Provincial Academy of social sciences, North Korea Research Center, has been retired, but remains concerned about the Sino-North Korean relations. He says, appeared before North Korean trading company replaced the leadership as a result of interest in cooperating with Chinese enterprises, Chinese business people causes worries are not entirely unfounded, but Jang incident, there is no such situation arises.

Gold Lv Chao identity construction of the economic zone has been slow, but he believes that for a reason. "Joint development and management, after all, is something new, such as legal, jurisdictional issues need to be addressed, not just the hardware construction. ”

South reporter Tan Zhuo from Dandong, Yanbian

(See Sino-Korean trade zone)

(Edit: SN028)
January 08, 2014 The Southern Metropolis daily































  辽宁省2013年1至9月份对朝贸易,出口额为10 .68亿美元,同比增长6.18%,进口额则为8.19亿美元,同比减少1.41%。这还要考虑4月以来,中国严格执行联合国对朝鲜的制裁决议。





  南都记者 张晗 发自丹东、延边



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