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delv published in(发表于) 2014/1/8 8:56:48 Edit(编辑)
Vice-Minister national railway supervisory Ministerial Railway Corporation

Vice-Minister national railway supervisory Ministerial Railway Corporation(副部级国家铁路局监管正部级铁路总公司)

Vice-Minister national railway supervisory Ministry railway headquarter | State Railways Railway Corporation | | " Three "program _ news

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Announcing the "sanding" programme 8 months after the official unveiling and open government Web site of the national railway company. State Railways in 2013, after the separation of the railway reform of the newly formed State rail industry regulators.

On January 6, Yang, Party Secretary and Minister of transportation and State Railways Lu Dongfu, the Secretary participated in the unveiling ceremony, and after the formation of the first working meeting held on that day.

According to open sources, the new National Railway Administration managed by the Ministry of transport, oversees 18 of the country's railways safety, railway transport market, quality of service and so on. As original mor "one divided into three" at the latest after the formation of the sector, the State railway company's unveiling marked the restructured railway system overall performance.

Last year, the China business news reported had exclusive State Railways consists of seven regional railway administrations, information about new open government Web site confirmed the news. Journalists on the Web site "regional agencies" section found, Shenyang, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chengdu, Wuhan, Xian, Lanzhou, 7 Division of authority has been formally finalized.

According to information obtained by this newspaper, the State railway authority administrative preparation for 130, and is responsible for the supervision and management of railways in the Pro RC area railway authority to the establishment of 350, level 1 and 2 are equipped with.

Yesterday, the reporter's exclusive was informed that the regional rail authority with 18 local railway administration will "divide and rule", there is no intersection. Regional Rail Authority staff by open audition, former railway departments streaming modes. Shenyang railway system yesterday to this newspaper disclosed that Shenyang railway authority had been through public recruiting civil servants to recruiters.

At present, there is no regional rail authority officially unveiled, but multiple sources showed large areas Supervisory Board has fundamental readiness. According to official news, the State railway company organs and cadres at and above the 7 regional railway administrations attended the opening session of the 6th.

Wuhan railway Bureau a person told this newspaper yesterday said the Wuhan railway authority all preparations are in place, with the unveiling of the State Railways, regional rail authority will soon follow. Multiple sources show that even if the framework has been set, but the regional rail authority team perfect needs some time.

According to available sources, same regional rail authority responsibilities, including project quality and safety supervision and management of railway transport safety, railway, railway transport equipment, product quality and safety; supervision of railway related laws, regulations and standards and norms implementation organization according to law or take part in railway accidents and railway construction project quality and safety accident investigation process, is responsible for the analysis of accident statistics, reports, notifications, and so on.

Among them, the railway administrative licensing products and licensing business of supervision and inspection and supervision work of railway transport equipment and construction bidding two particularly noteworthy. Corruption the worst-hit areas of the railway system has become widely tended to be concentrated in these two areas. Concerned, set up a "third party" regulator in favour of regulation and development of the railway system.

Despite the regional railway company is about to all appearances, but the entire national railway system can truly control is still being questioned. Reporters from parties concerned understand the Administration tone night is one of the reasons, and the Division of responsibilities between the China National Railway Corporation to clarify. For the moment, involved in both areas was a large cross section, and railway company part of the core from the Ministry of railways, it is difficult to avoid the "shortcomings".

In addition, the national railway company as Vice-ministerial department, how to regulate "Ministry" China Railway Corp is also controversial. In this regard, one person from China Railway Corp told this newspaper yesterday said the reform is only the initial stage of the railway system as a whole. (This article source: business news)

(Original title: Vice Ministry of State railway company inaugurated regulatory rail total disputes)

January 08, 2014 Overseas network
















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