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delv published in(发表于) 2014/1/8 8:56:45 Edit(编辑)
Urumqi people’s Congress group owners, witnesses, restore

Urumqi people’s Congress group owners, witnesses, restore(乌鲁木齐人大代表结伙打业主,目击者还原现场)

Deputies Association owners witness restored in Urumqi Urumqi | | | deputies owners _ news

CNS, Wulumuqi, January 7 (reporters Tao Shuanke and Song Xueyun)-December 31, 2013, located in Urumqi, Xinjiang Tengfei labor Street junction real estate LLC, 17/f, in a mass Brawl, in which participants sometimes XV session of the national people's Congress in Urumqi Tang xinde. Reporter 7th confirmed that Tang xinde hit Urumqi public security departments has been held in administrative detention and a fine.

7th, the reporters came to Urumqi, Xinjiang Tengfei building, total 18 floors of the building, including 1 to 17 floors of all leases to other companies, 18/f, is soaring real estate companies own work area. Soar Corporation electric control door lock, from the glass through seeing officers walking, Bell has been no one to open the door. Journalists waiting at the gate of Kung Fu, one of the staff, notes after interviews, the staff to the company, no one is refused interviews, and reporters to leave.

According to witness her working in the building said: "hit the scene is for the day was scary, there's about a dozen men into a ball, and some people were injured, and drew blood. Similar noises are common, but the big event was the first time he saw the fight! ”

Located near the elevator downstairs tenants also witnessed the entire hit, and he said: "it was lunchtime, and was about to go downstairs for lunch, suddenly heard the stairs shook rattles and onlookers a lot, someone in the crowd Police evacuated a few minutes later, the elevator doors closed. ”

Off emerging Street police officer said the sea area of the building: "I was in the community, police station out of the police, I know it, blow from a specific reason other civilian police know, take off the building has a number of real estate companies, beg for wage something that I will be at the end of each year, but fights for the first time, civilian police arrived on the scene was over. ”

Marine officers said: "after about two or three days, say soaring building Director, we hit the people have got it, there was no representative of the people, are two young boys, of which there is a female, probably is off the building staff. ”

Urumqi municipal people's Congress Office of the person concerned on 7th said beating incident has been dealt with. Journalists from other departments confirmed that Tang xinde suspected of battering, Director of the Urumqi people's Congress meeting for discussion and approval, agreed that measures of constraint taken against Tang xinde administrative detention by public security organs.

A responsible person in the Office of the people's Congress in Urumqi, and everything is subject to the findings of the public security department.

Shuimogou District Urumqi City Public Security Bureau branch currently has served on the national people's Congress in Urumqi municipal people's Congress Tang xinde reports of administrative detention in accordance with law. On December 31, 2013, Tang xinde allegedly twice beaten by Xinjiang Tengfei real estate development company expands riding check in Villa property in accordance with the contract to rights owners. Public Security Bureau of Urumqi Shuimogou District Branch under the People's Republic of China public security penalty law article 43rd rules, Tang xinde in accordance with the administrative detention of suspected battering and fines. (End)

(Original title: partnership for assault Urumqi deputies owners were detained (photo))

(Edit: SN035)
January 07, 2014 China News Network
乌鲁木齐人大代表结伙打业主 目击者还原现场|乌鲁木齐|人大代表|业主_新闻资讯

  中新网乌鲁木齐1月7日电 (陶拴科宋雪云)2013年12月31日,位于乌鲁木齐市劳动街路口的新疆腾飞房产有限责任公司大厦17楼发生一起群殴事件,其中参与人员有时任乌鲁木齐十五届人大代表唐新德。记者7日证实,唐新德因为打人已被乌鲁木齐公安部门行政拘留并处罚款。











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