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delv published in(发表于) 2014/1/8 8:56:35 Edit(编辑)
Tsinghua University found that 2,300 years ago “Calculator“ that square root operations

Tsinghua University found that 2,300 years ago “Calculator“ that square root operations(清华大学发现2300年前“计算器”,可运算开方)

Tsinghua University found that 2,300 years ago "Calculator" square root operation | | | calculator slips _ in Tsinghua University news

5 years ago, into the Tibetan diaspora overseas for many years of the warring States period bamboo slips, Tsinghua University ("Tsinghua Jane"). Yesterday, unveiled this batch of bamboo slips, Tsinghua University fourth research results. This total publishing has 3 article Tsinghua Jane literature, which, is table under literature not only was mathematics history expert finds is currently domestic found first of practical is with, also has over past as liye Qin Jane 99 table, and Zhangjiajie Han Jane 99 table and Northwest unearthed Han Jane 99 table, ancient multiplication table of calculation features, was called "China mathematics history and world mathematics history Shang of a items major found".

People's daily reporter Zhang Xiaoge


  The balance for the earliest practical calculation

Unearthed documents research and Protection Center director Li Xueqin of Tsinghua University Professor, made up of 21 bamboo slips in the balance, 17 of them intact, and another 4 to Tibet has some deformity, but according to research, to complement the content of defective parts.

Li Xueqin said, after research found that of the balance not only complex multiplication can be transformed into a simple addition, can also be used for Division and square. Use this set of the balance, not only can quickly calculate the product of two arbitrary integers under 100, can also be calculated as part of the score "half" two-digit multiplication. Computing power than ever found in China "liye Qin dynasty 99 table" and "Han Zhangjiajie 99 table" ancient multiplication tables.

National Chairman of the society of the history of mathematics, Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of history of natural sciences research fellow Guo Shuchun describes, the determination of carbon-14 to the same batch of bamboo slips and the characteristics of the text itself to determine, determine when written into the balance at mid-term of warring States period at the nights end, is currently seen by the earliest mathematical documents in kind. Found is also currently the earliest practical calculation.

"The balance formed around 305 BC, than previously discovered formed in more than 200 years BC liye even earlier Qin dynasty 99 table. "Responsible for the consolidation of the balance of the Center for research and protection of unearthed documents researcher Li Junming told Xinhua.

Value: Guo Shuchun believes that the balance, fill the gaps in the literature of pre-Qin mathematics, is now seen by China's earliest mathematical documents physical, than to be able to see ancient decimal multiplication table earlier age, at the time the world is quite advanced, history of mathematics in China and the world is a major discovery in the history of mathematics.

The balance for the spring and autumn and warring States periods is a climax in Chinese traditional mathematics, provides support and is the first climax, the nihilistic attitude of denying the achievements of mathematics in ancient China squashed at home and abroad.

  "Gossip" Chu BU divination tools

Fourth series also includes an article entitled the law of divination literature, recorded a prevalent in the warring State of Chu, unlike the store of the book of divination methods.

According to Li Xueqin introduction, this article well preserved, with no apparent defects. In 2008 into the possession of Tsinghua University found, much of the bamboo slips full to maintain the original state of a volume. This reporter learned that, Tsinghua simply due to age and stored in underground, most of bamboo slips were broken. Because of this, the volume status of the divination methods are very rare, and is more rare, the volume of bamboo is the order number for content consolidation provides a great convenience.

The divination Act full text column writing, and accompanied by illustrations and tables, style like a silk book. Jian Wen detailed descriptions of principles and methods of divination, contains a large number of hexagram with a number of cases. Digital GUA form with the star concept, bun, Ge Ling actual divination of Chu bamboo slips such as divination as a whole.

Another question in the three articles of the Hexagram, the structure less, was supposed to be 8, but there was a missing. Slips of the group there is no ordinal rank, nor may refer to imprint at the back, can only be sorted based on the content.

Value: the unearthed documents research and Conservation Center director Li Xueqin of Tsinghua University Professor, gossip of the divination methods, separate Octagon linked bitmap, see diagram of the easy is the first so far. Eight trigram diagrams similar to the possession. For three of the pre-Qin dynasty's research offers important clues.

In addition, documented 64 of the House/GUA GUA Gua, the Zhouyi eight diagrams for images, Gua, Gua-order derivative studies and Gua have significant reference value.



Tsinghua University when Jane finds

Scattered gifts overseas alumni for years 5 years ago

In July 2008, the Tsinghua University for alumni donations Zhao Weiguo, hide into a number of warring States period bamboo slips overseas empire for many years, a total of about $ 2,500. For a large proportion of Jane and Jane are generally available on the text. Jane varied in form, the 46 cm long, the shortest 10 cm or so. This issue of the collection of the Tsinghua bamboo slips were known as "Tsinghua Jane."

Tsinghua Jane is about the economics, and the history of a classic bamboo slips, including the history of Confucian classics such as the book of Odes, the I-Ching and many historical works. Tsinghua Jane after finishing with the format, a total of about 64 articles, amount to about 60,000 words, involving the core content of China's traditional culture, in which most of the text has been lost for more than 2000 years, are extremely valuable.

Confirmed by determination of carbon-14, and Jane are late in the warring States period relics of Tsinghua University, mainly the text style of Chu, in the warring States period bamboo slips discovered so far in high number. By Jane Qin in Tsinghua University before being buried, not "cheat", so to maximize the show the original appearance of pre-Qin classics, studying them can help you understand the early face of Chinese culture and history.


The balance of how to calculate

Holes threaded connections in figures

Li Junming said the balance through bamboo cross constituted 21 and 20 column, row, column, cross formed over more than 400 Plaid, which can be divided into three functional areas, including the single digit of the multiplier and the multiplicand, ten DC, lead and the result of the operation. Is table under according to decimal operation, on multiplication,: to calculation Shi, just with hole in the wearing out of leads cross flat vertical put related of multiplier and was multiplier contact in together (by multiplication on addition of distribution law, single digits number and ten bit number respectively leads), again will all line in results district cross points Shang of digital plus in together, that is last of operation results, friendly shortcut.

"This not only would arrive at the result of the operation, also shows the middle of the operation. "Guo Shuchun said that the balance can be directly used for not only two-digit multiplication can be used for a division operation," may also be used to square, but further studies are needed to explore ".


Tsinghua Jane how to preserve

Warehouse environment thermostat placed in distilled water

Zhao Guifang, a researcher at Tsinghua Jane research team told reporters that Tsinghua Jane now placed in the warehouse eight 76 cm pan, plate with distilled water, placed more than more than 20 bamboo slips inside each pan. Above the bamboo slips on the glass clean, which literally upside down, this is mainly to prevent the light effects on the writing surface. Label every bamboo marked stainless steel, easy to study on finishing of late.

"Warehouse curtains pulled two layers, a layer designed to prevent ultraviolet radiation. "Zhao Guifang said that posted above the water dish with a layer of plastic film, is to prevent too rapid evaporation of moisture, and second, to prevent dust entering the bamboo slips of carry microorganisms, cause damage to bamboo. Covered with plexiglass cover over the film, plastic film for protection.

Zhao Guifang introduction, this warehouse environment to maintain constant temperature and humidity, and the temperature and humidity recorder for warehouse environmental monitoring records. "We have coffers slips checks three times a week, according to different conditions, change the water two or three times a year to ensure stability of the bamboo slips. ”


Tsinghua Jane what

Research results before revision history error

On January 5, 2011, Jane first results published in Tsinghua University, including Yin Zhi, the letters patent of the Cheng Wu, baoxun Yoon Jin 縢 of the senior citizen's night of the King's Gate, a surname of the Chu of the 9 articles. First documents brought back the book and similar Scriptures, clarify some trouble with an ongoing debate on academic history, found a previously unknown Psalm of the Zhou dynasty, recovered the history and geography of the Chu State, offers ancient text of Chu research in particular precious materials.

In December 2011, the possession of warring States period bamboo slips, Tsinghua University (ii) publication of income lost more than 2,300 years of history, Tsinghua University, unearthed documents research and protection of staff members of the Centre has been named the year of. A total of 138 of the year slips, unbending will is divided into 23 chapters, records from the early years of the Western Zhou dynasty to the early period of the warring States period's history, there are many of them, not in documents handed down, possibly of the Zuo Zhuan to the Chinese classics such as the historical records of a revised role.

In January 2013, published Jane the third batch of research achievements of Tsinghua University in Beijing, of which three with the life of Fu said during the Eastern Jin dynasty classical Chinese Fu said in the book of the order of the content is completely different, thus proving that the Eastern Jin dynasty scholar Mei Ze Kong Chuanben offered as the prose of the book had been forged.

(Original title: 2,300 years ago, China discovered a calculator)

(Edit: SN064)
January 08, 2014 The Beijing times
清华大学发现2300年前“计算器” 可运算开方|清华大学|计算器|竹简_新闻资讯












































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