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delv published in(发表于) 2014/1/8 8:56:31 Edit(编辑)
Township Party Secretary in Sichuan was suspended, had threatened is threatening party

Township Party Secretary in Sichuan was suspended, had threatened is threatening party(四川乡党委书记被停职,曾称威胁我就是威胁党)

Township Party Secretary in Sichuan was suspended has been threatened, I, party | party Secretary for Sichuan | | suspended _ news

When people called at the reception, reaches the plain Tin Village Party Secretary Luo Chung language a startling, called the "threat is threatening party", broadcast by Florida and forwarded by netizens, raises concerns. Last night, the official Micro-Blog of the plain people's Government Information Office news release, "improper remarks are true, Luo Chung has been suspended by the relevant Department for investigation". Chengdu business newspaper reporters from the relevant authorities confirmed that the microblogging should be true.

According to reports, in March 2012, Sun Lin, with both of whom local residents invested more than 700,000 yuan in tanks built a stone factory slag waste treatment plant. In accordance with the relevant agreements, each stone factory on processing fees every year, comprehensive treatment of these costs by Tin Heung Yee Kuk office collection, then go over to Alex Hankin. However, Alex Hankin has failed to press agreed to receive the appropriate costs, seriously at a loss. Alex Hankin find pot Township government, responded: "there are no specific enforcement rights. ”

Alex Hankin couple finds Florida television stations, township on January 2 with reporters to jar. Broadcast on the January 6, undercover investigation video display, Tin Township Party Secretary Luo Song says, "I did not come, you went to the (leadership), not me, you get reporters to do, I'm afraid. "Luo Chung also said that he and television very well," I am the city down, why don't you know, feel like you're threatening me. "" You threaten the Communist Party, or I will tell you, asked the Public Security Bureau to deal with the things you thought you knew the station, I know more than you. ”

Yesterday, the Chengdu commercial daily telephone calls called Luo Chung, he said, when the Township he worked, this was left by the previous Township government issues.

Chengdu business news reporter Jiang long

(Original title: "you threaten me ... ... You threaten party "mine Township Party Secretary were suspended after the words)

(Edit: SN028)
January 08, 2014 Chengdu business daily
四川乡党委书记被停职 曾称威胁我就是威胁党|党委书记|四川|停职_新闻资讯





  成都商报记者 江龙



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