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delv published in(发表于) 2014/1/8 8:56:26 Edit(编辑)
Tied Zhejiang 2 people in the car were burned to death, police said because of love disputes

Tied Zhejiang 2 people in the car were burned to death, police said because of love disputes(浙江2人在车内被绑着烧死,警方称因感情纠纷)

Tied Zhejiang 2 people in the car were burned to death police said because of love disputes in Zhejiang | | | car car _ news

People's daily Beijing, January 7 (Xinhua Tang Shuquan) according to the Bulletin of Yiwu city, Zhejiang Province Public Security Bureau, January 6, Yiwu City police 110 command Center received a report said Temple Town East of fucun hollow has a car on fire, two bodies were found in the car. After the alarm, police immediately in accordance with the homicide case detection mechanisms organized inspection staff rushed to the scene to investigate. Had been provisionally identified, two deceased were the song (male, Yiwu city people) and Wang (female, Yiwu), because of love disputes, criminal suspects song kills Wang to commit suicide. At present, the case is still under further investigation.

Zhejiang Province, according to the City Express reported yesterday afternoon, temple town in Jinhua city, Zhejiang Province Yiwu woodlands, a red car on fire, killing two people in the car. High witnesses saw the fire and called the police, and see when involved in fire fighting, cars on the passenger window hung with a male who was burnt to death, feet tied to a chain, back in the car, and a charred corpse. According to qianjiang evening news reports, one eyewitness at the scene, two victims were found tied up in the car.

(Edit: SN095)
January 07, 2014 People's daily online
浙江2人在车内被绑着烧死 警方称因感情纠纷|浙江|轿车|车内_新闻资讯

  人民网北京1月7日电 (记者 唐述权)据浙江省义乌市公安局通报,1月6日14时36分,义乌市公安局110指挥中心接到报警称:佛堂镇上傅村东侧山坳内有一辆汽车起火,车上发现两具尸体。接警后,警方立即按照命案侦破机制组织相关人员赶赴现场进行勘验侦查。经初步确定,两名死者分别为宋某(男,义乌市人)和王某(女,义乌市人),因感情纠纷,犯罪嫌疑人宋某将王某杀死后自杀。目前,案件还在进一步侦查中。



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