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delv published in(发表于) 2014/1/8 8:56:13 Edit(编辑)
Sweet amount of hospital construction are three kinds of statements being false question

Sweet amount of hospital construction are three kinds of statements being false question(嫣然医院筹建金额现三种说法被质疑造假)

Amount of smiling at me in hospital construction are three claims being questioned fraud | | false | formation amount _ smiling at me the hospital news

"Smiling at me the Fund denied that '7000 money unaccounted for, '" track

The Beijing News (by Hu Han Yang Feng yanxinyu) Academy of China, smiling at me Angel Fund for charity has been questioned on suspected irregularities, Li yapeng public projects waves again yesterday. Whistle-blower Zhou Xiao赟 said, smiling at me Angel construction amount of the children's Hospital presents two kinds of statements in public, "suspicion of fraud". Beijing News reporter was also found, on the amount of construction of the hospital, there is a third way.

In this regard, smiling at me Angel Fund, public relations official said that the related questions of investigation and will take some time, the outcome will open the first time. Previously, smiling at me questioning 70 million Angel Fund money unaccounted for, then made a statement the Red Cross Foundation, publicity-related expenditures, and not found irregularities in Fund for smiling at me.


Information release: Chinese Red Cross Foundation (smiling at me Angel fund management unit)

Distribution channels: statement of January 6, 2014, to the smiling at me the Angel Fund

Part of: "directed to Angel smiling at me in Beijing children's hospital-building capital of 53.22 million dollars ... ... Funds for hospital construction are all from 2009 and 2012, smiling at me Angel Fund targeted fund-raising dinner ".


Information release: Li Shi (smiling at me Angel, Chief Executive Officer of the Fund)

Distribution channels: signals from several times in the interview that

Parts: smiling at me Angels children's Hospital "by 8 directors invested more than 50 million Yuan to set up" 20 wards and 4 operating rooms in hospitals come from donations.


Information release parties, Chaoyang District, Beijing environmental protection Bureau

Distribution channels: the EPA official website of the construction project has been to receive project announcements

Parts: in the bulletin "project profile" column displays, smiling at me angel investment is at children's Hospital in Beijing as "a total investment of 30 million Yuan", in which own-capital of 15 million Yuan, raised $ 15 million Yuan, the project investment is mainly used in hospitals such as software and hardware inputs, to build.


Three theories about who was wrong?

"Angel children's Hospital: how much money to put smiling at me? "Found" claims a "and" claims II "and made questioned of Zhou Xiao赟 think, appeared before and after varies of situation, or is smiling at me Angel Fund Executive President Li Shi in external publicity Shi said has lie, will" smiling at me Angel Fund directed allocated of 53.22 million "moved to has" by 8 bit directors investment more than 50 million Yuan "head Shang; or is plus red base will in statement in the by said of 53.22 million directed funds, smiling at me Angel children's Hospital inputs has good paragraph at least over 100 million.

In the Beijing News reporter found "three", smiling at me Angels children's hospitals with a combined investment of 30 million Yuan. Red Base before the Declaration is correct, difference of more than 20 million Yuan. Zhou Xiao fine about this question, "this isn't someone lying in the Middle, was a digital fake."

"Smiling at me" audit report was too easy?

In addition, Zhou Xiao赟 also questioned said the large donations of up to more than 53 million expenditure, why no information disclosed in the audit report.

Yesterday, Zhou Xiao赟 criticized the audit reports released smiling at me too simple, "in addition to the audit conclusions, only a very simple table showing income and expenditure, the total amount of grants, specific direction has not been disclosed."

Smiling at me Angel Fund, responded by saying the day before yesterday, has on its website publicity annual audit reports. Smiling at me Angel Fund in 2012 audit report of website publicity has only 5 pages, which contains a detailed financial statement only total expenditure and income data.

"Smiling at me audit reports are certainly not full version. "Yesterday, Zhang Wenjun Dacheng Law firm Attorney profiles, formal audit report detailing all expenditures, including balance sheet, operations, cash flow statements, and so on. Therefore, Zhang Wenjun believes that this audit report should be simplified.

Zhang Wenjun, in the face of questioning, smiling at me should actively publicize the complete audit report, showing the detailed expenditure of the project, in order to avoid misunderstandings.


Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau: Academy of classical learning in China have been found to amass wealth

Yesterday, the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Civil Affairs announced on "College Chinese" Foundation report, said Foundation names is in order, according to the audit report did not find "to collect money on behalf of the public interest" issue. Li yapeng as his legal representative at the same time, acting as legal representatives of other organizations is true, have ordered rectification.

According to reports Zhou Xiao赟, Li yapeng as "College Chinese" Foundation legal entities at the same time, he is also a "beautiful spring" cultural dissemination of the legal representative of the company. According to the relevant provisions of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, philanthropic foundations shall simultaneously serve as the legal representative of the legal representatives of other organizations.

Zhou Xiao赟 information disclosure and investigation an application to that effect to the Beijing Civil Affairs Bureau. On December 20, the Beijing Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau said it would investigate.

In addition, the Beijing News reporter December 20, 2013, found that "beautiful spring" the legal representative of the company has changed as "ping".

Beijing Municipal Bureau of Civil Affairs announced the investigation, said it had ordered rectification procedures are in the process.

(Original title: smiling at me in hospital construction amount of suspected fraud)

(Edit: SN064)
January 08, 2014 The Beijing News

  ■ “嫣然基金否认‘7000万善款下落不明’”追踪

  新京报讯 (记者胡涵 杨锋 闫欣雨)书院中国涉嫌违规、嫣然天使基金善款遭质疑,李亚鹏公益项目昨日再起波澜。举报者周筱赟表示,嫣然天使儿童医院的筹建金额在公开场合呈现出两种说法,“涉嫌造假”。而新京报记者在采访中亦发现,该医院的筹建金额上,出现了第三种说法。














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