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delv published in(发表于) 2014/1/8 8:56:10 Edit(编辑)
Suzhou provides an exit to see children of permanent residence abroad can consult family leave

Suzhou provides an exit to see children of permanent residence abroad can consult family leave(苏州规定出境看望国外定居子女可参照探亲假)

Suzhou provides outbound visits abroad to settle the children can refer to leave Suzhou exit | | | visit _ news

Staff writer, Nanjing, January 5 (reporter Wang Weijian)-an increasing number of overseas talent to sue entrepreneurship and employment. Recently, the Suzhou municipal Government Executive meeting consideration and adoption of measures for the protection of interests of returned overseas Chinese and relatives of overseas Chinese in Suzhou, Suzhou city, this is the first to "overseas Chinese" on the theme of government regulations, is also in the prefecture-level city in China's first overseas Chinese into protection combined with government regulations. The new "approach" Suzhou overseas Chinese community propped up the umbrella, will be officially launched in February this year.

Current business in Suzhou overseas Chinese are 13800, high-level personnel accounted for more than half of them. Suzhou Jiangsu Province, winning "double program" of the 403 people, 85% are overseas Chinese, election to the national "thousand talents program" 141 experts, 99% for overseas Chinese. Registered investment of overseas Chinese enterprises in Suzhou, one-third per cent of the city's foreign-funded enterprises.

With a large number of overseas Chinese came to Suzhou, venture capital, intellectual property, social security, schooling for children, such as spouse employment needs and issues highlighted. Introduced in the "measures" to protect the interests of overseas Chinese and returned overseas Chinese and the family members provides a more comprehensive and detailed provisions.

Schooling is a lot of common problems facing returning overseas talents. This new "methods" States that overseas Chinese children attending compulsory education school guardian resides in their country should be treated as a local resident children register for school, free and compulsory primary education in accordance with law.

Now, many young people settled in Suzhou overseas, their parents look forward to some holidays with children reunion. The new "measures" set flexibility, no enforceable provisions, expressly "settler children of workers in the city to visit exit, the unit can refer to workers leave the country to visit your parents provide for the appropriate holiday."

The new "approach" there are also specially set up preferential policies for returned overseas Chinese. At present, the total of returned overseas Chinese, Suzhou, 202, 98% have retired, and those returned overseas Chinese and compatriots from small gave up favorable conditions abroad back to the motherland. In order to reflect on their care, "approach" provides that "returned overseas Chinese and returned overseas Chinese in Suzhou city permit holders visiting gardens, scenic view of Palace and Temple, in accordance with the provisions of preferential".

Returned overseas Chinese and the family members of the hardship, the new "approach" provides for a certain degree of care. Retired returned overseas Chinese enterprises to comply with the relevant conditions, monthly subsidy of 100 yuan per person; families of returned overseas Chinese residents, returned overseas Chinese monthly issuance and security standards 20%, which guarantees payment.

Suzhou municipal overseas Chinese Affairs Office of person says: "this regulation not only provides guarantees for protecting the legitimate rights and interests of overseas Chinese community, and put the talents of people, to sue entrepreneurship more confidently in the overseas Chinese living and working in Suzhou. ”

(Edit: SN064)
January 08, 2014 People's daily online-people's daily

  本报南京1月5日电 (记者王伟健)越来越多的海外人才来苏创业就业。近日,苏州市政府常务会议审议通过了《苏州市华侨归侨侨眷权益保护办法》,这是苏州市第一部以“侨”为主题的政府规章,也是我国地级市中第一部将华侨纳入保护主体的政府规章。新出台的“办法”为苏州侨界撑起了一把保护伞,将于今年2月正式实施。









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