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delv published in(发表于) 2014/1/8 7:48:06 Edit(编辑)
Nokia CES2014 largely appear Lumia issued cell phone,

Nokia CES2014 largely appear Lumia issued cell phone,(诺基亚CES2014露露脸,发放Lumia手机,)

Nokia CES2014 largely appear Lumia issued cell phones-Nokia, Nokia 1020, Nokia 1520,Lumia,CES2014-IT information Nokia CES2014 largely appear Lumia issued cell phones

Although Nokia is not obtained in the CES2014 booth, but Nokia is aiming for appearances in Las Vegas, Las Vegas during the CES is the current capital of high-tech industry.

Nokia put up booths at the Fashion Show Mall in Las Vegas, booth located at Treasure Island, the junction of the Palazzo and Wynn Casino.

Nokia at its booth display equipment and related applications such as Lumia1020 and Lumia1520.

In order to attract attention, Nokia will also be presented to visitors this week over Lumia Smartphone .


诺基亚CES2014露露脸,发放Lumia手机 - 诺基亚,诺基亚1020,诺基亚1520,Lumia,CES2014 - IT资讯


诺基亚在拉斯维加斯的Fashion Show Mall摆起了展位,其展位位于Treasure Island、Palazzo和Wynn赌场的交界处。




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