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delv published in(发表于) 2014/1/6 10:27:17 Edit(编辑)
Weiyuan, Sichuan gas accidents in the waste rock has been 1 death caused by,

Weiyuan, Sichuan gas accidents in the waste rock has been 1 death caused by,(四川威远一矸子厂发生瓦斯事故已致1死,)

Weiyuan, Sichuan gas accidents in the waste rock has been 1 death caused by Sichuan gas accident of Weiyuan | hidden | | _ news

CNS, Chengdou, January 5 (reporter Liu Zhongjun)-5th reporters from Sichuan, Weiyuan County Government Emergency Office was informed that, at about 11 o'clock in the morning on the day, the County's Grotto Bay spoil at Xiaohe town, factory gas accidents occurred during the troubleshooting process, has caused 1 death, 3 other people were trapped.

According to reports, the time of the incident, Xiaohe Grotto Bay spoil the ongoing troubleshooting, mine a total of 8 people. 5 managed hoist. Among them, 1 people taken to hospital died. 3 people are still trapped.

After the accident, local relevant department personnel rushed to the scene to rescue the trapped men.

Currently, 3 trapped men rescue work is being carried out, in the specific cause of the accident is still under investigation. (End)

(Original title: Weiyuan, Sichuan gas accidents in the waste rock has been to 1 dead and 3 were trapped)

(Edit: SN091)
January 05, 2014 China News Network
四川威远一矸子厂发生瓦斯事故已致1死 |四川威远|瓦斯事故|隐患_新闻资讯

  中新网成都1月5日电 (记者 刘忠俊) 记者5日从四川威远县政府应急办获悉,当日上午11时左右,该县小河镇岩洞湾矸子厂在隐患排查过程中发生一起瓦斯事故,已致1人死亡,另有3人被困。




(原标题:四川威远一矸子厂发生瓦斯事故已致1死 3人被困)


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