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delv published in(发表于) 2014/1/2 8:46:02 Edit(编辑)
Negative inventory in Chongqing ecological safety ensure the three Gorges reservoir area

Negative inventory in Chongqing ecological safety ensure the three Gorges reservoir area(重庆开列产业负面清单确保三峡库区生态安全)

Negative inventory in Chongqing to ensure ecological safety of three Gorges reservoir area | | negative list | _ in three Gorges reservoir of Chongqing news

Xinhuanet, Zhongqing, January 2 (reporter Zhang Guilin)-to ensure the three Gorges reservoir water quality and ecological safety, recently listed on industrial development in reservoir area of Chongqing "negative list" prohibits layout of hazardous parts, such polluted water, damage vegetation, high energy, explosive and other high security risk category.

According to the Chongqing municipality has recently implemented "building five major functional areas" plan, including wanzhou, kaixian County, yunyang County, Fengdu, fengjie, Zhongxian and the immigration district of the three gorges, such as, wushan, Wuxi in 11 districts, are designated as ecological conservation in northeast of Chongqing development zone requirements insisted on speeding up the development and protection of ecological and conservation protecting three Gorge area of the blue mountains. To this end, the layout optimization of Chongqing also supporting industry guidance, industry is listed "negative list".

Chongqing City Mayor Huang qifan, introduced, according to "negative list", a is shall not in TGP reservoir library week Strip layout dangerous of, chemical enterprise, and damage geological conditions of mining industry; II is shall not layout will on TGP reservoir water caused pollution of industry project; three is shall not layout will on library district ecological forest, various vegetation caused damage of project; four is shall not layout people burst and the related high security risk of industry project; five is shall not layout high energy industry project.

Listed in the "negative list" while also identified development in three Gorges reservoir of Chongqing industrial layout and basic principles, namely "conservation, development of points on the surface", focused on relying on the special industrial parks, tourism development, intensive development of major urban areas. Encourage and support the development of shale gas, wind power and other clean energy, tourism, agricultural and sideline products, characteristic resources processing industries. Classification of land resources and to configure elements of coal-oil transportation classification classification constraints, environmental protection measures, according to local conditions in the boot area development and eventually develop into an important ecological barrier in the Yangtze Valley, featured in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River Economic Corridor, the Yangtze River Three Gorges international tourism belt of gold and resource base.

(Edit: SN064)
January 02, 2014 The website

  新华网重庆1月2日电 (记者张桂林)为确保三峡水库水环境质量和生态安全,重庆市日前对库区产业发展开列“负面清单”,禁止布局危化类、污染水体类、破坏植被类、高耗能类、民爆等高安全风险类产业。





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