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delv published in(发表于) 2014/1/2 7:51:38 Edit(编辑)
Actress more pretty, the Follow,me new hot hits,

Actress more pretty, the Follow,me new hot hits,(女主角更靓,《Follow,me》新作火爆袭来,)

Actress more pretty, the Follow me-the new hot hit the Follow me-IT information Actress more pretty, the Follow me new hot hits

Remember that photo of the group called ' Follow me, huh? From Russia's young photographers Murad Osmann Nataly Zakharova holding hands with his girlfriend and now around the world. First time in half a year, their work is, there is full frontal view of the heroine, and more beautiful.

Same pose, same angle, same person. Different backgrounds, different clothes, different colors.

Six months later, ladies and gentlemen, the goddess found no, not like me. Come on, man, find the goddess, we're all set.


女主角更靓,《Follow me》新作火爆袭来 - 《Follow me》 - IT资讯
女主角更靓,《Follow me》新作火爆袭来

还记得之前那组名为《Follow me》的照片嘛?来自俄罗斯的年轻摄影师Murad Osmann和他的女朋友Nataly Zakharova牵着手出现在世界各地。时隔大半年,她们的新作也来了,还有女主角的正面照哦,更靓了。




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