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delv published in(发表于) 2013/12/30 5:44:28 Edit(编辑)
Ministry of land and resources: national severe pollution in farmland of 50 million acres

Ministry of land and resources: national severe pollution in farmland of 50 million acres(国土资源部:全国中重度污染耕地约五千万亩)

Ministry of land and resources: national severe pollution in about 50 million mu of arable land | | | farmland _ severe pollution of the Ministry of land and resources news

China network December 30 news today morning in State News Office held second times national land investigation main data results launches press conference Shang, homeland resources department Deputy Minister, and State second times national land investigation led Group Office Director Wang Shiyuan said, environmental protection department soil situation investigation results indicates that, national in the heavy degrees pollution arable land General in 50 million acres around, homeland Resources Department of geological environment investigation, in location Shang, in throughout evaluation Shang, and they convergence.

Wang Shiyuan said, the next step is to deal with land contamination, the State would take a year out of tens of billions of, start a heavy metal remediation of contaminated land, ground water comprehensive treatment of severely overdrawn pilot. We call the contaminated zones, all in the past economic development faster, more developed eastern and central areas of industry, the Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta, and Northeast old industrial base, still have some places in Hunan, where heavy industry, where you want to repair, and governance, but also to further converting cropland to forest and grassland, which requires a unified deployment.

(Edit: SN098)
December 30, 2013 China NET

  中国网12月30日讯 今日上午在国务院新闻办公室举行第二次全国土地调查主要数据成果发布会新闻发布会上,国土资源部副部长、国务院第二次全国土地调查领导小组办公室主任王世元表示,环境保护部土壤状况调查结果表明,全国中重度污染耕地大体在五千万亩左右,国土资源部的地质环境调查,在区位上,在整个评价上,和他们趋同。



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