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delv published in(发表于) 2013/12/30 5:43:58 Edit(编辑)
Home Ministry officials: the land does not affect the status of peasant household contract

Home Ministry officials: the land does not affect the status of peasant household contract(国土部官员:土地流转不影响农民家庭承包地位)

Ministry official: land transfer does not affect the status of peasant household contract land | | | land circulation _ contracting news

Xinhuanet, Beijing, December 29 (reporter Wang Libin)-Legal Director of the center of the Ministry of land and resources Sun Yinghui said in an exclusive interview with Xinhua, referred to rural land contracting right and right separation reform of rural land system, a move that would release enormous dividends of reform.

Central rural work Conference to be held this month, said: "to continue to explore the effective realization form of collective ownership of rural land, implementation of the right to collective ownership, stabilize the farmers ' contract, land management".

Sun Yinghui said that currently, a large number of rural laborers transferred to two or three industries, profound changes of the social structure in rural areas, agricultural scale operation of land circulation, changing "an acre three points per capita" of land fragmentation. Rights from land contract and management rights of secondary separation is to rural enterprises and agricultural land productivity requirements, such as adaptation, conducive to the liberation of productive forces in rural areas.

First half of this year, farmers contracted land circulation has reached 310 million acres nationwide, has 23.9% per cent of household contract land under cultivation, with nearly 80% is based on subcontracting and circulation of, inter alia, rental.

Sun Yinghui said secondary separation is in the context of rural economic development, adjusting the land property right relation, inherent requirement to improve land resource allocation structure, adapt to the changes resulting from the development of productivity rural production relations.

Sun Yinghui stressed that the subject cannot be a substitute for any contracted land of farmers ' family status. Regardless of the contracted turnover, ownership belong to the farmers ' community, contract right belongs to farmer family.

Sun Yinghui said, contracting a separate activation of the "person" (farmers) incentives and promoted the liberation of productive forces in rural areas. Contractual management of secondary separation activated "matter" (farmland) flexibility, promote a leap in the development of rural productive forces.

Sun Yinghui pointed out that reform must be based on rule of law. Immediate priorities is to modify the rural land contract law and property law and relevant provisions of unequivocal right to contracting, Contracting and management of content, nature, connotation and legal relationships. Secondary separation of strengthened contract and collective-owned construction land market management and/or land property right system reform of the system, such as enabling interoperability to ensure that reform of the bonus the maximum release.

Clear centrally by the Ministry of land and resources of the State Council is responsible for registration of land, houses, woodlands, grasslands, and seas, Contracting registration also will be integrated into the unified registration of real property. Central requires 5 years of rural land contractual management right registration certification.

(Edit: SN077)
December 30, 2013 The website











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