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delv published in(发表于) 2013/12/30 5:06:35 Edit(编辑)
LG,G3 parameters exposure: the blast is strong,

LG,G3 parameters exposure: the blast is strong,(LG,G3参数曝光:爆强,)

LG G3 parameters exposure: explode strong-LG G3,G3-IT information LG G3 parameters exposure: explode strong

In August this year, LG Display display sector has introduced resolutions up to 2560x1440 pixels 5.5-inch HD IPS LCD display panel. But it was LG company did not say whether its smartphones in the future using the QHD-resolution Panel. However, according to the latest message is displayed by 2014, everything will change in the second half.

ZDNet Korea branch, in a recent report that foreign aid of industry news, who spoke on condition of anonymity, says LG Android system next generation smartphones, which is currently LG G2 's successor will be named LG G3, and are expected to be released in second half of 2014. According to the industry insiders said, LG G3 QHD display panel will be equipped with 2560x1440 pixels, screen size is unknown. At the same time, the new flagship will also be powered by LG to develop an eight-core processor and is equipped with a 16 million-pixel camera. Report shows LG's homegrown processor, code-named LG Odin, based upon past media reports, LG will not only be used on LG G3, and the latest g-Pad tablet can also be seen in the figure.

First half of the year, LG company has signed an agreement with ARM, get authorization to produce 64-bit Cortex-A50 architecture processors, so we judge LG company is under license to develop 64-bit mobile processors.

LG rival Samsung companies will be introduced at the beginning of 2014, the same Galaxy S5 features a 5.25-inch QHD resolution, LG LG G3 companies may also be published in advance, with Galaxy formation S5 positive competition.


LG G3参数曝光:爆强 - LG G3,G3 - IT资讯
LG G3参数曝光:爆强

今年8月,LG Display显示部门曾经推出了分辨率高达2560×1440像素的5.5英寸IPS LCD高清显示面板。不过当时LG公司并未表示是否会在未来旗下智能手机中使用QHD分辨率面板。但是根据最新的消息显示,到2014年下半年一切将由有所改变了。

ZDNet韩国分社最近在一份报告中引援一位不愿意透露姓名的业内人士消息,表示LG公司的下一代Android系统旗舰智能手机,也就是目前LG G2的继任者将会被命名为LG G3,并且预计将会在2014年下半年发布。根据这位业内人士表示,LG G3将会配备2560×1440像素的QHD显示面板,屏幕尺寸未知。同时,这款新旗舰还将搭载由LG自行研发的八核处理器及配备一颗1600万像素摄像头。报告显示目前LG的这枚自主开发的处理器代号为LG Odin,根据之前媒体的报道,LG将不仅仅会将其用在LG G3上,同时在最新的G Pad平板电脑中也能见到它的身影。


LG公司的死对头三星公司将会在2014年年初推出同样配备5.25英寸QHD分辨率的Galaxy S5,因此LG公司也有可能将LG G3的发布时间提前,来与Galaxy S5形成正面竞争。


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