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delv published in(发表于) 2013/12/29 5:13:44 Edit(编辑)
Screens of the future: air touch screen,

Screens of the future: air touch screen,(屏幕的未来:空气触摸屏,)

Screens of the future: air-air touch screen the touch screen air screen-IT information Screens of the future: air touch screen

If you press screen past, touch screen is that it's now, so what is the future of the screen? Point doesn't seem to be a riddle, which is a serious and deep questions: if companies such as Displair guessed right, then screen future is obvious, the future is going to be air suspended era of interactive video.

According to the founder of Displair, Russia designer Max Kamanin, formed by mist and air high-tech display will be "visualization".

Tired of TVs, monitors, this type of "e-waste" Kamanin, trying to invent something new, physical environment where people can get rid of clutter, break the network in the air.

Idea is pretty cool right now, but how? This implementation, ahead in front of my friends already know. Released after their company air touch screen this implementation has been demonstrated, that's 3D image projection into a haze in the air, to create a holographic image. Kamanin explained: "the air screen is made up of similar tiny water droplets in the cloud, because this water is very small, so it does not affect the ambient humidity. If a paper or test with glasses, you'll find getting air screen paper remains dry, and glasses fog does not occur. When on a video projected onto these droplets, we can see screen show a projection of the air content. ”

Made up of air, moisture, and light Displair (air-screen), is the emerging holographic and 3D projection of one simple concept in the industry.

Kamanin says, "actually exists in nature, everything is created by people from nature: If you look closely, you can find the answer from nature. ”

As soon as the air screen, people won't need the glass screen with this stuff because we are entering the era of invisible screen, you just need to use gestures to control screen, signing up to 1500, but for the most part and we now get used to touchscreen gestures are similar, such as zooming the screen using two finger spacing.

Air screen technology has now been Google, big companies such as Coca-Cola and Pepsi ads, Kamanin believes it could have other uses, such as in medicine.

"Heart surgery, the doctor can view the patient's heart condition in the air, do not need to wash your hands, you can switch at any time, view the information on the screen." And this free screen, touch health than today. Kamanin said: "after Displair, we can develop for the extraction of schedules, restaurant menus and other information on public terminals. In other words, in the near future, when the air screen appeared, people can also use Displair to play the game, or search for information. ”

Kamanin said that projects develop in the future, he and his team will consider acceding to the olfactory experience, provides users with more realistic feel. But now they need more specializes in technical infrastructure, improve the quality of the picture and the air screen responsiveness is the focus of current research.

# Description: air touch screen one article before, there are a lot of people expressed concern about the stability of the air screen, water vapor that blow not to shake it? Breathe, the screen won't distort it? In fact, the current screen is in a space within the air, outer ring through the aerodynamics of the screen, set up a circle, normal air flow and will not affect the stability of the screen.


屏幕的未来:空气触摸屏 - 空气触摸屏,空气屏 - IT资讯


根据Displair的创始人、俄罗斯设计师Max Kamanin的说法,由薄雾和空气所形成的高科技显示屏将是“可视化技术的未来”。






空气屏技术如今已经被Google, Coca-Cola和Pepsi等大公司用于广告,但是Kamanin认为它还能有其他的用途,比如用在医学上。





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