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delv published in(发表于) 2013/12/28 6:05:04 Edit(编辑)
Look, its street view cars,

Look, its street view cars,(瞧,腾讯的街景车,)

Look,-Tencent Tencent's street cars street cars, street map of Tencent, Tencent-IT map information Look, its street view cars

December 26 in Beijing, blue skies and a strong wind blew the night before two days of fog and haze. Sunny Li Yongfeng, and Li gang, it is a good time to go out shooting, down on a two-day car can finally hit the road.

Don't get me wrong, Li Yongfeng, Li is not photography, Tencent streets they gathered members in the team, said they fed not be overstated. In order to obtain the best capture results, they need to squat to keep a good weather out. Beijing now has a total of 5 acquisition vehicle, removing restrictions and ran 4 cars out there every day. Beijing's shooting was mainly updated four-ring in the streetscape, has been going on for 3 months now, to finish level.

Tencent Street acquisition vehicles are usually equipped with two acquisition personnel, one for driving, a charge, like the rally inside a character. Li today take place in the southern ring, his driver meet quite adept, after all, has been working for 5 months. Foot of the Volkswagen Polo car, worth a hundred thousand of the market, but if you count the capture device, it is worth a Audi A8 car with low.

Every day, they will need to mount your camera equipment up over the wire in the vehicle control operations. Li gang is responsible for directing, through dedicated software planning routes, after each capture, are marked on the map, their provisions are provided where the car can go, to capture.

Li gang, when in working condition

The beginning of each section of the road, Li through a computer by pressing the start key, press once again suspended sweeper. Their speed was 30 km high speed minimum except those, but in this case a narrow auto parts city, they still miss the walk speed.

Street view technology

Tencent's most important part of street view car was up on the roof, above a 6 camera and image storage device, Li and his colleagues are handling them once a day, after filming was completed, the most important part will be locked in a tin box.

Most people are curious about the street view car technology, for which I interviewed head of Tencent Street Zhang Xian. Zhang Xian told aifan, the car itself was not complex structures, rear wheels have recording devices 3-5 spin wheels per camera, GPS location and record the time. 6 cameras on top of each shot will generate 6 photos, remove the part overlapping, to form a perfect sphere photo. Street scene that is actually made up of dense ranks of filming on the road, at each point is a spherical photograph.

During filming, synchronicity is important, camera, GPS, wheels live synchronization between these three, if synchronization is not enough the picture is wrong. Shot when the driver is required, in addition to basic uniform, but also to avoid social disturbance of the vehicle to prevent the sight was blocked. She saw in front of the bus, it is best to slow down away from, if there is a car or speed up or slow down to get rid of each other, not side-by-side for a long time.

In order to facilitate the data processing in the late, the car is possible straight lines, each collection begins and ends with the best in the same line, when confronted with a knit line, you'll need every line of every collection. In order to meet this demand, they need to keep the car in reverse, turning, and the driver is a physical work.

Li this afternoon gathering of auto city on the way, there a dozen roads criss-cross, and the base is a single lane, are very narrow. Sometimes in the acquisition process, front and several vehicles to get through, they had to interrupt the gathering, go back to make way for the car.

But Li says it is good, and they had previously collected alleys, roads narrower, to move along the road bike, walking slowly behind kept urging. If you are experiencing "ribs" on top of the hutongs, need to keep drilling drill.

On the main road would be so much easier, and allows shooting while turning, but they're turning in different ways, turn driving time is usually curved, and they demand is a right angle turn. In addition, road, Lane which lanes are provided.

However, the shooting streets form a first step, Zhang Xian to show love range has a full range of programs, a total of four steps, including data collection, data processing, online services and applications. Every step of the way a lot of processes, covering not only the personnel-intensive jobs, and application of leading-edge technologies, some light training before taking up to 2 weeks.

According to Zhang Xian said Tencent streetscape from the beginning of 2011 research and development technology, started out making hardware, through hand-made models, many circuits are manually controlled, constant feasibility demonstration prototype. Team absorb a lot of talent in hardware structure, images, electronic circuits, from doctor to master both. Street view the process as a whole, including circuits, software, client, graphic imaging, pattern recognition and other technologies of composite applications.

This is a money-burning effort, unable to commercialization of the project in the short term, but the company hopes to build a competitive barrier. Zhang Xian said, speaking from the breadth and depth of Tencent streetscape far beyond other company's products.

Started in Shenzhen

Li shooting is not the first step to Tencent Street in Beijing, Zhang Xian said Tencent Street is the first stop of Shenzhen, for a simple reason that Tencent is headquartered in Shenzhen, a problem well coordinated, and Shenzhen Customs open, relatively easy to accept new things. The second and the third respectively, Lhasa, Sanya, which is where two Chinese iconic scenery, street view has a promotional effect.

Coverage for each city, their standards are going North for Guangzhou-Shenzhen and other cities to all, including those living in rural and urban area covering second-tier cities, as long as the cars get to the local shooting. If it is too narrow in some places, cars can't go, you'll have to enable manually carrying equipment, acquisition of human resources, sometimes even using horses, boats. In addition, many closed down area also need carry equipment acquisition.

Artificial collection dress up (picture provided by Tencent)

As the different seasons, areas where they collect will vary widely. In their experience, suitable for harvest in autumn and winter in the South and North for summer and autumn harvest, weather of fall and winter in the South, collecting faster, mainly due to screen green considerations of the North, bare winter branches, affecting beauty. Lots of places like Harbin and MoHE in Northeast China was filmed during the summer and autumn.

Sometimes, they take extreme views, such as ice in the Northeast, also specifically in the winter to shoot.

In addition, the visibility is extremely important indicators, fog and haze basic severe weather is not taken, they squat to keep until better air to shoot. In fact, Beijing's bad air does not last too long and often windy and often played Savior. In some areas, dunshou 2 weeks without necessarily sunny, can only keep going.

Once you have a good day, it would be valuable, collection will take shot, or even take a lunch midday is the best time to shoot, relaxation, light, shadows of buildings at least, they will keep on shooting until the afternoon to eat. So the acquisition dependent on crossing the border, not virtual.

Collecting cars privacy issues

Acquisition is still unknown to many people, Li's car was stopped by the auto parts stores, there's people will lay down their job at hand, stop to take a look. Most of the time, even for this novelty a laugh it off, but sometimes trouble, 6 cameras easy to alert security personnel at the top. Li's car was stopped by an Executive asks, however, after explaining the situation, they will soon be released.

Situations such as this, Li met not in short supply, as long as the production of documents, most of the time, they are able to understand and release, but extreme conditions are also not uncommon. For example a high-grade community in Beijing, security has always been not to let them inside, meanwhile, the only thing they can do is to observe, no forced entry.

At the time of induction training, Li and his colleagues are informed of all kinds of unexpected things handle method. Just like Google Street view's troubles, they also will face police questioning, blocking, social workers to report, that they will try to match, if there was no pass will be reported in the first, the company would be resolved. For example, Shenzhen overseas Chinese town, is the letter addressed by the company headquarters, and in some cases arrested-fishing. In General, low profile, flexible principle is they're out there doing things.

Generally shooting a city, the first thing is to go to the local Bureau of surveying and mapping, get filming permits, and reported to the staff member. If you want to enter the school or area, you will need the local tourist Bureau files support requesting the scenic release, higher-level document is available to the Provincial Tourism Bureau.

In short, legal formalities, low-key, friendly, are important considerations of collection operations. Tencent hiring collection even when the candidates pick the bald, long hair, which may be less trouble.

Get me wrong big time in Luoyang, because those cars weird, they were trailing local drivers, alerting is many people have, in the end, they wanted all over the city on the blacklist, in police "capture", there is the local newspaper exposure.

Of course, they welcome people, no less, some businesses or individuals to welcome them to their own shot. Was also curious about "the end of line", leading to that piece of street view full figure, finally left him a few words of encouragement, it's gone.

A huge project

For the collection, due to the need to travel a lot, taking extra care when driving requirements, sometimes it can take up to 7 hours in the car, this is a hard work. However, the day shooting street view was born a small step in the process.

At 4 o'clock in the afternoon when the end Li gang shooting, auto parts crank up. After 4 can't shoot them, because the angle of the Sun, and easily back, and shadow of the building is large, affect the results.

Li gang, auto parts city shooting distance of less than 2 km, but took 1 hour, speed, street mileage accumulation of how difficult. After 2 years of hard work, Tencent Street mileage has exceeded 2 million kilometers.

Li and his colleagues have the car parked on the roadside, waiting for data on completion of the camera to remove the, put it in a metal box. This collected data all inside, dozens of GB of capacity. But far too early from Li concludes our work for today, he need to get equipment back to the company, data export, backups, this is usually 1, 2, step through the night, because the amount of data is too large, he still want to check for errors.

If you are in the field, they would need to be moved into the hotel, big box, inside the hotel guide data. They carry a lot of the hard drive, usually built up a week later, map of cumulative hard disk will be sent to Tencent's Beijing headquarters, where there are 2 specialist is responsible for sending and receiving your hard disk, than ever before, they get up to dozens of TB of data a day.

These data arrives after the just completed my streetscape one-fourth of the entire process, and there are a large number of data processing and privacy eraser works. Zhang Xian told aifan, Tencent Street late on up to 200 people processing, image shoot online, lasted 2 months.

It can be said that street view the whole process complicated, entire works can be described as vast. And because of that, its high barriers to entry, the small team is not easy to do, and only big companies like Tencent has the financial means to support.

According to Zhang Xian said, streetscape project investment in billions each year, there are currently 50 street cars, each worth close to millions of dollars, there are more than more than 100 collection. Counting the collection and data processing staff, Tencent's street team used human more than 300 people.

Beijing updates at this time will soon be over, Li gang shooting may have to take the field next year. Zhang Xian said street view cars now resources are 50% in large urban and the rest 50% is used to develop the prefecture-level city, such as Cosmos such well-known areas. There are some key attractions will enter, and more very seasonal colors.


瞧,腾讯的街景车 - 腾讯街景车,腾讯街景地图,腾讯地图 - IT资讯













































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