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delv published in(发表于) 2013/12/28 6:04:40 Edit(编辑)
End hold onto mobile, one-click Brush tool thief accomplice,

End hold onto mobile, one-click Brush tool thief accomplice,(年关守住手机,一键刷机工具成小偷帮凶,)

End hold onto mobile, one-click Brush tool thief accomplice-mobile, brush-Elf-IT information End hold onto mobile, one-click Brush tool thief accomplice

Thieves has been a soft spot for mobile clock, numerous thefts, percentage of cell phone is relatively high. Therefore, how to prevent mobile phone theft has become a required course for all, as well as to be victorious, after collecting evidence, this article just to Android phone, for example, analysis of dirty thieves do it again and PIN, for your reference, to find a breakthrough.

Group crime in jail to keep target a diversion:

Theft shaped for most are is group modus operandi, once long time has a a people in you around wandering, this when you will note has, may you has became has thief theft of target object, thief General will select in crowd comparison crowded or concentrated of regional crime, diversionary, crime regional within must has a to two a connector people, precision cooperation, such succeeded of chances will high many.

Huaqiang North "sell dirty" base brush machine Elf magic:

All week, huaqiang North is a large electrical goods had gathered, dominate the phone market, all kinds of mobile phone assortment, authentic, parallel imports, second-hand, and the cottage ... Basically everything you can think of here. Through visits, found here are thieves frequents "sell dirty" base, stolen cell phone sold at secondhand prices to dump sold mobile phones businesses, huaqiang North, which second hand mobile phone, System garbage that stores information on a large number of users, some phones have set a password, lock screen, but it didn't bother huaqiang North business. More popular tools currently on the market, such as brush-elves, because to remove phone lock screen and your password, brushing machines, for mobile phone and get a new system, and new faces to sell, becoming the must-have software for businesses.

Mobile Security 5 tricks begin with details at the end:

1, be prepared: backup your IMEI code, contact and information

2, simple principle: try not to decorate cell phone accessories, less is more

3, eye: in the crowded area with particular attention, such as crowded buses, observe the surrounding Dynamics

4, not far from hand: do not expose the phone in a place vulnerable to thieves get

5, Choi aim not: no matter how much mobile local despot, be sure to keep a low profile, many people try not to answer a call

Of course, the most vital to strengthen its awareness and end to, hope you all keep a watchful eye, do not give thieves can take advantage of!


年关守住手机,一键刷机工具成小偷帮凶 - 手机,刷机精灵 - IT资讯














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