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delv published in(发表于) 2013/12/28 6:04:19 Edit(编辑)
Apple detail: product packaging designs were not spared,

Apple detail: product packaging designs were not spared,(苹果细致入微:产品包装盒的设计也不放过,)

Apple nuanced: gusto-Apple product box design-IT information Apple detail: product box design were not spared

In product design, development, production and sale of each link, Apple insists on nuanced principles, even the packaging of the products they would not slip away, to find clues. And Apple's Cupertino headquarters there is a mysterious package.

Following is the full text articles:

People familiar with Apple knows that Apple is a quest to create a high quality product. Apple CEO Tim Cook said in an interview, Apple "is not in the garbage business." Also Apple industrial designers qiaonasen·aiwei in an interview with Vanity Fair is also said to have "people don't immediately notice he put on the things infinite energy".

In product design, development, production and sales of various aspects, apples are the meticulous principle, even the packaging of the product they will not easily let it go, to find clues. And Apple's Cupertino headquarters have a special mystery-wrapping room.

In this special room package designer opens the box countless times, looking for customers when you first open the box and how the emotional resonance. In the book Inside Apple, Adam Lashinsky is covered in apples packaging almost crazy levels.

For a small label, designers are testing a variety of arrows, color and tape, time and again, intended only to remind the user to paste the sticker on the top of the box with iPod back. Exactly is this designer's pursuit of packaging design detail.


苹果细致入微:产品包装盒的设计也不放过 - 苹果 - IT资讯





在这间特殊的屋子里,包装设计师无数次打开盒子,寻求的是顾客第一次打开盒子时会与产品发生怎样的情感共鸣。在《Inside Apple》一书中,Adam Lashinsky也叙述了苹果对产品包装近乎痴迷的程度。



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